
How can i promote my service and get more order on my graphic design service.

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How can i promote my service and get more order on my graphic design service.

i am new seller on how can i promote my service and get more order on my graphic design service. I have successfully completed several orders on this month. My goal is to make $100 a month. Is this possible? Thank You.


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Hey there, h5ldasanayake

I see you've had some sale already, which is awesome, and I definitely think you could make more than $100 per month here How can i promote my service and get more order on my graphic design service.

There are some designers making $1,000+ part-time here from their recurring customers.

Your services look awesome and I'm sure you'll build your profits as time goes on, so be sure to keep the quality of your work top-notch and your clients will be happy.

As for generating more sales here, there are a few ways to do that.

Category features
You can advertise your services through a category feature and get seen much more than if you were to get found through searches. If you purchase a category featured spot you will see your service stick to the top of its category for 31 days and it will get a good amount of traffic. Since your services are set up well and you have some sales already, I don't see why you wouldn't get a great ROI (return on investment).

I've used the category feature for my own services plenty of times and have never been disappointed. I simply pay the one-time fee and my service gets stuck to the top of its category. I don't have to worry about bumping my service or getting lucky by being found through a search. I sit back, wait for messages to come in, and I work on any orders that are waiting for me when I log on each day How can i promote my service and get more order on my graphic design service.

Homepage Feature
This is exactly the same as the category feature except you're listed on the homepage and have a much better chance of pulling in loads of orders. The only downside to this is it's much more expensive, around $1,500 a month, and that's out of the price range for most freelancers who are trying to build up their careers.

Free and Paid Bumps
I love these because you can get them for free. Bumps are what you can use to push your service to the top of its category but your listing will gradually fall off the top spots as other freelancers bump their services. This works like a paid feature spot, except your service doesn't stick to the top, and you can only do this every 12 hours. If you were to purchase enough bumps to push your service to the top of the page every 12 hours for an entire month, it would cost $60, or you could buy the category featured spot for $50 and never worry about your listing dropping off of the top for 31 days How can i promote my service and get more order on my graphic design service.

Social Media
You can also advertise your own affiliate link, that is aimed at your services, in order to get more sales and boost your account level. You can join Facebook groups and share the affiliate URL to your service whenever someone is looking for design work, logo work, image editing, etc. This way you're sending them to your services and still getting credit for a purchase if they leave your page and order from someone else How can i promote my service and get more order on my graphic design service. You'll create an affiliate income stream, boost your account level over time, and generate more sales for yourself How can i promote my service and get more order on my graphic design service. It's a win/win/win lol.

I hope that helps you out a bit How can i promote my service and get more order on my graphic design service.

Tommy Carey

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Best advice. thank you so much. Sir

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