
How lucrative is gaming niche?

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How lucrative is gaming niche?

There are so many niche anyone who is interested in being a blog or forum owner can set up his website on. It's all about working on something that can deliver for your business and on something you have the knowledge and experience as well as expertise to manage well. 

Someone suggested starting out a new blog/forum on gaming related niche. So, I'm wondering how lucrative do you think gaming niche would be? 


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The gaming niche can be incredibly lucrative! With the surge in video game popularity and the rise of eSports, there’s a vast audience eager for content. From detailed reviews and strategies to community discussions, the possibilities are endless.

Take this popular mobile game, for instance—Null's Brawl has become a fan favorite, with a dedicated community sharing tips, strategies, and updates. Creating content around trending games like Null's Brawl could boost your site’s visibility and profitability, especially if you’re passionate about building a like-minded community. What are your thoughts on exploring the gaming niche through games like this?

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The gaming niche can be incredibly lucrative! With the growing popularity of video games and the rise of eSports, there’s a vast audience eager for content. From reviews and guides to community discussions, the opportunities are endless.

If you have knowledge and passion for gaming, you can build a community that resonates with like-minded individuals. For instance, this engaging mobile game has become a favorite among players, with many gamers sharing tips and strategies around it. Focusing on such trending games like Null's Brawl can enhance your site's visibility and profitability. What are your thoughts on diving into the gaming niche?

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These days? Most likely not very lucrative.

The thing is that gaming is far more popular than most people realize. They assume that the gaming subculture isn’t that big, when in fact it is massive. For this reason, there have been hundreds—if not thousands—of people who have tried to make money off of this niche in different ways.

The thing is that it worked out for those who were first on the scene, but now, the market is incredibly oversaturated. Take for example the Let’s Play phenomenon on YouTube. The people who were first on the scene are the ones making the real money. Meanwhile, anyone who is trying to make their way in at this point is barely going to get any attention among the thousands of fresh faces.

I’d personally focus my attention elsewhere if the main goal is to make money, because at this point it's like trying to make a new social media site while Facebook is still around.

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I may have to agree with you. It would be hard to work out for someone who is starting or who wants to start as there are already a lot of people who have taken their steps before.

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The thing is that so many people feel like they need to start their own brand or website in order to make a living in certain niches. It’s important to have big goals and aspirations, but sometimes you also have to be realistic. Starting a new site in a particular niche, when there are hundreds already out there, is impractical.

What is practical is looking to be hired by one of these sites as a content creator. The old saying goes, “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em” and the same goes for work. 75% of startup companies fail (actual statistic), which is a crazy high rate of failure. It’s more realistic to aim to work for a company within your niche than start your own.

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Yes that is true. As technology is getting more advance, a lot of people now rely on internet for generating money. There are a lot of websites competing each other. So it would be very practical if you will joined to a company that has a strong background and also that is one of the top in business.

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It will become your training ground. You won't just earn money and experience but also the skills. You will learn more and you can use that as an advantage and if you think that you already have the guts and what it takes to beat them then try. You never know until you try.
The reason why a lot of people did not become successful is because only the successful people have the courage to take the risk.

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I have to agree, because you do make a couple of good points here. As a personal example, I used to work at a nutritional supplement company, and even though I was fairly low on the ladder there, I still got enough training and experience to become fairly knowledgeable in the field. I’d dare to say, knowledgeable enough to be able to pursue my own business.

When you work for a company that’s already established, you get a rare inside view on how the machine works, which is a perspective that someone just starting out isn’t going to have.

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Yes, same here, I want to make sure that the people who started first become successful before I start doing so.

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I agree with you, it is hard to do it but maybe he can.

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I do think that a gaming forum could be successful and can give a good profit to it's owner. In my opinion a gaming niche should concentrate on a single game only, taking into consideration the games worldwide popularity and the number of its regular players.

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There were some gaming forums in this site before but they are now disabled. I am not really a gamer but a gaming forum is also a good idea. I can still manage to share some thoughts about this forum.

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There are some gaming forums but I doubt the owners get any profits especially on unofficial forums, but also you need to expect a lot of quarrels and arguments in a gaming forum, so a lot of patience is needed. And you're right it should be focused on a single game.

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Pardon me for not agreeing to what you said about saturation. Any niche is saturated because there are billions of internet users and I don’t think you will find a niche that is not saturated. What’s good in the internet is that no matter how many competitors you have there are still people who can be your regular patron to your site. That means you don’t consider a niche saturated unless there are no more new enthusiasts.

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I think it's still a great deal. It can still compete on the market. Thou, there are huge numbers of competitor nowadays but it all depends on strategies and promotion. Creativity, skills and knowledge is a great edge to compete among others. Anyone who has the desire will always find a way to excel in his chosen field.

