
What is the number one reason making you choose to work online?

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What is the number one reason making you choose to work online?

I work as a freelancer due to the flexibility that it offers me as I can work anywhere and at anytime. This along with the influx of jobs online some of which you can begin at an instant make one some money for both spending and if you are really good you can even make millions. What are your reasons? 


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Freedom is the number one reason why I choose to work online. Having worked as an employee in a certain company, I can tell you freedom is sweet. I used to work under strict rules, and there was no freedom of doing whatever you think is right.

Furthermore, working online gives me the freedom to choose when to work, alongside working from any location. It feels good to move with my office in my backpack. I do not need to wake up early to beat the jam, then find a stressed manager waiting for me at the office.

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Exactly! Work freedom is one of the advantages of working online. In this working environment, you are your own boss and answerable to no one else but yourself alone.

You have the full control over the job you want to do and when you want to have it done unlike when you work for someone else who gets to use you like a robot and still won't pay you well.

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I agree. Also, working online comes with a lot of flexibility. Unlike the 8-5job where you are confined in an office under rules and regulations, you can work from the comfort of your couch, outside or wherever you want. Furthermore, no need for wearing suits or observing the dress code.

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I strongly agree with you. Thanks for online jobs today. We can now work at the comfort of our homes.

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decided to work online in order to create a different income stream. I wanted to maximize my earning. I never though about freedom and all those things that many online freelancers tout. In fact I do not even see freedom coming by working online. You still have a boss (your client). You must be ready to work any time (Its Sunday and your client wants an article in two hour).

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To some extent, I will agree, but there are well-paying offline jobs but you have no freedom. You cannot compare the freedom enjoyed while working online to that of offline jobs. How about your boss staring at you? How about wearing as you desire and wherever you want?

I agree my client is my boss, but once orders are given, no is there to move around looking what you are doing. As for time, you need to set your schedule clear and inform your clients. My clients know that I am off on Sunday.

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When you work online you do not have to go to work, there is no boss to stare at you, no one complains on what you are wearing. However, there
ar many drawbacks such as you do not have social interaction (rel world
interaction), you cannot enjoy the secret chit-chats that you can have
with your colleges about the boss's new girlfriend. Working online
cannot give you a financial freedom, there will be no pension plan, no
retirement funds and other social benefits.
If you start saying, you do not work on Sundays and its night time and you cannot deliver the work, you will start losing your client.

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you have a point there, but I think you have more freedom compare to working in an office.

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I agree with you, I used to work in an office before and we have this skirt uniform which is really uncomfortable and very hard when it comes to commuting.

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I agree with you, you don't have to report to anyone or deal with nosy office mates.

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I agree, having a boss, especially if it's a demanding ruthless boss(just like my old boss) is really a pain, I've missed a lot of occasions because of working in an office before.

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I believe to earn money is the number one reason of working online. Also to be your own boss. You also own your time in online work.

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Yes, having the ability to work where you want to, when you want to. And to also be less stressed because you don't have to traverse the jam-packed streets of the metro anymore.

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Well put my friend. Money is also a motivating factor for me and the accessibility of online sites that one can make money from even from the comfort of your own sitting room makes online work the best choice.

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Yes, true. Having a boss is a pain, specially if it's demanding.

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I know right. There are employers out there who are perfectionists though you really cannot blame them since the idea is to make the business get more sales and earn more money. So on your part, you need to turn over quality work all the time.

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I have higher monthly income in online jobs than in office jobs.

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i feel you my friend. All of us have in one way or the other loved the freedom that is guaranteed by freelancing. You do not have to fear that you have to submit to the company rules or regulations regarding time that your boss has set. Although freelancing still needs crucial time management, the flexibility is better.

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Also, you won't be thinking if you are fired or not and no more everyday commute.

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Yes, same here, because you can work freely online, you don't have a specific time to work online, just work whenever you feel like.

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Even from the comfort of your kitchen, bedroom, sitting room or any other area and you do not have to spend a lot of time getting ready like the other types of jobs as you can wake up and start straight away.

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I agree with you. No job can give you the freedom like what freelancing can do. Also, you're free to wear whatever you want, say whatever you want and behave whatever you want while facing the computer and work.

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Yes, you van wear pajama while working hahaha.

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I agree with you, and also I don't want tk deal with nosy office mates and jerky bosses.

