
Things you're thankful for this 2018

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Things you're thankful for this 2018

What are the things you're thankful for this 2018?  The good things in your life, the blessings you've received.


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I am thankful to find a freelance work without hassle. I am blessed to experience it in a nicest possible way. I am happy to see and improve my ability beyond my expectation. Plus, I am glad to find a legitimate site to work.I am grateful to survive in midst of uncertainties. I am strong and willing to go every trials along the way.I believe in God and He will not abandoned me.

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Wow it's great to hear that someone is grateful for this platform, I am also grateful too because I know what it has done for me.

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Yes, I am thankful for every blessings that I received. No amount of word describes how happy I am. Opportunities only knocks one's and it's not every one are called. My efforts is rewarded and my ability to adapt challenges is improving.

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Hello, I hope you'd reply. Can you provide us details about the legitimate sites that you're working on? I would love to hear about it, because I wanted to have some legitimate websites for online jobs too. I haven't really find one for now.

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I am also grateful for being in this site. It really helps me a lot not only financially but also in improving my skills and knowledge. This is truly a great platform to enhance our writing skills as well as to improve our vocabulary.

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I think I am very thankful for the year 2018 as it serve as my stepping stone to the world of freelancing activities I learned many things from it on how I can increase my online earnings by doing a lot of research about some legit and well paying freelancing sites. Year 2018 was a generous year for me because I earned a very big amount of money from it if I will just sum up my earnings every month. It was really a big help already since I can pay for my monthly bills and have some extra money during important occasions.

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Wow that's great to hear too, I believe they will be major improvement on your earning next year, kudos.

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Finally something positive about 2018!

I'm thankful for a lot of things even though 2018 brought me a lot of heartaches and pain.
I'm thankful I have my family, who all stay close to me and are more supportive.
The friends I have, though they're not a lot, are always there to listen to my whines and drama.
I'm thankful that I get to finish this year again with my loved ones and that we're all healthy.
I'm just so thankful for all the wonderful blessings I've received this year.

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Yeah, nothing seems more interesting than having those love ones around you listening to your drama and words, it a great year indeed.

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I think I've been especially hard on my family and friends this year as I'm on an emotional roller coaster. I'm at my most unstable state of mind lately and that's another reason why I'm taking a break from freelancing. Of course I'll still be around for chats just no more article writing for awhile until I sort myself out and gain more confidence in myself.

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I do hope you will overcome whatever trials that comes your way. Let it flow and don't get discourage. Your family and friends will fill you with their love. They are your greatest and strong support system. Be strong and May God bless you.

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Thank you this means a lot for me. Simple gestures like this shows me a lot of support and that's something I really need now. It's not easy but I know I can pull through it. God bless you as well, and I hope you have a great Christmas and a wonderful 2019!

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Great topic! The main thing I’m thankful for is the health of my family and the joys we have experienced as a family this year. I hope those blessings extend into 2019 and beyond!

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The family is everything. They make us whom we are. Am happy for them too. Am also grateful I have God. Some people have God but do not acknowledge that.

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That is true. I am also very much thankful for our family's heath and joys.

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That is right. Good health is very priceless. We should always be thankful for it.

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I agree with you. Family and good health are our greatest treasures in life.

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I have a lot of things to be thankful for! 2018 has been a challenging year, but it also came with its own gifts. This year, I am thankful for the opportunity to pursue my dreams. I am thankful to have made new friends and nurtured old ones. I am thankful for all the challenges I faced, and for all I learned from them. Most of all, I am thankful that my family is here with me through everything! Things you

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Family is such an important pillar of life, isn't it? Almost all comments in this post mention family as a blessing, and it makes me so happy to read about it.

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I know right! My family has been with me through all my failures, and they have played such a big role in all my victories. A solid support system really helps - I wouldn't be where I am now without them.

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I love how you saw the silver lining in your challenges and saw them as learning experiences - that's a very positive way to tackle challenges in life. It's something I'd really like to incorporate myself any time I face diversity!

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Am thankful for my life, salvation and family. I thank God for my two eBooks. I have published them and am happy about them. Despite everything, I love them.

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That is right. I am thankful too for the salvation of my soul.