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It is going to take a whole lot of promotion just like you said and I believe that it makes it a lot fun fore as well. I don't really see competition as a big deal as long as I know what I am doing.

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It's a challenge to do well in all the work. Having a positive outlook is a good drive to surpass trials along the way. I also believe that observation and analysis plays an important role. It will help us grow and stay on track.

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Yes, exactly, as long as you know what you are doing then it's all good.

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True. As long as you are good at what you are doing, you enjoy it and you are happy, then, so be it. Competitions are normal, it is what makes you work harder. Believe in yourself and work hard. All good work pays off, remember that.

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Competitors are good motivators. This help us find ways to improve better. It gives mind alertness and aim to reach our goal. A healthy competition means better service.

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Competition has to make the challenge of starting the business and website for that matter even better since it will make you bring out your best by outdoing the others in the sector.

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Indeed it can be a good deal. But lot of competition. And one has to find niche and different voice in the gaming community for this to work. I have seen some of the really good gamers working out and planning their game. It just takes time to make money.

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If you are going to invest your time, money and effort on this niche, just make sure that you do enough studies and you have a concrete business plan with ROI. All the comments above are good addition to your studies.

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That's the thing as one should be able to invest a whole lot of time to making the blog to work. This is the only way to keep those members ready to buy some deals through your link as well.

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I agree with you. People cannot just jump on gaming niche for the hopes of gaining much money. A proper plan should always be set out first.

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To give you an idea how much money there is in the gaming niche. You can see that there are kids who are leaving their school and study and working on twitch and youtube gaming. And doing the game videos every day. And making money to pay for their future courses and education. And recently even the facebook got into the gaming videos and seems to be getting into this. Lot of money there but not everyone can do that.

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That whole thing blows my mind a little. Dropping out of school to focus on gaming YouTube channels seems so short term to me...I guess there's money in it though and if you hit it big you can set yourself up for life. Crazy how the world has changed though, that these days a career playing video games is something that can actually generate you quite a bit of cash.

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Yes indeed it is a short term. And kids are burning out of the stress it takes to retain the channel on top. Despite money earned they are depressed and struggling. So I think casual streaming and making money is fine. But making money before 18 graduating is only going to add the stress. Full time money making on online sites too early is a bit harsh for body and mind. Youth gets wasted in that time.

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If you mean gaming as in steam, playstation, Nintendo Wii, X-BOX, etc. Then yes, gaming is very lucrative in terms of a niche to get involved with. But if you're talking about gambling sites and stuff. Those are a bit trickier. Without the proper licensing and related materials, your business can easily be seized or warranted as unlawful.

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It could be successful if you concentrate on a very popular game. I don't think having a site or forum which caters to every kind of game could be successful. What I'm seeing is that those sites which concentrates in a single game or game brand are the ones which are successful. Like League of Legends which has 22 million regular players and DotA 2 which has about 12 million regulars. While World of Warcraft has about 6 million and Fortnite which has about 50 million players.

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I agree. Creating a gaming niche forum should have one game that it would focus on. Doing a research of what game is now on trend is something to be firstly consider in order for the forum to be successful.

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Yes, dedicating your forum on just one particular game can yield many results. Games like PUBG and Fortnite are quite popular and people are talking about it.

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I think it is a great idea as there are a lot of people who play games online. I have seen some gaming related forums and I can say that it is fun to talk about. The thing is, you have to do a research on what game is on trend nowadays so that you'll be able to catch the attention of your desired target traffic.

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Most of the people are in it because it's what they're interested by doing and that they want to create something thrilling for the customer. In addition, online game journalism is simply as hit and pass over. I might say that the video gaming is one of the greater unstable industries, in reality, and a part of what contributes to this is that it's far nevertheless quite young.

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The gaming niche is already oversaturated. Passion for gaming would probably see you through the toughest days when you start out though.

Of course there are some things that can be done to make you stand out from the crowd. Find a micro-niche within the gaming world. And at the moment, everyone who has a gaming blog should also be on youtube. So you'll need to work extra hard to create content both for your blog and youtube channel. That is what it would take to successful make money in the gaming niche.

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Gaming as a pop culture space has really become more about personalities now. The web's most popular gamers have either outrageous, or very magnetic personalities. Which means people enjoy watching them, and their content.

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I've noticed too that gamers tend to like video reviews of games more. Reading about the gameplay for many gamers isn't good enough to convince them to buy a game that you are promoting. The need to see what it is they will be getting when they buy the game is another reason why bloggers are obliged to also create video content I suppose.

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Wow this then proves the potential that lies in the niche and as such it's opportunities for anyone wishing to make it a business.

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I've noticed that too. It's no longer the games they're selling. Practically anyone can play them now for free. The thing they're focused on is the player's personality.

I personally don't like outrageous people. I'd go for the magnetic gamers since they're naturally interesting instead of trying too hard.

