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There are various SEO related tasks that people tend to overlook on their day to day operations that could actually help them bring in dozens or hundreds of additional leads each month. If you were to do a quick search in your local area, you would likely come across dozens of websites that aren't doing the most basic things when it comes to SEO, which means they're likely missing out on these 4 things below.
You need to improve your website speed, secure your pages, add some outbound links, and maybe you should just focus on attracting local people instead of targeting globally. Below I'll be going into detail about these 4 simple things that could help you boost your SEO
Improve Your Website Speed
It doesn't matter if you have SEO and Marketing skills, no one will stick around if your website takes 10 seconds to load each page. People want instant gratification and that means you need to load your pages as quickly as possible.
To do this, you need to optimize your file sizes and make sure you don't have an excessive amount of scripts running at the same time. You can even use plugins from developers like WPMUDEV to boost your load speeds and keep people browsing.
The average page loads times are around 3 seconds, which I think it far too long, but that just shows you how many people are not optimizing this part of their site. I recently took a week to optimize my entire website to load quickly so people would stay on the page and the lowest I got it down to was 0.9 seconds per page. My website is a multi-vendor eCommerce site with a lot of images, which typically takes longer to load, but I worked it all out and now my pages load extremely fast If you can do this, you will not only please the people coming to your website, you will please all of the search engines and they will give you a slight boost in the rankings over the ones who haven't taken the time to optimize page load times.
Get an SSL
Google has said they prefer websites to have an SSL and they actually give you some credit in the search engine results pages if you have one. This means by adding a simple little SSL you can get a slight edge on the competition who does not.
It doesn't matter if you sell something or not, by putting an SSL on your website you're telling all of your visitors you're secure and they're safe, which Google loves.
Have Some Outbound Links
Every great website will drop a link to another great website from time to time, it's just common practice, and Google understands this very well. If you are so into yourself and your website then you may think that linking to someone else is a bad thing, but it's actually not.
Place a link to a Wikipedia article, something on a news website related to your niche, or a website you love. Try to link to authority websites if possible, but in the end, it doesn't really matter as long as the site you're linking to is a "good neighbor" in the eyes of Google. This means the website you're linking to should also be in good standing with Google.
Try To Focus Locally
Many businesses try to go too big too quickly and it burns them out. Instead, focus locally and bring in your clientele quicker because you can say "Hey, I'm just down the street!" and they will trust you a bit more.
After some time you can open the flood gates and target globally but be sure to have acquired some reviews on your preferred platforms so you can prove to the world you're legitimate.
In the end, optimizing your website isn't rocket science but it does take some patience. Take your time, optimize your pages, then move to off page optimization and try to target local consumers in the beginning. If you can do those few things then you can target a global audience and start to dominate
Thanks for reading
- Tommy