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Salvation can't be bought by money. It is God's free gift to all those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

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The year 2018 is almost over. Reminiscing all the happenings is such a roller coaster feeling. I am thankful for the challenges that I have conquered, and the blessings that I have received. May it be up or down, it doesn't matter, I am thankful for both. I have experienced pain and my patience was tested, but all these things make me realize that they happened to let me appreciate incoming blessings and not to take them for granted.

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I am thankful because I performed well at college. My grades were great. Also, I started working as a freelancer and I am thankful for that. I am doing the job I love the most. I mean, I do not even see it as a job or burden. I really love it. Also, I got a PS3 console and a lot of games. I am glad I got it. I was so happy when it arrives because I adore games. I hope 2019 will be even better than 2018 was.

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I am very thankful for this year because it opens me to a lot of opportunities in freelancing. I performed great at my daytime job too and was able to balance my bank account really well because i have an additional income. I am hoping and praying for this to grow and be better in the coming years.

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I'm thankful for having recovered from an illness and getting back to work. Also for all the things I've been able to buy for my home. Hopefully, I'll get back to school soon too.

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I'm so thankful for all the people who made me better this year, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and more. I thank them. For those who did the exact opposite, I'll pray for you guys haha!

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I am thankful I found this forum through Postloop. It has opened doors of opportunities for me and opened a few windows in my mind. Looking forward to 2019.

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Me too. My 2018 has been more exciting because of this new found career in Postloop. It also opened doors of opportunities and enhance my writing skills. Though I just started only on October of this year but I am very grateful to be in this forum and looking forward for more opportunities in 2019.

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I am thankful to everthing that I had this 2018 from new friends, new member of the family, new things I got, new experiences, new knowledge and everything that I had in my life. There are happy or sad part but still I am thankful that I am still breathing.

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2018 has not been the easiest year for me. However I'm still grateful. I have grown so much this year. I have had more growth than the past five years. I'm thankful for my family and my friends, for peace, for the environment, for the experiences I have had and those that are still to come.

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I am so thankful for the life that God has given me. I am grateful to the Lord for all the blessings, answered prayers and breakthroughs he has given me.

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I agree with you. I am also very much thankful for I live and move and have my being because of the Lord.

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That is right. God is so good to us. I am thankful for all his goodness.

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That is right. We must be thankful for his graces and blessings in life.

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2018 taught me to appreciate the true meaning of things, to appreciate every moment that passes, and brings out the best in life.

We tend to stay anchored in our "comfort zone" because it is easier than taking risks. This year, I decided to take more risks, and I took advantage of my time on Earth to live different experiences, make new friends, travel the world.

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This is a really good way to approach life. Often I've said no to cool experiences or opportunities because I wasn't sure how I'd do with them if they were way outside my comfort zone. Breaking free of that limitation would be empowering for me.

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I'm thankful for God's guidance and keeping me and my family safe every day. I've been in so many trials this year but I'm still here still breathing and pursuing my dreams. I was not able to real all my goals in 2018 but still grateful because I still have the chance to fulfill it. I'm very thankful that my mother was able to recover from a mild stroke. And also I'm very much thankful that I could still serve God despite of my mistakes and transgressions.

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I agree with you. I am thankful too for everything that has happened to me and my family this year 2018.

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I am thankful that our family is still happy and doesn't have that much problems. And i am happy that i am being more matured in terms of life and learning things that make me more happy. Also i started to do a simple online job to get a little income from it and i'm happy for that because all my hardwork is worth it. That's all and i am happy to have a not perfect but happy family.

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I am very thankful that in 2018 I've discovered a lot of freelance sites. 2018 was the year I stepped out of the box and started doing online work. Hopefully this will continue as 2019 comes. I am looking forward to the new things that 2019 will give me. I hope 2019 will be as bountiful as 2018 was.

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I'm thankful for my life, I'm thankful that I'm still alive and breathing, I'm thankful that I've been able to make my own money this year, and I'm thankful that everyone in my family is healthy and happy.

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You are right. We should be thankful for the air we breathe. It is one the best free gifts of God to us.

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This year I receive so many blessings. One of this is my newborn son, very adorable and brings too much happiness in my life. Another is my school come back as a student, I always wanted to finish my study and become an inspiration to my kids. I also started my career as a freelancer this year and hoping to bloom this 2019.

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Oh, congratulations! Sons are indeed a blessing from the God, your husband must be very happy and proud. We too wish to have a son. Would be great to receive such Christmas gift haha. I hope everything goes well for your journey, you seem like a delightful and cheerful person.