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That's right. Those who were early to the gaming niche are very fortunate. They've already built their following without the current competition. A lot of it has to do with technical expertise. Like setting up social media channels and regular channel promotion.

But the biggest factor has to do with you being worth it. You don't just need to be interesting. You also have to be relevant enough for the people to spend their time watching you.

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Having a gaming channel on Youtube is also not a bad idea as there are people who would love to watch you play their favorite games. However, you need to be extremely good at the games you're playing and also introduce a bit of humor to your audience.

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If the individual is an avid gamer then I do not think that there is any reason why they should not invest their time and resources in creating such a blog. It will be great for them to also interact with like-minded people and share experiences that can better their gaming life.

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I think so too. It's actually nice to have friends when it comes to gaming. You wouldn't want to feel left out. They have a great community for loyal players and those who share similar interests.

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The gaming niche will probably always be steady and successful. Too many people love gaming, especially the younger generation. There are a lot of technologies at this time to make gaming even better such as Virtual Reality. I think you can do a lot with Virtual Reality and probably some aspects of virtual reality that are not yet known.

There is a lot of cool new futuristic tech in terms of gaming, and this will continue to be on the rise. There are so many online platforms for gaming such as:


- twitch

- and many more..

So will all this being said, the gaming niche is not going anywhere. I suspect sales to increase and increase in the years to come. Technology is only getting better so you can best believe that the gaming industry/niche will be following the same path.

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.I think it is lucrative if you can find a way for people to have a better experience or make money in gaming. The key to gaming in my opinion is passion and the knowledge you have about the industry. Your profit will all come down to how helpful are you to people? Are the products you sell or promote useful? I think that for the right person this is a very lucrative niche. One thing I’ve learned about working online is that, you need to be passionate about what you are doing

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You're right. A lot of the famous gamers are incredibly passionate about what they do. Sometimes to the point of overworking themselves. And it's not a good thing. So it's important to know your limits early on.

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The gaming industry has grown by leaps and bounds that gaming is now entering tv which means it is part of the entertainment industry already. I guess the gaming niche can get a good amount of traffic if you play your cards right since there are millions of gaming enthusiasts who will be interested in your website especially if you will be discussing the details of the games.

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I believe you can still work this out even if there are so many bloggers to compete with in this kind of blog. All you have to do is choose a game which is very popular yet difficult to play. There many mmorpg games which requires knowledge and techniques for the player to level up faster or to finish some difficult quest. You can make a content on how to overcome this easily. The problem is you cannot do this without proper knowledge of the game itself so you really have to play the game also which takes time.

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Gaming is wildly popular amongst many people, typically the youth. There are tons of gaming blogs out there, and thus it can be a bit difficult for your blog to get noticed considering the competition. However, if you're persistent enough and produce quality content then you might have a chance.

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The key to building a gaming blog or channel is to get in good with sponsors. So they'll send you cool products to review. The higher you climb, the more major the samples will become.

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Yes, working with sponsors can open up a world of opportunities. However, it can take a fair bit of time to engage with those sponsors because they look for blogs that have a huge number of audience.

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However, if you're persistent enough and produce quality content then you might have a chance.
You'll need to be in most of the places you'll find many gamers.

Creating content for forums or blogs which gamers visit a lot could work to your advantage. This is what you could use to build a following fast. Obviously nothing happens overnight and that's exactly why persistence might be your key to success because should you give up too soon you'll never find out if you could have made a lot of money in the gaming niche.

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Yes, posting on other famous blogs or forums can generate your followers, especially if you have sufficient knowledge about the game being discussed.

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The gaming niche has incredible potential, especially with popular games like Null's Brawl leading the way. Null's Brawl has developed a massive fan base thanks to its unique characters, intense battles, and constantly updated content. A blog or forum dedicated to Null's Brawl alone could attract a strong, loyal community looking for guides, tips, and the latest updates. Fans are always eager to discuss strategies, new characters, and game events, making it a perfect topic for building engagement and traffic. With the popularity of Null's Brawl and similar games, a site focused on this niche could definitely be profitable. If you're into gaming and want to tap into a passionate community, learn more about this amazing game and see how it could drive traffic to your blog or forum!

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The gaming niche is definitely a profitable area, especially with games like Null's Brawl capturing such a devoted following. Null's Brawl has an active community that’s always looking for new strategies, character insights, and updates on the latest events. Creating a blog or forum centered on Null's Brawl could attract tons of gamers who are eager for in-depth guides and discussion spaces. Plus, since the game keeps expanding with new features and updates, there’s a constant stream of fresh content to cover. If you’re considering the gaming niche, focusing on popular games like Null's Brawl could really help in building a highly engaged audience. and see how it could be the perfect fit for a successful gaming site!

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