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When you run an SEO agency, you may have a tough time getting businesses to work with you if you don't have a long track record of successful clients. Instead of pitching to all of the businesses around you, do a free audit of their website and send them the report. It won't cost them anything for the free audit, you can even add in a checklist of things they need to fix, and they can go on about their day.
The beauty of this little SEO audit is that it's one of the best lead generators I've ever used because small businesses never want to do their SEO! They will start working on some things, realize it's more than posting something on Facebook, and they will call you because your contact information is on the audit report lol
Below are a few things to think about when offering a free audit report.
Manual SEO Audit
I'm not a massive fan of the manual audit because they take a lot of time, and there are easier methods out there that are automated. If you can't afford the automated SEO audit services, then you have no choice but to do it manually.
Don't go into too much detail, because you'll be at this forever, so focus on their main pages and take a glance at product pages. Tell them some things they need to consider and put them in a list. If you can make some nice little graphs, DO IT! People love images lol.
Automated SEO Audit
When it comes to white-labeled SEO audits that are automated I like using MySiteAuditor because it's fairly cheap for what they offer. I got lucky and re-subscribed after they sent me a 50% off coupon because my previous subscription was deactivated for 6+ months lol.
You can tie this service into your automated email service like MailChimp or Constant Contact, which puts all your audits into your newsletters that get sent out and keep people coming back to your website
The audits are easy, taking no longer than 30 seconds, and the client gets to view it on their desktop as well as get a copy of it to their inbox.
Make Yourself Available
You need to have your phone number and website readily available to everyone that fills out the audit. They will work on the things that need to be fixed, and they will come back to you when they realize it's too much work for them to complete. If they don't have your contact information they won't know who to call and they will likely find the next SEO service online and give them your audit lol.
Have Fixed Pricing But Work With Budgets
Set your pricing however you want but have tiers. I like using Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Enterprise because it just sounds good. No one wants a bronze and people don't like coming in second so they won't always opt for Silver, but Gold and Enterprise are something to love, and people tend to sign up with those packages.
I will also work with peoples budgets if they can only afford 90% of the Enterprise package or they want the Gold package but can only afford the Silver. I'll usually over-deliver anyway so it's not a big problem if I upgrade someone a level or not lol.
Show and Prove Your Worth
The audit will show you know what you're talking about without actually talking to the person who receives it. If you're doing an automated process and sending these out, you have to do nothing, and the customers will come to you over time!
You need to prove your worth by providing the best possible outcome for your customers you possibly can. If you can't do the SEO work, don't provide the audit, and everything will be better that way. If you can do fantastic work, bust your butt at it, and your customers will praise you online and wherever they may be.
Offer a Free Month If Necessary
Since there isn't much overhead when it comes to SEO, just working hours, you can offer a free month to someone who is on the fence. You can usually determine if a company is making money, but is frugal if you check their online reviews and see what they're doing on Facebook.
If a company seems to be making plenty of money to pay you but is hesitant, do the first month for free and tell them they can decide later if you're a good fit. You WILL be the best fit because you'll bust your butt to get their rankings increased and they will want to stick with you for the long haul lol.
Final Thoughts,
A free SEO audit is an amazing lead generation tool, and I would highly suggest everyone that runs an SEO agency try it out. I stopped one of my agencies in the past, but I kept the Free SEO audit tool running on my site and sold the leads to other companies for $25 a piece. I could have sold them for more, but I didn't want to gouge the companies I was selling to because I wanted them to profit and keep coming back lol.
Thanks for reading
- Tommy
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