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Congratulations! I wish happiness and good health to you and to your newborn child.

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Every year I always have so many blessings to thank for. Last year we have traveled to 7 countries that’s why we opted to stop for this year with zero travel. But for next year we already have a booked flight to Tokyo. With the finances it was very good because I received a raise of $200 and that is big money already which had increased the budget for our household expenses. I am also thankful that we didn’t have health issues.

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This is really awesome,I'm looking forward to touring the world at least getting to 3-4 countries yearly,it will really be a very be a dream come true for me. I know a whole lot of money will be needed but I'm looking at saving a good part of my earnings and at least by 2020 I might have commenced the journey.

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A grateful person always find things to be thankful for. I am so blessed this 2018. I am not saying that my 2018 is perfect but I can say that this year is better than the previous one. I am very thankful that my ministry level up this year. I have new Home Bible studies and Life Groups. I am also grateful that my family is always there to support me. I am looking forward to be a licensed minister next year. All the glory belongs to Jesus.

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That is right. All glory belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ.

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I'm just happy that life goes on as usual, living in a country filled with turmoil, wars and harsh economical conditions I'm just happy my family was able to survive all this and continues to grow. We stand tall and firmly. We bought a house this year, few months ago, and we're still trying to settle down, but I'm happy we're satisfied.

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All of those factors certainly make you appreciate the little things in life. I'm sorry that you're in a situation where those things are a daily consideration, but it sounds like you have a positive attitude towards the challenges that you face.

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Glad that there are people like you who make people like me realize that we are very fortunate to live in a place safer than those who unfortunately don't deserve the struggles that they face everyday.

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I'm always grateful to God daily for all he has brought my way and those he will sure bring later. I'm grateful for being able to make money online,I'm grateful for the friends I have been able to make,I'm grateful for the beautiful world you have created and I'm grateful for joy unspeakable. It can only be Good.

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The same is true to me. I am thankful too for my work online.

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I am always thankful for everything too. Also, I'm also thankful to Him for keeping me alive everyday so I can do my freelancing job.

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This isn't my favorite year in fact this is the worst year of my life. A lot of negative things happened this year but I'm thankful that I'm still here and that means I still have the chance to make things right. Because of these negativities, it helped me realize that we can't always have the good things. I suffered a lot this year and hopefully 2019 is going to be my best year ever.

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2018 has been a bless-filled year because I was able to achieved one of the most important milestone in my life. I was able to pursue my freelancing career, something which I have been rooting to do since then. There had been a lot of challenges and constraint in my life but through patience, I was able to get on with it. It is certainly not a perfect year, there are times when I almost give up and wanted to make it quit ,but with people who truly support and care about you I made it through and I will be gratefully embracing this coming year.

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This year, I am most thankful of my family. After a disheartening tragedy that befell us on the first month of this year, I am really grateful that my family stuck together through this storm. Now, it is almost a year after our mother's passing. A lot have changed and we may never be used to the fact that she is not with us anymore. But I am still thankful that our parents have raised us the way they did, the family is able to withstand this storm.

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What I'm thankful on this 2018, I can work anytime anywhere I want. Working as freelance gives a lot more freedom for myself to do things I want to do. Freelancing really helps me to bond with my family all the time and I'm grateful to that.

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I'm thankful that even though this year wasn't as good as the other years when it comes to my offline income, my online income tripled. So I think I need to be more serious and focused next year that's why my goal for 2019 is to quadruple my 2018 income.

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As the year 2018 may come to an end. Looking back and I realize that there are so many things to be grateful for. If you are in the state of good health even though you know in yourself that you have not taken any actions whatsoever to improve your health but still you are enjoying a healthy state of the body and mind. For me, that's what I am really grateful for.

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2018 was a decent year for me! I have pursued a masters degree in business, and am close to getting that, also I have reconnected with family and friends! Hope it was good for you as well!

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2018 is good to me. I am thankful for good health and also reconnected with my family.

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Wow! That's nice. I'm also planning to get a master's degree. But, my plan is not too soon. Maybe after my siblings finish their college degree.

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I am thankful for my health and my family. I am thankful for the opportunities that came my way this year. I am thankful for my failures taught me a great deal and my successes motivated me to keep at it. I am thankful for finding this community and for the ideas i have gotten by sharing opinions.

