
I have 1 Infractions. How i come to user levels 2?

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I have 1 Infractions. How i come to user levels 2?

I have 1 Infractions. How i come to user levels 2? I have answered all questions on seoclerks faq. And get 1 Infractions


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I think you know something to up level 2:
  1. Completed 10 Orders on time
  2. Have a 90% rating or higher
  3. Answered or asked 20 SEO Questions in the FAQ
  4. Have no Infractions (follow the rules)
  5. Login Often (once per 14 days)
  6. Account is at least 7 days
  7. Completed 1 Payment Withdrawal that is 20 days old
  8. First Completed Sale is at least 30 days old


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