
How to get more views on Youtube?

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How to get more views on Youtube?

I uploaded a video last night which has received a couple of views, but I want to know a way to earn more. Do you have any tips? And what are the most popular tags? Anyone can tell me how to get ton of views on Youtube???

Thank you!


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if you need a genuine and slow way, you can try posting your link on facebook groups. if you need a faster and effective way, check out my youtube views service. You will get more than 62000 views for 10.

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To increase youtube video view...
You have nothing to cost money..
Just sign up to

Make points on it....
And then add site > add your url in which you want to increase view > then set numbers of points howmuch you want to cost for increase video view....
Your acoounts point will decrease & youtube view will increase...

I hope you will satisfied with my answer..

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choose a perfect views provider then your video will rank and you'll extra get views simple How to get more views on Youtube?


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what kind of video have you uploaded? If it is a recipe or idol videos, you can share the link at social medias

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Well, you have to encourage your viewers to subscribe. Ask your viewers what want to see. And then promote your channel like getting into social media.

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We have a Youtube channel and we are also looking of ways in getting more views for our videos. However, we have no budget for that so we are doing the optimization by ourselves. Changing the tags so the keywords would be somewhat unique and relevant is what we are presently doing. Also, we promote one video after another in social media although we cannot do it more frequently so as not to be annoying.

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