
How long does withdrawl process take?

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How long does withdrawl process take?

Previously I withdraw about 25 dollars and it was very fast (Instant). I clicked withdraw and when I logged in p a y p a l they were there. But now I withdrawn 160$ and it shows processing withdrawl. How long does it take. Actually I thought p a y p a l payments will be instant and ordered a mobile phone but now I am strucked.


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Hi, give the withdrawal process about 24 hours then if you don't see the balance in your pay pal account contact customer care. This is not a problem with SEO clerks but with pay pal. Of late there have been severe delays with transactions on their platform

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Pa yp al withdrawals are supposed to be instant. If yours is showing processing withdrawal, that means for some reasons the withdrawal is yet to be completed. You can contact seoclerks and make a complaint. I believe they will address the issue.

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