
Outstanding 2000 plus unread mail

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Outstanding 2000 plus unread mail

I was away online for few weeks and getting to see an outstanding 2200 plus unread emails. I have tried reading them but it's very boring clicking it in a singular order. How long will it take me before I can read over 2000 plus mails?

I would like to know if there is a way to mark most, if not all the mail as read. 
Thanks for your help. 

Outstanding 2000 plus unread mail


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Outstanding 2000 plus unread mail I've also experienced this before when I had my vacation in my province where there is no stable internet connection. After a month of not being online on GMail, I found my inbox with a thousand unread emails. What I did was I opened my email on my laptop because I guess it's not possible to mark all the unread mail as read on mobile. I am attaching the screenshot of what buttons I clicked to mark all my unread mails as read. Hope this helps.

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WOW! Thank you so much, you really saved my ass bro, I'm also having so many emails from every site that I am subscribed to, but this thing really works, thank you again.

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You're welcome bro. It's always an honor for me to help even for just small things like this in the forum as I am not an expert.

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That's the best option for me. It is because I do that as well. It could really be annoying opening your unread emails on your phone.

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True. What I actually do is to look at the preview first and if it does seem like there's something very important inside, I open it while the others are left unread for deletion.

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I've learned to be ruthless when sorting out my mail. Reading your emails can waste alot of the time.You need to be super organised. You need to read them often but at a designated time. You can get bogged down in email. There are people who have personal assistants just to sort their email out. its not a task to be taken lightly. The first thing I do is go through all my emails putting in the trash the emails that you think you will never read and marking to read the email that you think you could be interested in. Designate an afternoon or a morning and read them.

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It is good to be organized. I am ashamed that sometimes, I get irritated at the massive amount of emails that I get becaus I only have one main email address.

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I've been diligently trying to unsubscribe to emails that I don't need anymore, like mailing lists I signed up for years ago that aren't relevant to my life anymore. I figure that not getting the emails in the first place is the easiest way to keep my email inbox under control!

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Oh! Thank you so much for that information as well, tho unsubscribing lots of email is a hard task to do, do you have any other way to get rid of the unwanted emails?

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Lol. In that 2000 email in your account is like a falling paper in your head. You know, if you dont need some of the site youve subscribe to, just unsubscribe to atleast lessen the email youve received or if your really hardworking then do the first comment youve received Outstanding 2000 plus unread mail

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This frequently happens to me. I think of all the people I want to hear from and make sure I have saved all those emails. Then I delete the rest. I may miss something, but if the person wants me to know, they will email me again.

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Seems with use the same strategy. I will always delete emails by checking the names without even reading the content.

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Same with me. With all of the emails that I'm receiving, the name is always enough for me to distinguish if it's deletable or not.

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I have unsubscribed from notifications. I have also managed to avoid to unsubscribe from many type of lists which can be seriously affecting the lists. You can see that subscription based services may not be easier for many folks. I think unread mail for me have reduced a lot lately. In terms of the unread mails for the social and offers box in gmail. I have reduced that into like 20 or so.

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If the bulk of those emails are from this website you can go to your settings and toggle off the option to receive emails. I get a lot of emails from spam, and alerts I have created on other websites. My inbox has over 1,000 emails. Sometimes it truly gets out of hand and I have to unsubscribe from many lists. Such a pain.

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To unsubscribe is another wise thing to do. I mean that when I am not getting the needed messages that will make me feel good, then there is no big deal for me to keep holding onto such messages and the person sending it. The better choice is unsubscribing from getting those mails.

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I use different emails for different purpose so that I don't get bombard with thousands of emails. When ever I join a site, I also try to unsubscribe from the email notification. I am also very restrictive about signing up subscription in a website. If you select all email and delete in bulk, you might miss some important communication.

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I have given up in reading most of the mails. The thing is that they are not going to stop you from receiving fresh mails, so there is no much to worry about at the moment. However, if you are looking at deleting them, you can click on one small box at the top of the first mail and pick out the ones that you want to delete.

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The thing is that they are not going to stop you from receiving fresh mails, so there is no much to worry about at the moment.

I tried unsubscribing from some emails but I am still receiving them. What I do is to delete before reading.

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I also got a huge number of unread emails in my account. Well, it is not yet in thousands but, seeing the number makes me a bit uncomfortable for some reasons. And as each day passes by, the number gets higher for at least 5-10 new emails. What I did is I turned off the email notification from the site itself. Only for those who have a feature of turning the notification on and off. Sometimes I do all select all emails and I marked it as READ.

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Yes, the number of emails that you receive from marketing companies and also from unknown individuals trying to sell their products can be very huge and obviously very irritating too. I also use the option of marking them as read and eventually deleting them all. the other more effective option will be to unsubscribe from the sources who send you so many emails.

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First off, I wonder how you got those thousands of email. Maybe you have a lot of subscriptions. Anyway, I guess it is not a matter of marking the emails as read but you have to sort out those emails for important messages. What I usually do when my inbox has a deluge of emails is to create a folder to place those bulk of mails that needed sorting for a later time. That will unclog your inbox.

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I got a ton of mail also most are notification mail and I don't have the time to see each one so I just ignore it. It's really not that important anyway mostly notification stuff.

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I understand your frustrations as I have experience that as well. Though you may not mark a lot of emails, I think it's better if you open them using your computer or laptop. