
Setting smaller goals that culminates into bigger goals can help in 2019

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Setting smaller goals that culminates into bigger goals can help in 2019

We are less than 30 days to the end of 2018 and we are grateful to be ur maker for keeping us alive for the year 2018. However, it is no denying the fact that there are goals that we setup for 2018 that we never achieved.
 I believe that there is need for us to setup some smaller goals that will end in getting bigger in 2019. The reason is that starting small has always been helpful in the past as well. What do you think about that? 


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I’m trying to do that for 2019. If I set big goals it can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel for when I’ll achieve them. When I focus on smaller, easier to achieve goals, it’s less likely that I’ll get overwhelmed. It makes the overall larger goal much easier to accomplish.

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Hello dear how are you doing? my name is Olivia, am from United Kingdom. Nice to meet here,please write me in my email i have very important issues to discuss with you is not what we can discuss here write me in my email

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Love the tiny victories in your life.

Because tiny victories hint that bigger victories are in store for you, if only
you’ll stick with it. A tiny victory is the evidence our brain needs to
see in order to start the process of changing our beliefs.

That’s why losing your first 5 pounds is the catalyst to losing your next 15.

That’s why getting an “A” on your exam can encourage you to keep working towards graduating with honors.

Tiny victories => belief change => life change

Very simple. But not always very easy.

It’s frustrating to continue plodding along at a snail’s pace, constantly looking for your big win.

Big wins can take a long time. Sometimes, they take your entire life.So why aren’t you paying more attention to the small wins?

Maybe these small wins seem insignificant to you. Maybe they aren’t the
things that you want to brag about to your friends. But they are
accomplishments, nonetheless. And they add up.

Over time, they collect, until one day you’ll look over your shoulder and
see a mountain of evidence that says, “You can do this.”

And you’ll smile, because you already knew that.

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This is great and inspirational. Snakl things can indeed lead you to greater heights. You just have to believe in yourself. You may feel exhausted and tired, but you must not give up. Just take a rest for a while and stet your engine again.

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Yeeeah I believe so too. It is not only about how much you get tired but also about the profitabily you obtain from. Such transactions.

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Start small and then, go big. I am like this too. Build a momentum with smaller goals to rich bigger goals. What I wasn't able to accomplish in the year 2018, I will do my best to accomplish by the year 2019. I have a small notebook and I have written my goals in it.

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Yea,most projects that were accomplished most times started small. Small steps can so get us to our needed flight for take off.So yes we can always stsrt small than staying idle.

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Small actions lead to bigger ones. When small things come together they combine to form bigger things. Small actions lead to bigger achievements. As what you've said it is better than doing nothing.

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Start small dream big. This is always the starting point for each enterpreneur and I wish we all knew before giving up.

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If you set a big goal, you may never be able to reach your goal. However, setting smaller goals can actually help you get closer to your bigger goals. I am telling this from my experience. I set a goal of generating at least $1000 per month through my site. I promoted my site aggressively, hired influencer marketers etc. yet, I could not even meet 10 percent of the target amount.Then I set a smaller goal of making at least $20 from my 5 sites. I not only reached my goal but earned more than my target.

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This is inspirational sometimes setting small targets help us applaud ourselves when we are able to achieve even more.Setting a big goal and not be able to achieve it can be depressing and that is one effect that isn't good for the money.

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Small things make even bigger things. A person should set daily goals for her to achieve the main goal. You should not leave out the smaller details for tey help you build your success.

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I agree with you. I always write down my goals the day before to make sure I won't forget. I have to jot it down so that I can do it the next day. It is easier to do it this way.

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Goals are directions in life. We are guided and motivated to achieve it on time. Taking small steps at a time will make it easier and possible to happen. We will be confident to work for it. Our patience and determination is also a good factor to consider in achieving one's desire.

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I totally agree. Big tasks and/or big goals need to be broken down into smaller chunks. You can achieve them reasonably quickly and you get a sense of achievement and motivation from that.

And all the small things add up quickly.

I do this with money as well as work. Having to save a large amount can be daunting but if you break it down it usually isn’t so bad.

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No one ever achieved a big goal without first achieving smaller goals. You cannot eat a whole cake in only one bite; it is the little bites you take out of the cake that will help you eat it all. It is those small goals that add up to result in the success of your big goal. Big goals can be intimidating because they look like it will take forever to achieve but when you cut it into small goals and put a reasonable timeline on those small goals, every goal achieved will give you a sense if accomplishment and will push you to try more until you have achieved it all

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I always encourage people to set realistic goals and then split up those goals into "mini-goals." You could set daily goals for example or weekly goals which should help you track your progress easily enough. Achieving these smaller goals will motivate you to keep going, making it more likely for you to get what you desire.

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Yeah, that makes sense. Completing small tasks (goals) can progress you into a different level of achieving something bigger and greater (not to mention productive). Whenever I had to do several tasks, I always began with the smaller and easier one's. That way the list of chores gets smaller, and you get yourself energized enough to complete the BIG DIFFICULT one.

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I have always a small goal setting person I hate disappointment so I set goals that are achievable. With achievable goals we will be able to be effective and efficient in it. I know that we must times want things happening immediately but with our little steps we can still get there to achieve more bigger things.

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I would have to agree it's like a snowball effect where continiously achieving small goals at the start of the year will eventually lead to achieving bigger goals as the year progresses. It's like dividing your ultimate goal into smaller goals and formulating a solution and an action plan for each your smaller goals. This would help you focus on achieving your target for the year.

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I wasn't really a believer of any resolutions or goal settings for the year because it doesn't really work out. At least it doesn't for me anyway, I can't speak for the others. Anyway, I think this is a great idea. I could probably end up having a more productive year if I set tiny goals for myself. I might try it this year, thank you for this.

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It is true that small things grow bigger in due time. Setting it with direction will surely be achieved. Our goals will be realize if we have focus on it. Creating a plan will make it easier. Patience and determination is also a good factor to consider in any desires. This will be of great advantage to overcome whatever trial that comes along the way. Your will is a must.

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Well,I dont believe in setting goals for the upcoming year. I have given up the habit of setting New year Goals and resolutions long time back.I do agree that having short term goals are always better than setting bigger goals for the upcoming Year.I believe that it is better to focus on the work in your hand and try to give your best efforts to complete it. If you have complete focus on your work then things do happen eventually and you are able to achieve success.

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I always believe in the saying "Nobody starts at the finish line" and in the quote of Lao Tzu that says, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step". Small victories will give us confidence to face other challenges and help us to believe in ourselves that we can do greater things. We have to understand that every goal is always provided with step by step plan. This idea can help us achieve whatsoever goals we are going to set for 2019.

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Hello dear how are you doing? my name is Olivia, am from United Kingdom. Nice to meet here,please write me in my email i have very important issues to discuss with you is not what we can discuss here write me in my email

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Yes, that is the a good way to achieve goals. Have micro goals that you can achieve daily or weekly that will work towards your macro goal for the year. When aiming for a big goal it is sometimes hard because the end seems to so far away but when you break it down into small ones then the feeling of satisfaction is slowly but surely felt and it will make attaining the main goal much easier.

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I usually start with smaller goals then proceed to bigger goals. You cannot go to level 100 unless you passed level 1. I also don't forget to list my short-term and long-term goals. Making goals is important they act as a map to your life and it can lead you to success.

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I agree with this. We need to learn to set smaller goals to achieve bigger goals. I think that if you set smaller goals they are easier to achieve. Once you achieve many smaller goals you have the momentum to achieve the bigger goals and other smaller goals . You get used to achieving goals and it becomes easier to make a goal and strive to achieve it. I think I personally like this strategy for 2019 and I will adapt it.

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That's what I do every single day, settings small goals that would impact my future positively, people really don't understand that what makes people successful are the small things in life these micro tasks that if accumulated can result into bigger results.

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Small things has always been the start of something big. I started as a freelancer and got few good bucks for some works done. It was all small scale yet continued efforts had made a fruititious as I continually seeks for better ways to improve myself. Here in SEO community, some of our task might had been small in some scale yet as we continually exchange ideas and knowledge I believe we will come into something big out of it.

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The lecturer in the time management workshop that I attended said that big goals are better to be broken down into smaller goals so that it will not only be easier to accomplish but it will also avoid to be overwhelming you. But this discussion is the opposite that you set small goals that will eventually culminate into bigger goals which may have the same concept in the approach.

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Hello dear how are you doing? my name is Olivia, am from United Kingdom. Nice to meet here,please write me in my email i have very important issues to discuss with you is not what we can discuss here write me in my email

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It depends on the person. If you are more confortable in doing small goals fist then that is perfectly fine. Everyone has their own style in setting their goals and achieving it. The key here is you have to always try you best to achive your goals.

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I agree. Setting smaller goals will give high chances for you to be able to accomplish things instead of aiming high. It is not bad to plan for bigger things and hope for it but it is always better to be realistic to avoid disappointment. I, for one, have so many disappointments in life. I can't seem to catch up with my goals so now ended up with just doing my best no matter what my goals are.

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Small goals are always great for hyping yourself up. Not only does it get more done for you in the long run, it also builds up your confidence to take on bigger and bigger challenges. If it's for work, then a long string of successes, even for little tasks, is a good thing for your resume.

I have to agree, and I'll probably divide big goals into a group of small ones if I can.

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