
What is Stripe? How can I withdraw money from it?

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What is Stripe? How can I withdraw money from it?

I need to know how to withdraw money from stripe
plz help me in this case
Thank you


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Stripe is a payment gateway. You can think of it as Paypal's premium version. Paypal allows you to accept and pay for stuff. In case of the stripe it is payment gateway for business, freelancers and merchants. You put the payment form of the stripe on the page and you get to collect funds from the same. You can see that paypal has limited options when it comes to the merchants and business. In case of stripe it is much more flexible and it works too.

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Thank you for the detailed explanation. If it’s a step up from PayPal it sounds like I may have to check it out. Do you know much about any fees or charges associated with it? Is it cheaper or more expensive than PayPal is?

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Stripe is payment gateway. Paypal is payment processor. So if you are going to use stripe for small earning sites or say PTC. Then you won't be able to use it. Stripe is useful only in case of the freelancer, business and other payment methods.

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Do you (or does anybody) know if Stripe can be used with bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies? I get confusing reports about PayPal's acceptance of cryptocurrency.

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I have not seen stripe, payneer and paypal accepting the cryptocurrency. I'd suggest uphold payment processor in such case if you want to accept the crypto. There are few other processors who accept it too. I personally think that you should consider trying out other withdrawal methods only if there is too much currency conversion gap.

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Okay so stripe can't be used for small earnings like sites likewise paypal is not as good as stripe when it comes to businesses and merchants

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Yes paypal is really bad for business because big business can't have their account blocked over refunds and the payout issues. So that is where the Stripe comes in as it handles those issues. Paypal is good for just small earning sites and freelancers who want small amount.

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Oh, thank you for that detailed information, I didn't know that Stripe is more okay when it comes to business and merchants, I'll keep that in mind, thank you!

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Yes. If you have business that has say items delivered then stripe is better. Because it can handle refunds and the returns from the customer. And that is something you may want to look into. Because here the payout options are lot easier and handle worthy.

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Thank you for this, exactly im looking for the alternative payment gateway.

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I honestly have no idea what Stripe is and this is the first time I've heard (read) about it. Thank you for the information, it's very useful. Is it the same as Payoneer by any chance?

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It's not same as payoneer. Payoneer is like paypal payment processor. Strip is a payment gateway. Something that business use to take credit card and other info. And they can issue refunds lot quicker. And it works out for them. Paypal and payoneer are same with different rate for bank withdrawal.

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Oh I see, thank you so much for clarifying that!

Which would you say is better though, Paypal or Payoneer?

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Payoneer for bigger payments. Paypal for small like under 20$. That's how I am using it more effective and Like to get better rates. So I'd say payoneer is better if you have freelance client.

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I am glad to know to about stripe. I am not aware of that system nor familiar with it. It's best to have choices especially for those freelancer or businesses for minimal amount transaction. Thank you for sharing this information.

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Yes big business and the freelancers can use it effectively. It can get better withdrawal rate. And also it has proper forex exchange rate too. So I think on that note you can find the stripe better than paypal. That's what I have noticed.

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After you begin withdrawing with Stripe, your first payout is made 6-10 days after your first successful charge is acquired, and goes into your specific bank account or onto your debit card or credit Card. After that first payout, you may count on payouts within a few days to a week. Your Stripe account needs to be connected in your personal bank account or different place that handles your cash.

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Interesting - I hadn’t heard of it before but it sounds like an alternative to PayPal. Right now I do enough through PayPal that I don’t really need an alternate payment source but I’ll keep it in mind if I have issues with PayPal down the track.

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Yes, it's an alternative of PayPal, tho PayPal is way easier to access than this one.

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Paypal seem waay waayeasier and a better alternative for accessing and withdrawing or making payments over online means as compared to stripe. I rely on paypal and it never takes more than 5 hours at most.

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I agree. It seems to be a good alternative payment source. If ever Paypal might go into a crisis, hoping it will not, good thing that I got to know about this. I'll be doing a research about this first since this is my first time of hearing about this.

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I also hope that paypal does not fail in any way as it is a platform that I highly rely on especially for 80% of my online deals. The alternative is great but still a bit inferior in comparison to paypal.

