
Feedback form not working in chrome? This happening to somebody else?

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Feedback form not working in chrome? This happening to somebody else?

Feedback form not working in chrome in the new version of seo clerks!
I can not write anything in the form.
I can only use the internet explorer or firefox
Is it just me?
this happening to somebody else?
I need help. I hate using internet explorer or firefox to browse.


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I am using the latest version of Google Chrome and I just added a feedback to my buyer. The form is working greatly for me so I do not believe this is a browser issue. You should try removing seoclerk's cookies from your browser. I face a lot of troubles like this when websites are updated and removing it's cookies and caches work. Anyways, I believe the new form is a lot better than the old ckeditor.Overall, the new theme is a lot better than the old theme. Thank you Jordan! 


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yeah sometimes the site doesn't load. I don't know what have you done to a perfectly beautiful and professional website. The new theme sucks big time. Please please change it back to the older version or atleast let us have the option to keep that version too

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Yes it is working in my google chrome. May be you have older version. You can use a different browser.( torch or firefox). But sometimes Feedback tab does not work in my browser sometimes.

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i am also working with this.
and still i do not face any problem
but if you have any problem 
you should repair your window or. uninstall your browser. or clear your cookie and history.

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I do not face such problem on my own computer my only observation is that i use to send message and reply message through my mobile phone on old version but not possible on new version

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