
Where can I find a copy of my rejected service in my profile?

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Where can I find a copy of my rejected service in my profile?

Dear Team, can you please help me where shall i need to check my rejected service in my profile. 


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If your service was rejected then it won't show up in your profile, but you will receive an email stating why it was rejected, such as backlink services are no longer allowed for new level one sellers.

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Brother, when your services are rejected, you are emailed that your services have been rejected, and when your services are abated, you are emailed instead of rejection. What happens is that we copy someone, okay, I just created this account, new, new, okay, and two days ago, I created my own subs, so I uploaded it, so I just uploaded it. It's been done. You can perform it here. They have set it up from me. It's okay. You can also do the same. Create your own services. It's okay. Don't copy it. Insha'Allah, you must do it. It will be set

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