
Completed 10 orders (nine completed & one delivered), now can I be to level two ?

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Completed 10 orders (nine completed & one delivered), now can I be to level two ?

Completed nine and one delivered order, also have 20 Q/A in FAQ, also other conditions fulfilled.

Now can I be promoted to level two?



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Check again, there isn't just about delivering 10 orders and posting here and at forum:
    Completed 10 Orders on time (Claimed)
    Have a 90% rating or higher    (Caimed)
    Answered or asked 20 SEO Questions in the FAQ (Claimed)
    Have no Infractions (follow the rules) (Claimed)
    Login Often (once per 14 days) (Claimed)
    Account is at least 7 days (Claimed)
    Completed 1 Payment Withdrawal that is 20 days old (Un Claimed)?
    First Completed Sale is at least 30 days old (Unclaimed ?)

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So you can have two possible problems like:
Completed 1 Payment Withdrawal that is 20 days old
First Completed Sale is at least 30 days old

If there are also claimed and done then contact support.

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All requirement should be fulfilled to reached 2nd level

   Completed 10 Orders on time 
    Have a 90% rating or higher   
    Answered or asked 20 SEO Questions in the FAQ
    Have no Infractions (follow the rules) 
    Login Often (once per 14 days) 
    Account is at least 7 days 
    Completed 1 Payment Withdrawal that is 20 days old 
    First Completed Sale is at least 30 days old 

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when 10 orders Marked as Complete, and you withdraw your first payment about 20 days old.....
maybe these two thing that you need to done....

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I think you are right, all the orders need to be Marked as completed. It may take few more days.


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