
If any one sell recomandation did it create any problem??

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If any one sell recomandation did it create any problem??

now a days it very important to get recommendation.but all the buyers is not giving recommendation hence they the are if some one sell recommendation is it against the seoclers rule?? is it create any problem? or if buy recommendation is it create any problem?? please help me to find my answer.Thank you.


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Hi XtreamSMM,

I don't know if I fully understand your question. Recommendations are a feature of SEOClerks so of course there is nothing wrong with leaving them. The reality is that buyers gain nothing from leaving you Recommendations so you need to make them want to go to that extra effort for you by providing the best possible Service, keeping up with communication and leaving a friendly reminder in your delivery.


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recommendation is good because buyer like your service and recommend to other users but you dont ask him to recommend you because its not good idea.  give your best service i am sure you will get likes and recommendation

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We get recommendation automatically from buyer if they like our service. we can request them but can not force them. If someone is selling or if u buying recommendation then it may restricted your account & may be u will banned. 

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