
Anyone please give answer...can i delete my service ?

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Anyone please give answer...can i delete my service ?

I ask that can i delete my gig. Which i created ago..


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you can easily delete your gig... 

Go through  

Seller>myservices>select service 

and then press delete button

its so simple.

here is two screen shoot for more detail
Anyone please give answer...can i delete my service ?

Anyone please give answer...can i delete my service ?

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Go your mouse over 'seller' menu button and the menu select my services. You will see a delete button, just check check the services you want to delete and click on delete!

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Yes, You can easily delete your gigs. Pls go through this pathway,
Seller >> my services >> select service
Then select / click the delete button and delete the  service.That else.


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Sign in your seo clerks account. Than open manage services from navigation bar. Mark service which you want to delete. Than click on button delete. Than your gig is deleted. Thank you.

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