
Can I get extra days if I failed to deliver order in time?

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Can I get extra days if I failed to deliver order in time?

One of my client's order not yet completed and about to reach deadline. Can I get some extra days to do it or it would cancelled?


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You will tell the buyer about extra days if he accept and give you more time to complete the gig you can get more time to deliver order.

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No, you cannot. However, you can negotiate with the buyer and tell him/her to not cancel the order and give you a few more days to deliver. The other alternative is to increase your delivery day so you have more time to deliver.

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no you cant sir but tell them you will take abit more time

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Ask your seller for extra time but for more sells you need to deliver on time...

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if you failed to deliver the work in intime then you ask the buyer to wait for some more time to complete his work so that tere may be chance of waiting

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I think you should tell your client why you failed to deliver order in time. Maybe you can get extra days

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Ask your seller. And asked and request more time.

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There is a new feature that allows you to request more time from your buyer to complete the service. You can use this feature easily within the order URL. If you have any further questions, you can visit our support forum to ask questions.

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