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Some troublesome co-workers can can really be a stress to deal with more so when they keep interfering with your progress or work.

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Especially if they are those kind of people who bother and spread false rumors.

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I agree with you, I used to work in an office and it is always busy and tiring, yet my salary is still low.

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Freelancing work is like having your own time for yourself that it seems like there are no hard and fast rules to follow like a free wheeling life. But come to think of it, do we really enjoy freelancing for the work or it and not really for the money? I have to admit that I am doing online work as a freelancer for the money that I earn and if you take it away then I will surely not enjoy freelancing.

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Well, it's for the obvious reason to maximize and monetize the time I spend online instead of just wasting my time doing useless things when such time can be turned into making money opportunities. Along the line of being a freelance writer, I still put some time off to catch fun online in some of the social media which doesn't interfere with my online jobs.

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This should never be used as an excuse for laziness. There are various freelancers who think that being your own boss is all about having to relax and never do anything. It entails being keen to manage your clients well and not lose any so you have to be a great time manager and keep all your committments.

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I knew I could make money by working online in 2005, however, I did not get started until 2010. I started as a writer (I was already earning a a writer in the real world). The though that I can make extra by writing online lured me to work online. Before I started writing online I had some activities on facebook, twitter and hi5, however, I did not use these sites regularly. In fact I was checking these sites like once in a month. My first active online activity was publishing on helium dot com.

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Well it seems like you waited for a significant period but the important thing is that you still started. You never gave up on the dream and this has made it possible for you to be testifying on this site. Great things may be awaiting you ahead.

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Whether you want to work offline or online, you should never give up on dream. However, this does not mean you have a dream that is impossible to achieve. I can build a social media site, however, if I dream of creating a social site that will be a competitor to facebook, I am dreaming impossible.
You have to develop your skills, you have to learn and you have to work hard. Every possible things will happen to you.

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hard work and smart working for that matter assists in the journey to success in all fields. You have to identify the areas that you need to work on from time to time and those which generate you the biggest revenue to cash in from.

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I live in a rural area so there is not much option for work right now than online. It is a plus that it is more convenient to work online. My mom needs constant care so it is easier to look after her at the same time work. I can pause work and make household chores. It is also good that I can fit different clients in a day so it is more practical for me right now.

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I don't live in rural, but we have the same reason. I don't have much choice because almost all needs 1-2 years experience and I am just a freshgrad so I choose freelancing online.

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Oh that's so true, but keep fighting ok? At least now you are settled in a job in the comfort of your home.

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Don't give up and never quit. There are people out there who are looking for the skillsets you have. Maybe you haven't met them yet.

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Flexible time, I have to watched my kids and I can't afford baby sitter so working online is the perfect job for me because I'll be able to work and watched my kids.

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Is it not great to get the time to spend with family and friends just when you want it more.You can plan when you will work and as such you do not have to keep reporting to the office at constant times and going through the whole day like a zombie.

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I agree with you, I remember my mom when I was a kid sometimes she misses important occasion because her boss calls her to their office to report.

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It is really great, I don't have to file for leave just to spend time with them.

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You also do not have to plan any time with them as you can supervise their plays as you work and still have some level of productivity.

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Yes, and I never missed any special occasions ever since I stared working online.

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As a mom myself I completely agree. It’s so expensive here for childcare and sitters, so it’s better for me to stay home and look after my children - but I like that I can freelance and earn some money too.

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Very expensive, I think it took up 1/4 of my salary before I started online.

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Working without leaving the house so I could always be with my family is my number one reason.

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That's a great incentive. As a parent myself that's definitely a big part of what draws me to online work too. I wouldn't have the same flexibility if I had a boss and worked a standard corporate job. Family always comes first for my husband and I so it's nice to be able to work from home in an online capacity.

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Having a regular day job deprives more time for your family. Grateful are those who don't work for other people and are always there anytime their children needs them.

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I also heard somewhere that the rich people or rather those who think in a rich manner with a rich mindset never evaluate themselves and their time in terms of their worth to their bosses but in regards to what they do for themselves.

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I agree it is always best to stay as close to the ones you love. This is definitely a great reason to work online. Surely you probably will be ignoring them at least they are close as you are working!

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One thing it's also freed up time for is my commute to work. I used to have to travel about an hour each way to get to my job. That's two hours a day every day that just ended up being eaten up on public transport. Not having to do that anymore has given back so much time to my family.

