
How to submit site in dmoz directory?

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How to submit site in dmoz directory?


i want to optimize my site ,so submit my site in Dmoz directory.Many times i submit site in but it doesn't,how to submit my site in Dmoz.


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1) Go to b]

2) Use (a) the search engine or (b) the directory links to find the perfect category for your site.

3) Look in the upper right-hand corner of the directory page for a text link that says, "add URL" and click on it.

4) Carefully read the page. If you've used all of your wits, and you are truly at the most appropriate category for your site, then fill out the form. Just put your URL in the text field labeled "Site URL" which already includes "http://." Then put the title of your site in the text field labeled "Title of Site." Put a description of your website in the field marked "Site Description." Put your e-mail address in the field marked "Your E-mail Address, " and hit the button at the bottom of the page marked "Submit."

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Follow Rules Bellow
Do not submit mirror sites. Mirror sites are sites that contain identical content, but have altogether different URLs.
Do not submit URLs that contain only the same or similar content as other sites you may have listed in the directory. Sites with overlapping and repetitive content are not helpful to users of the directory. Multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites.
Do not disguise your submission and submit the same URL more than once.
Example: and
Do not submit any site with an address that redirects to another address.
The Open Directory has a policy against the inclusion of sites with illegal content. Examples of illegal material include child pornography; libel; material that infringes any intellectual property right; and material that specifically advocates, solicits or abets illegal activity (such as fraud or violence).
Do not submit sites "under construction." Wait until a site is complete before submitting it. Sites that are incomplete, contain "Under Construction" notices, or contain broken graphics or links aren't good candidates for the directory.
Submit pornographic sites to the appropriate category under Adult.
Submit non-English sites to the appropriate category under World.
Don't submit sites consisting largely of affiliate links.

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It is waste of time to try directly with DMOZ. Better try with third party who offer DMOZ listing. THey have internal marketing skills to get your listed over there.


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I used to be a Dmoz editor. I can tell you from personal experience, they are not that great. There is a ton of internal bickering and arguing over which sites should be approved, and sometimes one editor will approve a site, and another will come along and delete it.

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Select the right category for which you want to submit your site to -then see if you can find suggest url at the top if you dont then DMOZ will not accept submissions for that category. So find the right alternate keyword and submit.

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It's difficult to get a site into DMOZ these days. Personally I don't think its worth the time.

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most of the categories in DMOZ directory does not accept links

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This discussion is dated 2012. I have been active online since 2007. As I was just beginning to learn the ropes of how to operate online I often heard mention of the dmoz directory. It is 2017. Just in case somebody is looking wanted to post this notice.

As of Mar 17, 2017, is no longer available.

How to submit site in dmoz directory?

That said, can anybody recommend an alternative to the dmoz directory??

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