
How I do seoclerks affilate if I haven't any website?

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How I do seoclerks affilate if I haven't any website?

How I do seoclerks affilate if I haven't any website?


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Tweet your affiliate link. It really works. Try it


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You can use social media, like facebook and twitter to promote your referral link..
and also you can use forum too

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Try creating a facebook group or fanpage that is related to seo and share your links. Go to youtube post videos and in the description put your aff links. You can put your aff link the forum signature if you are active in forums that allow signatures. Create Blog using free blog sites and put your aff links there.

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If you do not have a website, you can use email marketing or social media marketing to promote your affiliate liinks. You can post your affiliate link on twitter and promote the tweet or create a facebook page and boost your affiliate links.
For email marketing you need mass email providers like mailchimp.

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I started as an Amazon affiliate before having a website, you can advertise your links everywhere online especially on all social media platforms and blogs to create awareness.Though it always good to advertise on one's site but without owning one, one can still do with other platforms.

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