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When you start to dabble into the consultancy area of SEO, you'll quickly realize that you aren't always needed. You may talk to companies that have their SEO teams, companies that already have a consultant, or maybe the company you're talking to doesn't want to work with you because they're trying everything on their own. When you do get a client on board, one who wants your help, you will notice they start to ask fewer questions as time goes on. This is because they begin to understand what they need to be doing, and they don't want your input anymore because they have a firm grasp of the SEO methods.
SEO consultants are a helpful hand when you're trying to figure out a problem, or you're a startup looking to get a big jump on your competitors. The right consultant can bring decades of knowledge to your team and show them what they should be doing to get top rankings, pull in traffic, and subliminally convince people to make a purchase. An SEO consultant wears many hats and can help you with marketing, design, funnels, etc.
Not all SEO Consultants are the same
Like I mentioned above, these types of consultants wear many hats, and that means some of them may specialize in specific things. Some may specialize in backlink building, some in on page optimization, and others focus more on branding. For this reason, you'll need to talk with the consultant and be sure they're the right ones for the job and can help you with the areas you need the most work.
The more you pay, the more you get from a consultant
Just like any service, the more you pay for something, the more you'll likely get out of it. Paying for a consultant is no different than paying for SEO itself. If you pay a big SEO service to do amazing work, it will likely cost much more than a freelancer, but you'll get better results because of the amount of work being done. If you hire a big name consultant, like Tai Lopez, you'll get much more value out of their knowledge than if you did a quick Google search and chose the first ad that pops up (usually).
Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of cheaper consultants that can help you out, but not many startups or established companies are looking to take chances on someone that hasn't distinguished themselves from the rest of consultants out there.
Contract vs. Month to Month
If you're a consultant and you have a steady paying job with multiple companies each month, you're one of the very few in this business that has accomplished this. Most consultants work on a contract basis that comes up for renewal when it's almost done. The majority of businesses won't renew the contract because they always think they can do the work themselves after you've poured all of your knowledge onto them. Sometimes a client will come back for additional help, but not often, which is why a contract is more desired than a month to month plan.
If you choose to do the month to month plan, you'll notice that companies who bring you on may only pay for a month or two then let you go. This isn't going to put much money in your pocket, so always pitch a contract when talking to potential customer/clients.
SEO consultants have a 6-month lifespan
Everyone hears about how consultants are making millions of dollars each year to help out businesses. Well, this is true, but it's also extremely difficult to get to that price point anytime soon if you're just starting.
If you've been reading all of this discussion, you'll know that a contract is better than a month to month plan when it comes to consulting. That's because a consultant is seen as unnecessary around the 6-month mark. It's a nice job when you have it, but it's stressful when you realize the 6-month contract is coming to a close, and this is why a lot of consultants will overlap workloads to stay as busy as possible as well as profitable.
Final Thoughts,
The hardest part about being an SEO consultant is that you're a very specific person that helps a business' website. Sure, you help boost traffic and sales through optimization, but a lot of business consultants can do that as well. This is why you need to stand out from the crowd, brand yourself as the best there is, and see if you can get some decent-paying clients on board that will pay you for 1+ year if possible. A six-month contract is pretty standard when it comes to consulting with a company, so be sure to pitch that, and in the end, you should be able to gain some traction and work with some clients. Build your portfolio and entice bigger fish to bring you on board as time goes on.
Thanks for reading
- Tommy