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Most people looking for new job opportunities might think to start working online but not know where to start. Well, I'm here to help you out on that path since I've done a ton of things to make money online!
You can do pretty much anything as long as you're willing to do remedial tasks that can build up to a larger career later on. You don't have to take a small payment from big companies to do these small jobs; you need to find the ones willing to pay you a few hours a week and get 10+ of those companies to hire you for your time.
Become a Virtual Assistant (VA)
When you think about all the people you've talked to through websites, you're likely talking to a virtual assistant, and that's because every website needs them. These are the people who are answering basic questions but not able to help you with your account in any way. They are like a living FAQ about the website or service you're interested in, and they can direct you on your path.
Being a VA doesn't usually pay well, but that's why you should look for multiple VA jobs that pay you a decent amount each day. You may get paid per ticket you solve, a low hourly wage to be online at certain times to answer questions, or you could get paid a set amount per week to answer as much as you can. What you'll want to do is be a VA for a decent amount of companies willing to pay you a few dollars an hour for your time. If you were to get 10 of these companies to pay you, you could make $60,000+ per year, and that's never a bad thing if you're sitting in front of a computer screen talking to people
Write content for startups
Every startup business out there will need a blog, which means they need writers, and your content could soon grace their pages. Many startups today will understand they need content on their blog and website to bring people in, keep their business fresh, and get more sales than they could with advertising alone.
This is where you come into play!
Contact these startups and offer your writing services at a lower price than you normally would. Tell them your normal rates, give them a discounted rate for the first three months, and bump up your pricing after that! They will see the value of your content, as long as it's optimized and bringing in traffic, and they will continue to work with you as long as they have money to fund the content creation
Sell on eBay (old method but still works)
This is one of the older tricks to make money online and in your spare time, but it still works! You can browse garage and yard sales on the weekends and buy what people are going to toss if you don't. You can find some pretty awesome things for a couple of bucks and flip them for $20+ on eBay if you know what you're doing.
Another thing you can do is go through flea markets and pick what you think could make some cash if you resold it on eBay.
One of the best things about the world today is that you can have an internet connection on your cell phone. This allows you to look for items currently selling on eBay, price compare to what you're thinking of buying at a yard sale or flea market, and decide if it's a good purchase
Sell T-Shirts Online
Ok, you might be thinking, "This will take a lot of upfront investment since I have to buy the clothes first!" but it doesn't. All you need to do is partner with a white-label shirt printing service and upload your designs. Yes, you will have to purchase some shirt designs if you don't know how to do them yourself, but that's far cheaper than buying all of the inventory AND buying the designs to sell.
The risk of starting an online t-shirt marketplace isn't that big since there are plenty of things out there to help you automate this. You can have designers throwing their work at you for a fraction of what you could hire a professional designer. You could have an entire platform set up by tomorrow if you wanted to, but that's up to you ;)
Offer your consulting services
If you're good at something, you should never do it for free. Well, why not become a consultant and help other businesses with some problems or lead them on the right path?
If you become a consultant, you can charge as much as you want, but you shouldn't go too crazy if you're starting. Think of charging $500 to $1,000 per month to be a consultant for a company that needs help in a particular area.
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https://www.busitechnews.com/6-pro...ront-investment/ Thanks for sharing, have used it on my website , very informative, keep it up [url=https://www.busitechnews.com/6-proven-ways-you-can-make-money-online-with-little-to-no-upfront-investment/]https://www.busitechnews.com/6-proven-ways-you-can-make-money-online-with-little-to-no-upfront-investment/[/url]
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