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Same here, and it is really tiring and stressful.

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Be with the family always is a great thing. You can attend to them immediately especially in urgent matters.

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Working online gives one flexibility to attend to things in the fastest means possible especially due to the fact that you can schedule yourself quickly and can also work from any location. You might be at your aunt's but still working when you find time to rest after finishing to engage them.

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Yes, and you won't miss any special occasion.

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Yes, because you can take care of them while working.

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Yes, you can take care of them while you are working.

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I am not a parent yet, but my parents are old now so I have to take care of them. So working online is really great.

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This reason is the most significant advantage working remotely/online can get - SPENDING MORE QUALITY TIME WITH FAMILY.

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Yes, you will miss a lot of quality time with your family if you spend most of your time on your regular day job. You might miss a very special occasion with your partner or your children when your boss doesn't allow you to be absent on that particular day because of the important work that you have to finish.

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Exactly. And working from home provides a solution for those problems. Plus you get to earn in USD which is a big factor.

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Yes, indeee. family should be our priority in working in office we get to spend a little time with our fam.

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Plus when you work at a physical site or office, you get to spend a lot of money on travel fees, eating out, and other extracurricular things from peer-pressure and such. Working at home doesn't have that.

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It is the number one reason, always. hahaha

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If you have your very own family and children, spending more time with them by being at home is priceless.

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You'll bond with them and at the same time get paid online.

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Yes, though not at the same time. Like you still need to set aside time for work and family time. If you do, your employer might not like it.

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Yes, that's a great reason. Especially when you have your little kids and you don't have someone whom you can trust to look out for them or your budget is not enough for hiring someone to do it.

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Yes, I remember when I was young my mom would always be in thw office and I don't want my kids to experience the same thing as I did.

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that's really unfortunate. Well, now that you are freelancing you will be able to take care of your kids.

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Actually it never has to be distinct on the house as you can work even in your nearby coffee place or when you are on vacation. The flexibility is all that matters and gives a huge meaning to the work.

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That's a really great reason, and sweet too.

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Yes, we only live once so we should always be with our family.

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The reason why I prefer to work online is the amount of free time I can have compared to when I work in the office. I am a future Educator and just a few months from now I am expected by my friends and family to work on a school may it be public or private. However, I have decided to just stay on my online job as a freelancer and maybe add ESL Tutoring next year after graduation. I am actually the type of person who wants to stay at home all day and that's also one of the reasons why I love to work online.

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My number one reason why I used to work online is the accessibility of this job because working online has no time set, you can work anytime you want, you are the one who will decide on when to work or not to work.

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OOH yes this is one very essential online working benefit. You can work from anywhere even when you are vacationing or during the weekends. You get to set your own timetable and not influenced by anybody else with total control over your time and location of working.

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That's actually one of the things I really like about working online. I had an online job that paid well between 2014 and 2015 and that time it didn't really matter where I lived. I could move from town and town and as long as I had an internet connection, I was OK. This freedom to live wherever you want, visit whoever you want and stay as long as you want, is what makes working online so attractive.

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I agree with you, you don't have to work in schedule.

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That is indeed true. You can work anytime and anywhere as you please. All it takes are your time, internet connection and the laptop or phone. In my case, I only use phone.

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For the extra money of course. For financial freedom, personal freedom and just the general ability to do what you want. It's a good way to supplement your income and even make a steady income.Being an employees gets really tiring. So I would say the number one reason is freedoom. So far I'm struggling but I would say that eventually my hard work will pay off.

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Flexibility without a doubt. I love being able to set my own hours and not be bound to a 9-5 with a terrible boss. Being my own boss offers me a lot of creative freedom as well, rather than the rigidity that often comes with a standard workplace. There are loads of great things about working online and I think the industry will only continue to grow into the future.

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After working for more than eight years, being a freelancer or having an online business is what I really wanted to do now. Having a boss is stressful. You'll not earn when you don't work. Every day you have to deal with the traffic as you go to the office. You are forced to wake up everyday early in the morning and drag yourself to go to work even sometimes the weather is not good. You don't have freedom. You can just have a break to eat on the time allotted by your boss. And you continuously doing it every day, every month, every year, over and over again.

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Yeeah the 9-5 can really be terrible especially if you are a free soul who loves to work under minimal supervision. I think the best escape that one can have other than starting a business is for one to get into freelancing.

