
What do you think about the new theme of seoclerks?

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What do you think about the new theme of seoclerks?

What do you think about the new theme of seoclerks?
I feel that the new improved theme of seoclerks is so awesome. What do you think? The pictures are larger and the black theme looks great! But There should be user levels mentioned besides the gigs like the older version. What do you reckon?


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I think the new theme is absolutely fantastic. Jordan has done a lot of work to make this new theme. It can only get better from here!

Best Regards,

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I agree with you everett, jordan did a spectacular job!!! Cheers to him. I really appreciate the Google maps of each seller and the user-friendly design and the response time as well. Really impressed!

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I'm using the Beta since the first beta release!
Believe me, it just changed my complete Seoclerk experience! Feeling Refreshed & Something new here, with the newly Implemented Advance Features!
Jordan Rocks! Seoclerk is already rocking the floor! oWhat do you think about the new theme of seoclerks?

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I need some time to get used to it, it look artistic.  Nice effort on seoclerk.  It is competing with Fiv er with their new theme.  I am really impressive

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I think the new theme is awesome relay nice and up to date (modern) Jordan and his team have done a relay good job and I'm very impressed with all the new features.

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I love it. I think SEOClerks is amazing! With the opening, it was also nice to get that $5 in my account. I used it to buy advertising for one of my SEOClerks services. What do you think about the new theme of seoclerks?  I'm impressed by the way they listen to what features users want, and try to implement good ideas.  

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For me it is more better than the old version. Maybe some people don't get to use to it for now but sooner or later they will surely will like this new theme of seoclerk.

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It looks great and well arranged than the old one. According to me the new template is easier to use than the old seoclerk template. I love this change. And the colour theme used in new seoclerk is fantastic.

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The New theme of Seoclerks Are excellent , beautiful and very easy to Operate. But in my opinion the previous version of the theme is also good and i was use to that theme.

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I think the new theme is really nice and up to date. I appreciate Jordan and his team to offer such user friendly theme. I am really impressed with the theme.

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i think.. its excellent.. but there is one thing that i want more.. in seo clerks .. at the bellow of service the user level should be seen with stars or with baubles also. because, he who is new in seo clerks ..can be easily recognize that this seller have good ranking in seo clerks. or 1 thing is also .. that the level x seller can be considered as level 1 ... 

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Hello. I think now it is more comfortable and interesting than earlier. Now I can fast check all orders , messages and revenues! Thanks Jordan for this theme! Good luck, guys! 

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