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Hello.....i have one my mind blowing question...
My question is as under....
How to bypass gigs and bids for two or three days??
...for my personal reason this setuation occured..
I have some important and my personal work...i will not give time to seoclerks..
Whay should i do.??
Can i bypass gigs and bids for some time..??
Or i have to delete total services and bids..if i will do it ..then i will loss my all positive rated services..??
What should i do.??
i update status with its details but i hope all of seoclerks user will not read my status...
Show me right way...thank you
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Sold Out option find on edit services. You can change status to sold out for holding the gigs for few times. When you tick sold out option, buyer will not order more gigs to you. Sold Out option find on edit services.
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