
How do you get a page removed?

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How do you get a page removed?

How do you get a page removed from google?


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Please do not quote me on this but I do believe if the page has a proper 404 page set up on it and it gets crawled then over time it will in fact be removed from their index.

If this is one particular page and you simply do not want it be seen then you can go the negative SEO approach to just bury it.

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If you deleted the page Google will sooner or later deindex it.

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I think this has been a problem in the office website of my husband. They had moved to a new URL but when someone would do a search for their website there are times that Google would give the old address which was actually not existing anymore. And it is a conundrum that the home page is still displayed if you click on it but it is already out of the internet since they have moved to a new address.

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You could probably do a 301 redirect and then 'change of address' with Google Webmaster Tools.
At least that would redirect the page to another. You don't want to be leaving orphans out there due to deleted pages.

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