
Is That Ok We Bump our Service By Use Update Service??

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Is That Ok We Bump our Service By Use Update Service??

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Is That Ok We Bump our Service By Use Update Service??
Example: I am Go to Edit Service, Then I Change the words "Coupon" to "Coupons" And Update it
And then My Service Goes at the top of the Update & news Filter.

Is That Ok? 

Thank You, Rehiga


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Hi Rehiga,

i do not really think editing a service means you have automatically bumped it. There are about 6 free bumps per day and it's much easier to bump your existing service than editing because Anytime you edit a service, it goes for moderation to ensure it meets the rules guiding such Services.

Besides, if nothing is wrong with the grammar or sentences you used in your service description or title, I would not advise you Edith your service frequently as you keep adding much work to the daily task of moderators.

Try to use the free bump or other wise, go for paid bumps to get more views and possibly more patronage. Wish you best of luck.

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Hi, Dynamicjoseph.

Thank you for your Information, I Will try to stop it from now
Now I will trust My Service and free bump now.

Thank you.

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I mean, if it happens often and you are only doing it to get free bumps, then you might get in trouble.

There are plenty of ways to get free bumps for your services so there's no need to constantly edit your service to bump it up the list. The moderators and admins likely don't care about this because you're taking your service out of rotation until they re-approve it, so that might also be the reason your service goes to the top.

Focus more on the free bumps you can earn and you will never have to worry about abusing the system Is That Ok We Bump our Service By Use Update Service??

- Tommy

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Hi, Tommy

Thank you for your Information, I Will try to stop Update to Bump Service
I Will trust to My Service From Now

Thank you

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