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True, and you don't have to deal with nosy office mates nor jerky bosses.

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You are very right. I was always stressed coming back home after a long day of work, partly because of my boss. I'm just glad that there are a lot of opportunities online.

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Yes, when you know where to look there are certainly a number of opportunities to make money online. I’m fortunate to be able to bring in a few hundred dollars a month which helps our household immensely.

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The opportunity to work while at home is my primary reason. Having the opportunity to work while taking care of my sick brother is a great help. Another reason is the flexibility in time gives you the advantage to work at your most convenient time.

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You are right. Do you know that as a freelancer, you can work from anywhere you want without having any obligation to anyone? This is the part that I really enjoy as being a freelance writer for I can even play songs while working.

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Years ago, I made the decision to write and live on my capital. Then the capital ran out and the benefits system persuaded me I should continue to write. I did so because anything is better than not working at all. Health reasons aside, I do like the flexibility, but over the years the places I write have mostly, shut down. I am however, working on books that I hope will be read, It is actually unfair as I end up with less to live on than people who get unemployment benefit and none of the perks. The upside is I can retire in a few years and will then be better off but still able to write. I'm not sure I could get into a workplace routine now, but I do miss the company.

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I love the resilience that you have as it shows that indeed you have what it takes to be successful in this industry and world in general. Even with all the unfavoring aspects, you have found ways to do it more and more over time and you will definitely achieve your goals.

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Getting a job and earn money in my available time in the same time your freedom to express yourself like this and dont have a boss. To be able to showcase your knowledge in this line of freelancing.

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Yes, you are right. The great thing that online freelancing is giving to everyone is the "freedom".

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I don't know how long it would have taken before I saw my work in print if that was the only way to get anything I have written published. Now it will be easier to convince an editor to read an article you tell them about because I can show them samples of my writing that are on the net.

I chose to work online because it was the relatively easier path to getting published. Along the way I learned that the net is one of the few places where one can make a lot of money if they work hard. Those are my reasons for choosing online work.

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I think for me it has to be money. And also the thing about online money is that you don't have fixed boss. As long as you are into the contract you work with that party. And that gives you a motivation for working with that specific group of people. This keeps you socialized just like the job. I think working from home can solve some of the problems in that case. I guess we learn from the experience as we move ahead.

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Gaining experience is one big reason that made me to start working on the internet. I must say that as long as being a freelancer is concerned, I have really gained so much experience and I believe that it is going to assist me to becoming better when I start to upgrade on my work as well.

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That’s another great reason to freelance and work online. Often we are able to gain experiences and opportunities that we simply wouldn’t have access to if we just stuck to the jobs available in our immediate vicinity. It’s definitely one of the joys of being able to do things via the internet!

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I choose to work online because it is just easier, let me explain why below:

No driving to work and fighting traffic. If you live in a largely populated area traffic can be seen as a waste of time. I do not know about you but I do not want to sit in traffic and waste my time.

Do whatever whenever. Places I have previously worked at did not allow you to do whatever whenever. You had to wait certain times. For instance, lunches can be scheduled. If you need to use the restroom you best hold it.

More comfortable. I do not know about anyone else but to me, it is more comfortable for me to work at home. I rather work at home than in an office. I would hate having to commute to work 5 days out of the week.

Your time, not theirs. Surely you may have deadlines, however, you can work whenever you want. Do not feel like working at 8 am? No problem! Work at the time that is best for you.

These are probably my main factors of why I like to work online I would literally write a book about this topic, but I will keep it short for now.

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The traffic one is a HUGE one. I used to work at a city based corporate job and my commute was literally an hour each way. That was an hour smooshed up against other people on public transport - not really the best or most comfortable way to start and finish a day. It would often make me really grouchy, too. Not having to commute saves me time and stress and you can't put a price on those things!

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I think the main reason will obviously be the flexibility of working hours and the ability to work from home for anyone who has opted to chosen to work as a freelancer. Apart from this, you don't have an immediate boss who will be constantly sitting on your head and monitoring your work. If one is able to work successfully for some years and is able to create his own business online then there is a very high potential of earning huge amount of money

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I think freedom, freedom to manage your own time and flexibility are the main reason why many people chooses to work on line. It is very helpful specially to those parents who wanted to take care their children even if they sill working. They have more time in the family too.

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Some reports also suggest that there are cases where people who work online gets to earn more compared to their corporate counterparts because what online workers earn is usually in USD.