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This is a new information to me. Does it work like PayPal? It seems like that to me, if not, how is it different from PayPal? Can someone elighten my troubled mind? Thank you.

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I am from Bangladesh. Do you know
can we use this method in our country?

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It is actually my first time hearing about Stripe. Well, based from the comments, I think it works like PayPal. I've been using PayPal for years now, and so far, I'm content with it's purpose and service.

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Same here. I am also very paypal loyal. They don't charge me any substantial fees to receive or withdraw money, so why switch over?

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They don't charge you?

Wow me they rob for each 50 Bucks PP collects a 4$ fee.

IMHO Skrill is way better the transaction fee of is at 73 cent when passing on 50 $

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Well I'm based in the states, and have a business account that's verified. They never charge me a dime to receive money or send it. I do lose a tiny bit of change when someone pays an invoice or when someone buys from my brand through ebay. But it's nothing to lose sleep over.

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I kinda have a business account too, created in 2005 but limited for 3 month now although my limitation was cleared around the same time. They just forgot to unlimit my account I guess. Outside the states paypal is drastic to say the least.

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I think if one is contented with pay pal, then there is no need for stripe. Yet, we need alternatives and this is a good alternative. It is good introducing it here.

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I’m also pretty content with PayPal and they’ve been around so long that they have my trust. If stripe was substantially cheaper though they might have my interest!

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I may have to agree with you. Stripe must have an edge in that area, it must not only be "it has additional features" as some may claim. PayPal has been existing for years and I'm not looking for additional options.

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I have never heard about this before and I am interested to know more about it since this is new to me. Thank you for sharing us this particular site and I will take a research on this later on.

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Stripe acts almost like PayPal. I can say it is an alternative for PayPal. Withdrawal is done almost like PayPal. So it is a new type of PayPal.

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It is my first time to hear about stripe. It is good to know that there's a more advanced alternative for PayPal. However, I am satisfied with PayPal and the way he handles my transactions.

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So do I. I just heard about it. I am very satisfied in Paypal service and I will definitely stay with them. I have been using Paypal for 2 years now and it never fails me.

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I didn't heard about Stripe and this is my first time to hear that. I only know Paypal, Payoneer and Skrill. Paypal is more easier way for me when it comes to transaction of money than any other site.

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I don't really know much about it, all I know is its a new platform to run businesses in and that it has a built-in payment system. It's not like PayPal in the sense that its not an actual payment platform.

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This is new to me. This is my first to hear Stripe as a payment method. But I think it is interesting to know more information about it. I use Paypal to receive payment and I love it. I don't encounter any issue with this. It will just take 3 to 5 business day to receive my payment through my card.

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I never heard about Stripe. I just know Paypal and Payoneer. It is sounds interesting to check how the Stripe working. I think only few people just knew it.

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Stripe is an alternative to PayPal. If you want my advice, it's better to stick to PayPal as I believe it is more proven and reliable. I'm not saying I don't like Stripe, but it's a little well-known and there's not much information about it as of the moment.

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Well, I have heard about Stripe for the first time. From all the replies to your post I guess this seems to be a good alternative to Paypal. I have been using Paypal for some time now and I don't have many complaints about the service that Paypal offers, However it is always better to have multiple alternatives when it comes to payment gateways. I will definitely do some research in this regard and see if Stripe offers its services in India.

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So this is a payment gateway? I have noticed that a fair few countries cannot use Paypal, so is this a better alternative? Personally, it would not attract me as Paypal works well for me, but I had a look at the website and it seems to have a lot of payment options. I guess time will tell if it is a serious competitor to Paypal.

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Yes it is a payment gateway and not payment processor like paypal. Here you are kind of merchant account. Not something like personal payments like paypal. Stripe is competing with the paypal on business grounds not for small payments like paypal sends it. So it all depends on how you choose to have withdrawals.

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It is the first time I'm hearing of stripe too. From what I've gathered it is pretty much like Payoneer. You can use it for collecting or accepting payment on your site. Now what would get me choose one is what they charge for their service.

Does anyone have this information?

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