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Hi guys, I'm noob at affiliate system i know the concept that you can resell other people's service and get xx percentage commission but i saw here 5$ coupon offer which confusing me.
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It require 1 order at least
You need to have at least one affiliate purchase (order) before you can submit an affiliate coupon application.So if i purchase anything from someone else here and i can get 5$ coupon for all the services, which are on affiliate ?
Scenario #1:
You are an affiliate and you publish your affiliate link to people and they think of clicking through. You could get a decent amount of clicks, gain some sales, and get some commissions if you don't really know how to do marketing. You could get a lot more if you know marketing but you still aren't giving people much incentive to click through.
Scenario #2:
You start pitching your affiliate URL and say "Click this URL and use this coupon code to get $5 off your next purchase!" and people will be more incentivized to click through and use the coupon. Offering coupons will always increase your click through rates, purchases, and commissions.
Since this marketplace offers a lifetime commission structure you will notice that all of your referrals get locked to your account. This means that if you refer them, they sign up after clicking your affiliate link, they can be referred by someone else, but you will still get the commission because that referral is locked to your account
The coupons aren't for you to use for personal reasons, they're used for getting people to set up accounts and make a purchase. Think about it, would you buy a $5 service right now if you weren't sure if you needed it or would you definitely buy it if you had a $5 coupon? You'd buy it lol. That's the power of coupons at play!
Use your affiliate links, give out coupon codes, increase your sign up rates, and make more in commissions over time
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