
why free boost option removed from seoclerks

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why free boost option removed from seoclerks

Hi, there 
can anyone know why to remove free boost from seoclerks?
NOw How I will get more clients please let me know!!! 
I have not available to money on my seoclerks account so can't buy paid boost but I need more and more order how is possible at this time.
If can't see my service on any page of SEO clerks then how can Bayer find me?
Please respond to anyone as soon as possible.


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It seems that Ionicware has either sided with the Taliban or Biden but one thing is clear, they have taken steps to get RID of entrepreneurs freelancers from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and other countries!

They have disabled PayPal and funding of acct. They are forcing many to sign up for AitTM probably for affiliate commissions. I did, and within an hour, my bank called to tell me that this APP is under investigation for FRAUD! I now have to get NEW acct numbers, NEW cards, a total MESS!

I then attached PayPal instead of my bank account to AitTM to find out the gateway is broken, but only broken for FREELANCERS in Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India! -

Yesterday I heard that a friend of mine, also an SEO guy, had $600 taken from his bank account overnight via some API exploit at AitTM!

I have no idea where this is going or end up at but whoever is in charge has been showing traces of WOKE incompetence for some time now! From the NEW gay-looking template, which is still broken, and NOW this! The future does not look good.

I mean, who makes CODE live that has NOT been tested?

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Do you have any idea when will fix those problems?

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Agree with najmul11, It becomes too hard to generate sales without free boost.

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A minor edit in gig once a week does boost up, as far we feel. you may check that

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Thanks for the tricks why free boost option removed from seoclerks I've edited price but it didn't boost up, how to do that properly?

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i hope soon everything will be fine, free boost though help but tech team will find out new ways to help.

I have been associate with SEOClerks from almost 10 years, these are the dark cloud which soon will be over.

Stand by side will encourage them, they always help.

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