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Yeeah there are a;lways those cases especially in areas where the currency I much weaker than the dollar. If you are able to do a lot of work and achieve a higher pay, chances are that you will be paid a lot more than those who just depend on the local currency.

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Yes of course though there are a few who are not well-paid as well. I know some who started for $1 an hour and got raises now and then depending on their performances.

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I agree at mark Mothers who want to stay at home are the biggest constituents of people who are working online. I know some that have been so successful that they have given up their careers and now have an online business working from home. I think the biggest motivator for anyone wanting to work from home is economic and personal freedom. Most people want to be their own bosses and want to have enough time to spend with your family.

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I opted to work online foremost because of some physical condition that I needed to stay at home. I feel less pressured compared with working in a company. Secondly, I wanted to be more knowledgeable of technology and the internet world.

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CONVENIENCE. Let's say I get an offer from a company who is willing to pay me six figures a year, but I have to travel back and forth to a physical office, I may not accept it. After being in the industry for over a year, I am so grateful that I get to discover this work, and I am not going back to being a corporate slave ever again.

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Many of my jobs in the corporate world definitely did make me feel like a slave. Money isn’t everything and if your quality of life sucks but you’re earning tons it’s still not worth it to me. I may not earn as much through freelancing but my quality of life is much greater.

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I couldn't agree more. Besides, for some people (not me) the only way they do with money is buying material things and such. I'm not like that, and I don't feel like I'm richer compared to the other guy if I do have more expensive stuff than him.

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Yeah, I've actually become quite minimalist since I started freelancing to be honest. I value experiences and quality time more than I value material possessions. It's made me rethink what I really need to be happy - and that's been a wonderful, eye opening thing.

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So good to have a fellow minimalist here at SEO Clerks. Believe it or not, my wardrobe is composed of 10 black T-shirts, five pairs of shorts, five pairs of jeans, one pair of rubber shoes, one pair of slippers. That's all I have and usually wear. I got that from Mark Zuckerberg, LOL.

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Well, being a freelancer online is good for a person who does not want to be informed what to do and you have got an ideas about the way to do something better. In addition, being a freelancer online don't need to feel guilty for showing up late except, it is to an appointment. There is no need to ask for day off or calling in ill. There is no person searching over your shoulder to make certain you are working.

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Hahahaha . It seems like you have already faced the problems of being employed first hand as the experiences that you have shared are all too familiar in that world.

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I used to feel so guilty at
my previous corporate jobs whenever I was sick. I’d always feel like I’d get in trouble for being legitimately ill. Nowadays if I’m sick I can just rest in my pajamas at home, guilt free.

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True, even if yiu are sick you can still work a little bit and no deduction in your salary.

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I have been unable to get out of the house for several days and the amazing thing is that I did not have to ask for an off as I simply brought my laptop to the bedroom.

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I have an offline job right now but the I still choose to work online because I mainly want to have a sort of extra income online. I feel addicted to work online during my free time because of the learning opportunities that I gain and the money that I received every time I will work and spend some time on my online sites. As a freelancer, I find it to be tough to earn online especially if you don't have the necessary skills but despite of these I exert a lot of effort just to learn those basic skills and I am glad that I am happy that I am earning now which really helps me to pay for my monthly bills and to have some extra money to buy my need and wants which is really great to have.

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The number reason would be the convenience and the cheapest way to earn and save money. You will not be frustrated and waste your time being stuck on traffic and wake up early just not to be late on your work because your work is already on your house. This is the cheapest way because you will not eat outside or pay for your transportation because you have the time to cook. In addition, you will save a lot of money because the things I just said will cut your expenses greatly.

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Yes I agree, you don't have to buy something for lunch and pay for your transportation.

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Another reason why it's so great to work from home is you get to avoid daily commutes and even daily interactions with toxic and detrimental co-workers. I seriously hate that, hence I'm so glad I get to have the opportunity to work remotely.

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I agree, commuting everyday is really tiring and very stressful, actually for me working online and at the comfort of your home is less stressful thab working in an office.

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I did have experience working at a corporate office before, and the thing that is so hard to handle is not the stress you get from the workload but the stress you get from your fellow workmates. Maybe I was unlucky at the time as the colleagues I had were too competitive that sometimes they take things personally.

