
order delivery, not as described

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order delivery, not as described

A sellers sells me xumer backlinks and they promise to give me 35k but in the end there are only 400 backlinks when use excel tool to delete the duplicate ones.  The seller said duplicates are also backlinks, is that right?I am confused.


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In the context of SEO, duplicate backlinks are generally not considered valuable. Here's why:

  1. Unique vs Duplicate Backlinks: Search engines like Google value unique backlinks more than duplicates. A unique backlink comes from a different domain or webpage, while duplicate backlinks come from the same domain or even the same page multiple times. Having many links from the same site doesn't significantly improve your SEO after a certain point.

  2. Seller's Claim: The seller may be claiming that duplicates are still technically "backlinks," which is true in the sense that they exist, but they are far less valuable for your SEO performance. Google tends to ignore multiple backlinks from the same source after the first one, so they won’t help you rank better.

  3. Expectation vs Reality: If you were promised 35k unique backlinks, and after cleaning up duplicates there are only 400, this is a major discrepancy. The seller might not have delivered on what you expected (35k unique backlinks), and if they didn’t specify upfront that many would be duplicates, that could be misleading.

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Hi there,Thank you for reaching out and sharing your experience. I understand how frustrating it can be when expectations don't align with reality, especially when it comes to purchasing backlinks.To clarify, while duplicates can technically count as backlinks, they don't provide the same value as unique backlinks. The effectiveness of a backlink strategy relies on having diverse and high-quality links pointing to your site. In your case, if you were promised 35,000 backlinks, receiving only 400 unique ones is significantly below expectations.It's important to communicate with the seller about this discrepancy. You might want to ask them to clarify how they counted the backlinks and to provide more unique links to fulfill their promise.If you need further assistance or would like advice on how to approach the situation, feel free to reach out! I'm here to help you navigate this process.Best regards,

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He generated the backlinks automatically, not manually, That is why he did not describe the report sheet. You can cancel the order if you want.

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Hello xuteng87,

You only got 400 backlinks. Duplicates will not count as backlinks. Note that there are multiple backlinks to a domain but not multiple backlinks to the same URL.


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This is not manual backlinks. This made use by automated software for create this type backlinks

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That's why he didn't give you the backlink manually You cancel the order thanks

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Did the seller specify 35k UNIQUE backlinks, or just "backlinks"? Unless he specified unique then you did, in fact, get 35k backlinks.

Further, I would prefer NOT to get 35k backlinks because nowadays with the
recent Google changes, getting 1000's of backlinks will hurt rather than
help you, as context and content are more important for ranking in 2024
and beyond. I never worry about backlinks, ever.

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complain about the seller with proof. Support will help you.

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