
Do you market through social media?

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Do you market through social media?

Social media marketing is a means that many people have been using to push their services or products to the wider range. There are people that has made lots of sales through social media. 

Do you make use of social media to market your products or services? 


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Social media seems to be almost the only way that newbies market their sites and goods offered for sale. It is good and I use it much. It is great.

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Yea and with the Google ads program you can also create more awareness at a cheaper rate for your products, sounds interesting.

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I agree with you, because social media can spread your business really fast.

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Yes, because most of the people all over the world are using social media, so if you put your business market through social media, it will boost fast.

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Yes, definitely, most of the people especially me are really addicted to social media.

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True. It's the only platform I know that is very helpful for newbies because it's free of charge. Google ads are somewhat cheap and affordable but as a newbie who does not have that much capital, I don't think it's that good to invest on ads especially if the probability of bringing people to care about your ad is very low.

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It is all right to invest in advertising when your site is already earning so that the overhead will be covered by the site. But for a new site and especially owned by a newcomer in the industry my suggestion is the social media. You can promote your business interest by posting about it occasionally. With a creative post, you can get more sales and positive reactions with just the effort and you need not spend.

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Yes, you are right there. For those who are just starting their business and need to get well-known somehow tend to use the social media world for marketing because it is also the easiest way for them and helpful as well since most people these days have social media account. Potential customers can easily see a lot of products or services offered by many.

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I market a lot using Facebook and for me it's quite effective all you need to find out is the correct group to market your products in. Once you've identified your target group then it's smooth sailing from there on.

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Social media sites are great platforms for advertising your business and generating traffic into ypur sites. Social media advertisements are free of charge and gives you a great number of crowd.

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Not yet for the content that I am developing since it is not that much marketing inclusive as mostly I rely on orders that are made by customers. However, I have a shop that will market stuff online coming up and online marketing is something that I have to take advantage of at that point.

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Social media is a very good marketing strategy. I love using it though am still to develop my website. Welcome aboard.

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Sure,it the best and it will remain the best as long as digital world is concerned.

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Thank you, my friend. I love social media due to the outreach that it has and the capability to influence a lot of people and when people get influenced on social media it is common for them to bring or influence their friends on the platform as well.

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Yea marketing online promotes sales irrespective of what you sell and the service you offer, just target the right audience.

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Audience definitely makes a big impact if you know how to target them well then you will be guaranteed of some great income. If they are in resonance with what you market that is.

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If you are writing for clients, there is no need to market your contents. However, you can market your brand as a freelancer. For instance, you can create a facebook page and promote yourself as a freelance writer. You can even post recommendations and reviews you get from your clients.

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Social media sites are good platforms for the merchants to promote their products and services and also to direct traffic to your own website if you have one. It is amazing how social media sites becomes a great advantage for the seller to advertise and to promote their products.

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Yea it a great pint there, just by creating a blog for your service and have huge traffic sent to the site and buyers can come back to check your products.

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The more the traffic then the more the likelihood of some buyers coming over and checking out what you have. You can also use a conversion formula to check the percentage of buys that you get for every specific number of visits.

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Sure. Who doesn't. We market contests, giveaways, our articles, our website, our brand, our services and soon our official line of products through social media. It's the best digital marketing tool out there when it comes to connecting directly with your audience in my opinion.

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Yea thats true, it has a good feedback and customer service that buyers lover, I think it's the best.

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Giveaways seem to be a big one these days on social media - I think they do help to pique people's interest and get new followers. Out of curiosity do you find after the giveaway has finished that your social media followers drop? I've always been interested in finding out statistics about that.

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Yeeah people truly do love freebies and when you show a culture of giving them then they will keep coming back more and more. It shows your dedication to give them the best of services.

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I think that Social media is steadily taking over as one of the most effective tools of marketing today. If you have a good presence on the various Social media platforms then you will very easily be able to market your products on these platforms and it will definitely boost the online sales of your products. If you don't promote your products on Social media platforms then you are likely to lose a large chunk of your potential customers.

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Yeah. Especially because new social media platforms are cropping up by the day. It will be interesting to see how far these new platforms make it in the marketplace, and ultimately how they manage to drive users and advertisers looking to promote their brands.

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Yea it's increasing more than anyone me can expect and that's the best way to sell because ads can be displayed for searched items.

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Yea exactly, you will not only loose huge sellers but the business is not going to be global because social media connects people from different part of the world.

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I agree with you. When you need to attract people of different ages, social media is the best avenue to get them. The influence of social media is undeniably big and the impact that it can give to your marketing will also be great.

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Social media is a great platform to establish your brand. It does not matter what you do, just by being present on number of social sites will establish your credibility. Most of the people understand social media marketing as a good way to generate traffic and sales, however, not everyone realizes on establishing your brand through social media.

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Sure that's the best platform available as at now because the world is going more digital and more people have having access to the internet everyday so social media marketing is staying and trending for now but I don't know about a hundred years from now.

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Most users are taking up accounts on social media and I think that it is one of the best ways that we can market our products. The good side as well is that it is pretty cheaper to do so unlike the other means of marketing our goods.

