
Does backlinks checkers shows the exact number of backlinks?

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Does backlinks checkers shows the exact number of backlinks?

As a SEO professional I build backlinks everyday for my clients. Even I do the same thing for my own sites. Some of my clients argue that the backlinks checker tools is not showing the exact number of links.
Is there any tool that will show an approximate close data of exact backlinks to any site. I just want to know.


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Sometimes all powerful backlinks checker tools may fail. Every tools have different algorithm to index the number of back-links. I often use majestic SEO tool that also can help you. 

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depend on what kind of script they used. since search engine were changing their algorhythm more frequent then before, some links were consider as good backlink while other as bad backlink. its almost imposible to get the exact number of your backlink.

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