
I am wanting to move up to Level 3 any advice?

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I am wanting to move up to Level 3 any advice?

I am on level 2 right now with the site and I have been for a while. I have an average of 98 percent with my services which is good. I am wondering if someone can give me some advice on how I can move to level 3 alot faster? i have been on level 2 for more than a few months. Any advice will help thanks


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There is no faster route to getting Level 3, there are set requirements you must meet before automatically being promoted.

Everything you'll need to know about User Levels can be found here:

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You have to have the following requirements:

- Completed at least 25 orders.
- Have a 90% rating or higher.
- Answered or asked 50 questions on Seoclerks FAQ section.
- Your first sale is at least 2 months (60 days) old.
- You log in once in every 7 days.
- You have no infraction.

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u have to follow these requirements to be on the level 3 
RequirementsCompleted 25 Orders on time
Have a 90% rating or higher
Answered or asked 50 SEO Questions in the FAQ
Have no Infractions (follow the rules)
Login Very Often (once per 7 days)
First Completed Sale is at least 60 days old

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hello friend!
 i have seen your profile. You have good profile.But there are some requirements that you are to follow to get level 3 from level 2 ...and when you will got requirements.. you will automatically get level 3.
these requirements are..
  1. complete 25 orders on time.
  2. haveing 90% rating or more than 90%
  3. asked or answered 50 seo questions in th FAQ.
  4. first complete completed sale is at least 60 days old.
  5. when you will got these things .. you will automatically served level 3 .

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If you want to go level need to follow the following  instruction....

Completed at least 25 orders.
- Have a 90% rating or higher.
- Answered or asked 50 questions on Seoclerks FAQ section.
- Your first sale is at least 2 months (60 days) old.
- You log in once in every 7 days.
- You have no infraction.

Thank you

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