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I've had times where I had such awful coworkers that I'd feel sick at the thought of going in to work. They were just toxic people, like you said - and there's always some kind of "office politics" where someone is starting drama.

Glad I don't have to surround myself with that anymore.

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Good for you. If you don't mind me sharing, I once worked at a company before where the people who got promoted were not the ones who were doing well but the ones who suck up to the big bosses all the time. I'm so glad I got out from there.

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I have said this many times and I will say it again for the benefit of this discussion. I was advised by my boss to enroll in a course to improve my written English. One suggestion was to join a writing website where I can submit short articles. But I don’t know how I got into forums and it’s been 3 years now that I am enjoying the work as a part time freelancer. I earn a high salary from my full time work in the office so I don’t think I can go full time in freelancing for now.

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The number one reason is freedom. I can do schedules on own and if ever there are family outings or gatherings, I can join them as I can just bring my laptop everywhere while I'm working, I can also enjoy our family gatherings. I can be the boss and no one can controls me as I have my own schedule and work. It's up to me if I will accept the clients offer or not. I can freely choose the things I want to do.

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Working from home means I don't have to deal with a lot of people. I had friends when I was working in the office but mean people were inevitable. I love the idea that I can earn from home and client is the only person that I talk to. I think the reason will also depend on the person. Some are working from home to take care of their kids or some are just introverts.

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This is one of the reason why I choose homebase work, to avoid jerky bosses and nosy office mates.

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The great thing about working at home is being able to experience the comfort of home while working. We will have the opportunity to escape the toxicity of the city, the stress that commuting is giving us and the pollution that we cannot avoid. It is good to escape the frustration during the rush hours in the morning, and I'm glad that I'm not experiencing that problem anymore.

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I agree on that. I am working before in a big city or so-called central city of our province. I can say that my job is not that tiring but the transportation is toxic and very exhausting. Also, the fare almost eat up my salary and that's why I decided to quit that job and find a job that I won't have to deal with traffic or polluted air anymore. Good thing that I have found a good platform to start working online.

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I agree with you, commuting everyday is really hard and very stressing. For me, working online is not as stressful as working in an office.

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The number one reason why I decided to work online is that I can work while I am studying and I don't have to the go somewhere just to work. Also, it helps me to develop more of my writing skills that I know could help me alot in the near future. I am so glad to find such online job that really helped me to sustain my financial needs.

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I honestly wished that I start freelancing when I was in college to help my mom and dad finance my tuition and miscellaneous fees in school. But, unfortunate I just knew about freelancing when I am already done with school.

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It is also my wish that I had started vearly on especially when bin college and my parents had some minor problems in clearing my fees. The money would have really helped raise my studies but it is still great that I started when I did.

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I also wish I'd found out about freelancing earlier - sadly I only found out about it when I was finished with college too. It sure would have been nice to have had the extra income back then, but I guess it's a case of better late than never!

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It is just as the common saying which goes that goodthings are never straight forward.

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That is why i am so grateful to find such good paying website that really helped me to have an adequate amount of income. My parents knew about this and they supported me. Now, I can buy my own school books and other school supplies that I will be needing thanks to this freelancing job that I found.

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The number one reason I have working as a freelancer online is my family. I want to still be able to take care of their needs and the house since they're my priority. Having a 9-to-5 job just wouldn't work for me as it would take so much time away from them. Freelancing gives me the freedom I need to still manage my home and be productive at work.

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I can set my own hours. Freedom, don't have to work with people. But firstly i can never do a 9-5 job, that is just underrating myself. Online business is the best thing right now.

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I love to write. Working online has given me some of this freedom. Granted, I still have a full-time job, but with online sites, such as SeoClerks and its network of other sites, I can do freelance writing. I am also listing some crafts on ListingDock, so it is a very exciting time for me. I just feel that working online is for me because it allows me to reach so many other people that I normally would not be able to.

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What is the number one reason making you choose to work online: The first reason why i try to work online is when I quit my job because I feel uncomfortable to travel for work in my preggy times and don't have a choose but to stay in home doing some household tsk that i can but still I feel bored most of the time in our home specially when my partner is in his work. So, I search some online jobs that can be my passed time and do make extra money too.

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The number one reason I am working online is to save money. My present salary from my regular job is just enough to pay the bills. Though my workload is not stressful and Ifrind myself growing in my chosen field, the income is just enough. I wish I could expand my online jobs to earn and save more fot the future.

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