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I have started branching out into this and it's already making a noticeable difference in my work life. I honestly think that social media advertising has to be capitalized upon in this day and age. Marketing isn't done by traditional means anymore - I mean, it's still something you can utilize, but you also have to move with the times and understand the world of marketing through social media channels.

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Social media is free advertising. You can showcase your product on your Instagram, Twitter or Facebook to reach more crowd. A lot of big companies now have advertisements in their social media account or even hire celebrities with bug following to advertise their products. Younger generation nowadays are more into the internet than television so if your products cater to a much younger crowd, social media accounts are better for advertising.

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The thing is that unlike some other forms of marketing, with social media, you tend to reach out to those people easily which is a good way to promote what you ate selling. I believe that you can as well have quick returns when you do it right.

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It's such a fantastic thing as well, from a small business perspective, that you can do so much marketing online for free these days. Back in the day I'm sure it was really expensive trying to market yourself through the traditional channels of print media or TV ads. These days, self-marketing is done by just about every business, and it levels the playing field a lot more.

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Yes sometimes when I want to market a certain product or services I used social media sites such as Facebook because it is free and very convenient to use. I can get many people in just a single click in just a short period of time that is why I really social media sites to advertise certain product and services.

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I think without social media its difficult for you to advertise your product or to see your product to the target market or audiences. For me social media is important as this will give other person an information about product you sell. It's difficult especially for those small business or someone who just started a business advertise in television as it needs large investment for you to advertise the product.

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I agree. It is very ideal for those business who are just on their way to their success and can't advertise in television. Since there are a lot of people using social medias nowadays,it is very practical to use it to advertise or sell items and services.

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Yes I agree with you, it would be very hard for small time earners just like me to advertise my product and services if there will be no social media sites because I might shoulder the heavy burden of paying high advertisement cost at some TV network sites. It is good that we have another option to save time and money as well.

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Well if you mean "do I buy advertising space on social media platforms" the answer is yes and no. Recently I decided to start a marketing business for businesses in my area, and I have thought about using Facebook's advertising platform to specifically target those that are business owners in my area. However, there is an issue..

Facebook's advertising system is very costly, especially for someone who is a freelancer like me. You basically hope and pray that the advertising is success otherwise it is just wasted funds for the advertisers.

Now in terms of marketing like sharing links, posting groups, having friends follow business pages, etc.. I do not do any of those practices as I feel like that is spam and could possibly make my business image/brand look bad. So I try to steer clear of spamming social media with my business links. I see a lot of this spam, and I personally do not want to get involved with this type of 'marketing'.

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The best way to use Facebook's advertising platform @Everett is to experiment with campaigns at a certain price. Don't dump hundreds of dollars into it right away. Pay the price you want - watch the results, and then decide how to move forward from there.

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Social media is one of the best ways to do your marketing and the easiest there is. Aside from easily reaching to your friends, getting a wider scope is really possible with social media. You can also enter a lot of groups and promote your products or serclvices.

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True. when I started writing, I was using Facebook to promote my services. It is through Facebook that I landed two of my first clients. I then started promoting the services through Twitter, and the results were are amazing.

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I have yet to get active on the social media and promote any real product. But that is something I should be doing. And I should be getting things properly done with the social media. As of now I am just learning from other people. And hoping that I can find a product or two and that should give me an idea of promoting it to wider audience. so far not much luck for sure.

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Ever since I started writing, I have been using social media to promote my services. Initially, I was promoting my services through Facebook, but I currently use Twitter and LinkedIn more.

Also, I a member of several groups where I have landed various clients.

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There are a lot of people on social media who may never find your website. People who could for that reason never buy what you sell. But it is possible to sell directly to them on whatever social media site they are using or direct those who are interested in what you offer to a site where they will buy what they need.

Since marketing on these sites costs nothing, unless you want to pay for ads that is, there is no reason why anyone shouldn't market their products or services on social media. Just do it.

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Yes a lot, I have a Facebook Store and a Facebook Shopify Account. But I'm not that active anymore since I opted to become a freelance worker. But whenever I need to sell something, I always sell it on my Facebook Groups.

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Facebook groups are very effective and efficient in getting you to selling your business products and services without much hassle.

It's your Facebook group which is run and managed by you. It's more like you are already a celebrity in the group. So, any business products and services which you deem fit to market in your Facebook group will definitely sell.

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I have seen a lot of business suing social media as there extension of their advertisement. This helps them to gain traffic and customers as well. I think this is very practical and a good idea as you don't have to pay to advertise. Also, you may have a wider reach to your customers that could give you good reviews and easier communication with them.

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The numbers game is what lures so many people and businesses into using social media sites for marketing campaigns in promoting their business products and services.

Take a look at at the number of users of Facebook alone which is more than 2 billion people, with such numbers, any marketing campaigns done using the social media will definitely yield good results.

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I agree. With that number, there would be a bigger chance that you can successfully gain traffic. You can just advertise and do transactions. It provide a wider reach from you business to your customer.

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Social media marketing is also somehow effective these days. In fact, I have a friend who does marketing in the her social media accounts and she said it is quite effective. It may be very effective but it is somehow helpful to gain more potential customers. It is one of the easiest way to market your business rather than word of mouth while looking for someone who might get interested with it. If you just put it in the internet like in social media world where more people can see it then it is a good idea.

