
Will you be writing on Christmas day?

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Will you be writing on Christmas day?

Christmas day is just 8 days away and I'm very sure that most of us have already mapped out lots of programs that needs to be attended.

On the other hand, one's freelance writing still needs to be taken care of. So, how do you plan to manage your writing during Christmas day? Are you going to skip work on that day or would you still find a way to write that day?


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I think I will write on that day. Work is a work, I guess. People need to work. I love writing so it will not be difficult for me to write something on Christmas day. I mean, I may or may not write as I usually do if some of my relatives decide to come to our home on Christmas but I will try to write as much as possible on that day.

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I'm planning to skip work on Christmas day itself, to spend time with friends and family but instantly get back to work the day after. It's only once a year, and I deserve a break anyway so yeah. Haha!

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I think that I would still write on Christmas day some few article since it was already a work for me to do that everyday that is why I would still work on it regardless on what day it is. I love writing and it was already a hobby for me which makes me interested to do it as often as I can. Although I know that I would be busy preparing for the Christmas but I would still give some time on my article writing because it helps me a lot.

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I will still write on that day. I believe that I can manage things perfectly during that time. For some people they might take some break because of the parties and reunions but for me I can find time writing.

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I don't think I'll be writing on that day. I need to be free from all of the stress at work. I need some time to enjoy with my family.

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We deserve a break. Christmas is a special day to celebrate with your family and friends. Christmas is also a good opportunity to give thanks to the Lord for everything that He has done for us. However, if I am going to write on Christmas day, I will write for one reason; To make a poem for my mother who passed away three years ago.

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Christmas day is something to be cherish. It signal that another year is about to happen in our lifetime. However, living in a Third World Country will not afford me the luxury of time. I will have to juggle my time in order to prepare as well as write down post and finished chapters of book that needs editing. I have to put food in the table so I think I'll have to compromise between work and Christmas eve.

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I wasn't planning to do any writing on Christmas day but since I'm drafting an ebook right now and I'll have plenty of free time from 25th to 1st January, I'll use that time well. So yes, I might do some writing on Christmas day and even if I don't, I'm sure that the day after Christmas, I'll be very busy writing and all through that week too.

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To be honest, I will not write on that day. I am planning to spend the entire day having fun with family members and friends. I will give my computer some off on that day.

The break is worth because it happens once in a year. Also, I have already informed my clients that I will be off on the 25th of Dec to celebrate with my family.

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Good for you bro. Family time is important especially on holidays as that is the time when mostly all of other family members are also on vacation. Sharing happy moments is after all one of the hallmarks of this holiday season. Same as you, I am also planning to just have fun and let loose that day.

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Yes, it is all worth it to have a break. Imagine working everyday, non-stop without a proper holiday, it's very tiring. So, don't be afraid not earning at a day like Christmas.

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It's all about scheduling your jobs properly. It also depends on the number of guests we have and the activities we plan for Christmas day. I might write for an hour or two but nothing is set in stone just yet.

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On Christmas Eve, I will lead my family into worship since I believe that Christmas is the celebration of Christ's birth. We will then gather on the table and feast on delicious Christmas food. I will still be writing when the day strikes so that I will not lost my momentum in expressing my thoughts and ideas.

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That's very great of you. I hope people who celebrate Christmas are like you. Putting the main reason in the center of your celebration is such a beautiful tradition. My family and I also do the same.

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I will still be writing even on Christmas day. Since, the family gathering is done on day time. So, I will be free at night. I am only interested in watching fireworks display afterwards I have nothing to do. I have to make use of my time thru writing. This is my way of expression without arguments.

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Probably. I don't have anything specific planned for Christmas, so there's a high chance that I'll catch up on work and write a few articles. I usually write 5 to 10 basic SEO articles a day and don't mind working during the holidays. It's not that bad, since I get to work from home.

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With a few small breaks during the day, you can accomplish your writing goals easily and not seem like you're spending too much time working. I know a few family members who get pesky when they feel one is spending more time with work than with them, so little breaks here and there to work for a while won't be bothersome.

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I will take a break on that day. We have so many activities planned that I wouldn't have the time to write and I foresee wading through traffic would take most of my energy that day. If I write it would be just notes that I usually put on my phone when I see or experience something interesting and it inspires me.

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If you mean to say I will be working on Christmas Day my answer is no. Christmas day is also the birthday of my sister and our tradition is to spend the whole day in their home for the family gathering. It is already a given that we have to bring food and not to forget the gifts for everyone. Sorry for straying but I just got excited with the thought of Christmas day. How could I go online when I am occupied the whole day?

