
Would Google penalize you if you made an H1 tag look like normal text by means of CSS

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Would Google penalize you if you made an H1 tag look like normal text by means of CSS

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"Would Google penalize you if you made an H1 tag look like normal text by means of CSS?"


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As far as getting penalized Google does specifically target hidden text as a form of SPAM, however, they have always said "just build your website the way you would if search engines didn't exist and you'll be fine", theoretically that means you should be fine and they should be able to tell the difference between manipulative hidden text and hidden text that occurs naturally.

I personally don't like to leave things like that up to Google to figure out so I'd recommend moving your H1 to the main content of the site, article title, product title or whatever your content warrants. That way it's unique, which G likes, it's relevant to the content, which G likes, and is in plain sight for both people and bots.

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As long as you are not spamming or abusing it  you are good to go. Also please note, do NOT hide the H1 tag in no situations as it is extremely not good for any conditions. 

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