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Social media sites are very effective when it comes to marketing business products and services. Facebook is a great platform for any business promotional activities.

I have personally used both Facebook and Twitter for my online business marketing and it's very efficient and effective in getting the job done.

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Yes that is true since that social media sites are now becoming popular nowadays to be used for marketing purposes and it is really effective because most of the time people are spending much time on social media sites that is why it is a good choice to have.

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I agree with you. Social media sites will really help the marketing of your products. Unlike forums, and threads, millions of people are into social media nowadays.

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Yes I do market through social media. Mainly I use Twitter. But now that Google Plus is closing down and I created business pages to market products, I have to relocate some very good content to a new home on the web. I'll either choose Instagram or Pinterest.

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I'll be expanding my brand into the Instagram realm pretty soon as well.

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I use a free tool called IFTTT. It helps me automate my social media posting. Right now whenever I post to Instagram, it automatically posts to my Pinterest board. With Pinterest, you can create sub-sections within you pinboard and better organize your IG posts. On Instagram, you can't really create organize your gallery that well except using hashtags. I am growing my followers on Instagram, but I already have a few thousand followers on Pinterest. Might as well share in both places.

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IFTT is definitely good for pinning the blog post images to the board. And also some of the time sharing the board on the wordpress blogs. And even sometimes wordpress posts to twitter. Those are some really good automation use cases for the IFTTT.

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That's a good idea. I've learned to automate some of my posts on twitter and Facebook.

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I have decided to use 3 platforms along with the IFTTT tool” Instagram, Pinterest, and Tumblr. Sometime during 2019, I'll be able to report of that was a wise decision.

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Yes because some people are too busy going to store to new products. So when I want to sell something I just use my social media to broadcast about my products. I even ask my friends to put some of my products on their account to attract customers. See how easy it is using social media. In a snap of your hands your products are available online.

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If I will have a business I will market thru social media because it's free and a lot easier to access.

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Social media is also a great help in terms of marketing because nowadays allmost all people are alredy in social media specially in facebook. Facebook is the most accessible social media in which you can market in a cheapest way but be sure to make right move first. Good plans also are needed because in social media if you can market easily, you can easily down there if your not that careful.

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Yes i do. Because posting in social media can help your small business grow faster so it's a well known or so important to know when you want to start a business. Posting in social media can help your market's reach a wide range of people. I think all the biggest market's or businesses that we known tofay use a social media platform's to help their business grow faster.

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I agree with you. The thing with social media is that you have connections with your friends. Through that, there's a high chance that your products will be shared to their list of friends.

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Yes, I do, because social media is a nice way to boost your marketing sales immediately.

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I am presently not into business yet but I have solid plans of creating my own website for affiliate marketing. My primary target clients are my connections in Facebook because I have been in touch with them for years now that I’m sure they will help me with my business particularly when I am just on a startup. If my 100 friends will share my promotional posts about my business then I could be in good stead in the first year.

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Most people do this with our current technology. It is so easy to access internet. With just one click or so you can find what you are looking for without going out of the house and check each and every shop in your hometown. This, for me, is the most effective way to advertise or promote your product in the public.

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Social media is a good platform for business and marketing for those who are starting and also for established ones. Because of large community in social media sites, it becomes a great venue for advertising.

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This is my main platform for marketing. The thing with social media is that you have a ready made audience. Unlike SEO or ranking on google which in a way is based purely on luck. On platforms like Instagram and Pinterest you can target your audience directly and get them to engage with your content. However I also think it depends on what niche you are in. Some niches e.g technical niches don’t do so well on social media.

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I'm actaually have plans of signing up for Lazada Affiliate company, I just have to post in facebook, own blog and so on and they'll pay me when someone buy through the links that I posted.
I can't start yet because I think their website is not supported in my phone. For now, I will just earn and save to buy laptop.

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Hello there!

Yes, social media is crucial nowadays. It's even better than buying ads or hiring someone.

Thank God for social media opportunities nowadays, so that every single person gets an equal chance to promote his market.
Myself, I use Facebook and rarely Twitter for such things.

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Yes, we use social media to promote our business through a page. It's a nice platform to use because you have access to a larger audience as compared to handing out flyers and cards. Posting on groups and other pages while interacting with others is also a good way to let our service be known. And of course friends sharing our posts and promos are very helpful!

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Social media is very advantageous when it comes to advertise your products or your service to the people. It helps you gain popularity and easier to share about your company or to your products.

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There is always the possibility that something you post on social media can go viral. That is what anyone promoting products or services on social media should hope for.

And another advantage is should satisfied customers leave positive reviews on your page, this would boast your sales because potential customers will believe that what you sell will satisfy their needs.

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Of course, social networks do a great job. But I think that for some professions it is more effective than for others. For example, SEO specialists are more difficult to provide quality content in social media such as Instagram, since graphic content often plays a role there. At the same time, an Illustrator or designer can easily create a whole portfolio in Instagram. Using such services as, it can get good coverage and customers in the first weeks.

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