
How to sell more in seoclerks?

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How to sell more in seoclerks?

Hlw i am newbie there.I want help from the seoclerks famous seller.How to i more sell in seoclerks.


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Make your gig with intersting title.Add good description in gig and force buyers to believe you.Also add some discount and bonus for buyers.Deliver order at a time it helps you to get a good rating from buyers.

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Sales come from promoting your own gigs on social media sites like facebook and twitter. The more you advertise, the better chance you get your gigs in front of potential buyers.

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 Hey Redoy,

 I wrote this response to a FAQ just recently and I believe that most will agree with me that such up to date information and advanced methods that have been broken down into a easy to use strategy's that is sure to increase anyones sales on SEO clerks not to mention affiliate sales hope you enjoy and anyone who is interested in getting more sales from their SEO Clerks services I highly recommend going and taking the time to read the respond I wrote, well hope you enjoy !
 Advanced methods to increase SEO Clerks sales for products and services

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Offer good quality services on reasonable terms, and promoting your gigs can help you to get more orders.


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You need to create a high quality service at a very low price, at least for the first orders to get some credibility here, to raise your positive reviews and geta  level 2 account, then level 3 account. You just need to decide what you can offer and how much quantity so you can be the no.1 seller here ;)

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Give great prices that are better than all your competitors. 
Provide the work on time and respond nicely. 
Try and get staff certified, offer a guarantee,
write your service as clear as possible. 

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provide best and quality service give good responce to your buyer provide th gigs in reasonable price. this is the way how you can sell more gigs thank you..

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Doing great gigs that you know your can fulfill to the best of your ability, having cheap prices that you know would be worth your time, having a positive rating can all help.

Another way to sell more would be to promote anywhere you can that allows it, you say you are using social networking, could you also use blogs?

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Give great prices that are better than all your competitors.
Provide the work on time and respond nicely.
Try and get staff certified, offer a guarantee,
write your service as clear as possible.
That is very simple write gig to clearly ,real active,real human,
guaranteed work,trusted work,perfect time work,quick delivery etc use you can sell more service in seoClerks

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Just start your journey by making your first gig and grow from that.

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