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You are right. I am thankful too to be part of this community. I have learned a lot from the sharing of opinions.

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2018 has been a very good year for me. I have received so many blessings and I am very thankful for that. I am hoping and praying that I will receive more blessing this coming 2019 and share it to others.

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The same with is true with me. I am thankful for 2018 am expecting more blessings in 2019.

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I'm also grateful for health. Both mine and my families. I think we all take health for granted but without it we cannot do anything, we are dead. Health care also bankrupts so many people because most healthcare costs are expensive in nearly every Country unless your Country has free healthcare. For most people that I know 2018 was a challange especially financially but they are hopeful that 2019 will be better. I agree with this sentiment.

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You are right. Some people take health for granted. Health is wealth.

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That is right. Health is wealth. I think it is more important than wealth. If you have a terrible sickness, I believe you will spend all your money to buy medicine in order for you to recover.

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I am thankful for having a good health despite of working late at night everyday on my freelancing sites. I believe that God is with me because he is always there for me no matter how busy I am doing a lot of work for my family. I think that it is about time to thank also my family for being there for me no matter how hard the situation is.

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What are some of the freelancing sites you are currently working on? I would love to know more information about it because I want to have more income streams, right now I don't have any like legit website that are paying.

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Year 2018 is a challenging year for me. Though many unexpected things happened and I can say that they’re not very pleasant things, I believe that there are still things to be grateful for. And the fact that there is still 2019 coming to make things better, I’m still grateful for that. Hoping for the best in the coming year.

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Well I am thankful for a lot of things this year. It has been a very eventful year with a lots of ups and downs in my personal as well as professional life. I am thankful that I have a very supportive family and friends who helped me to overcome all the problems I encountered this year. I am thankful to all the people who helped me and stood beside me in my difficulties.

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I actually did not work much on freelancing projects in 20018, as I realized I couldn't spend too much time on freelancing work, but should spend more time with my kids and homeschooling. I am thankful for my husband being supportive financially, mentally and physically, though we are living frugally, this is just the way we have decided to go. I am thankful for some friends who asked us to design websites and offered us some business opportunities, so we can also earn a little bit more in the year. I am thankful that though I have decided to spend lesser time in my freelance projects, another door actually opened for my husband.

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What I'm thankful for are the blessings that we received. First is the improvement of my brother's physical condition after being involved in a motorcycle accident. Second is my mother who was diagnosed with cancer has a big improvement this year and the doctor said that she's already away from danger. Thank God!

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@davedaot04 Well I am just working on several online sites such as forum coin and, postloop, twitchfollows and instagc since I am very busy now with my offline job and I cannot cater so much online earnings sites for now. Although the earnings are not very high but only good as an extra income but then it really helps a lot especially when times of great financial needs. I think you should give those sites a try to see of your self on how it goes and works.

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Things that I thanks in this year is my life, why because this year I started to earn money in my affiliate marketing also I thank god for the good life that he gave to me today I'm packing some gifts for some children and homeless people as thanks for this year.

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I am thankful that i have family that always protect and guide me, I am thankful that there is God that always there for me and i am thankful for all the blessing that i earned this year

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Things you're thankful for this 2018: First of all I am very much thankful to our Lord God who gives me life, always there to give me my all my needs, by giving me a supportive,loving and family, giving my a 2 baby blessings in own family. We encountered many trials but I know we can overcome. I am very thankful for him for giving me this site as a way even un a little way of help in our daily needs.

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I'm thankful to the lord and my parents who believed and never gave up on me when i graduated from my second course in college. Also for the continuous support that I'm still receiving even though I already graduated. I also like how each member of my family changed how they see life as a member of the family after all what we've been through together. And lastly for the Christmas we had yesterday with my cute little nephew.

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I'm thankful for the legit sites that I'm working at. The sites that I've been part of for the past year. For without such sites my year would have been a failure.

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For me, I'm thankful that I, my family, my friends, and my loved ones are still alive. I'm thankful for the challenges I've overcome, and for the new year I'm about to face. I've had plenty of successes this year, despite having a mountainload of trials I've managed to vault over. I am also thankful for discovering ways to successfully earn money online. It helped me a lot. I managed to earn extra income to buy the things I want. All in all, it has been a fruitful year and God has been very good.

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To learn more in life. Being alive until today, to be able experience life.

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