
Custom order received but not showing processing order like this

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Custom order received but not showing processing order like this

Hello everyone. I'm new here. I got my Custom order received and done itbut Order not showing in my any where account.Now I need your help regarding, How to deliver  Custom order on seoclerk. I have completed my Anyone Know about Custom order tell me please ???? 


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If the order does not show up in your orders page here then it means the order was not started. The buyer MUST start the order by posting on the order page that is created after the order is paid for by the buyer.

So, for example, if you sent to me a custom order to buy and I paid for it, then an order page is created, but if I just pay and never post in the order page then the order is never officially started. Tell your buyer to go to THEIR order page here: and just type in the box what work you are supposed to do for them, and then you can deliver that work by clicking the "Complete Order" tab and posting your work in there. That will complete the job.

You can contact support if you run into any problems:

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