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I think it depends on some people. Timezone wise some people may have Christmas say 1 day earlier or later than others. And that makes the time spending easier. Like say after the Christmas day itself you can get back to writing or whatever work you have. Not all people can have the holidays. I think that is one thing you may notice about the Christmas. Another issue is that Christmas is a bit quick holiday every year and it goes by quick for sure.

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It gets back quickly than we thought as well. I think that there is need for us to understand that we need to earn in order to eat and playing with out work is something that we should not do at all.

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Indeed. Many other religions have festival that last longer. But christmas is a small holiday. And unless you forcefully take holidays, it can be a bit harder for people to celebrate it. Otherwise it is just one day of holiday. And people get back to the jobs.

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I've already decided that Christmas is going to be spent with my family, so no writing for me. That also includes the first month of 2019. I want to end the year and start the new year with the people who are important to me. They are after all my priority, and they're above my freelancing gigs even though I earn through freelancing.

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I also will still be writing. I'm trying to arrange my day in such a way that I get much needed rest and relaxation. I will wake early in the morning. By 5.00-6.00 am in the morning I will get up and write till around 7.00-8.00 am. Then I will be done for the day. I will try to spend the rest of the day enjoying time eating and with friends and family. Unfortunately this is the life of a freelancer. You work harder than a person employed.

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But with greater results! Plus, a lot of persons who work at a regular job might be working 'till afternoon on a regular job. I think we freelancers have a lot more space to do what we like.

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I will definitely be working on that day. It is all about timing and getting to balance the time that we spend doing the activities that we do on that day. I see it as one of those days that we can relax and feel at home as well which is pretty nice.

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Yes! Be it for work or for pleasure, I'll be writing on Christmas day. For me, every day is a stand-alone. I won't stop working just because it's a holiday or my birthday. Of course, come nighttime, I'll have a nice dinner but since I live alone and don't have family nearby, I don't expect to spend a lot of time on "celebration".

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I keep a journal, so I often write about my daily experiences every night before going to bed. It helps me develop my writing skills as well as keeping a log to estimate my progress. Christmas is just another day, hopefully, a more special day, so I'm kind of looking forward to relating the experience. Maybe this year's celebration will be soberer than past years, but still, a special time and I'd like to try to keep the tradition.

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Honestly I don't have the answer to that question right now. I have the habit of writing every day but sometimes when I am busy doing something important i am unable to write on those days.On the day of Christmas I may not find the time to write due to the various engagements and celebrations.

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I actually cannot answer that question directly as I will be working at daytime and will be finish at midnight. Then I am pretty sure once I get home people are still having feast and drinking wine. I knownearning money is very important but you should not forget to spend time with your family as they are the reason why you are working so hard. Happy Holidays everyone!

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I think that we can write a lot this Christmas season if we will just do it well since we have a lot of precious moments to enjoy wherein we can get some great ideas for our article writing. But of course I know that it is very hard for some time to write for now as we are very busy doing our Christmas preparation but we can really make it if we are really dedicated to do it.

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This Christmas I feel that people have began their holidays pretty early.By the first week of December, I could already feel that people were already slowing down. I already started seeing the messages of favorite moments of 2018 on Twitter. My point is that you may want to work, but will they be any work available for you with all the clients closing shop. Lets be honest this has been a slow week, and there has hardly been work. I doubt during christmas they will be any work. So we may have no choice but to relax, Merry Christmas.

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Probably for me, on Christmas day I will rest. I will skip work during this time because this is the only time that I can be with my relatives and have a family reunion with them. I will not work. I will dedicate that day for the family and celebrating the real meaning and the reason of Christmas and that is remembering the birth of Jesus Christ, the Savior.

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It's Christmas today, and yes, I will still be writing and working. As a work from home mom, I usually wake up early in the morning and start working when my kids are still sleeping. Hence, I still woke up early today and have already been working for a few hours. I am thinking perhaps it's good to take a day off (Sunday) in a week to just sleep late and not work on that day in year 2019.

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I ended up in a party on Christmas Day and I didn't have a chance to write. Well I decided to take a break for a week. I just missed writing that's why I'm writing this now. But I'll be resting until New Year's Eve.

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I probably won't. Christmas Day up until New Year's Eve is a family day and there will be plenty of stuff to do, gifts to buy and wrap, food to cook, decorations to set-up, and visitors to entertain. All the hustle and bustle is going to make my mind wander off to neverland while I write so I'm sure I won't be able to make progress even if I do write. I also do not feel comfortable writing while family members are watching because they might end up reading your work and that would be well, awkward. I will still be doing other jobs though, like survey sites and paid to click sites since they don't require as much brain work as writing and can be done in a few minutes or so.

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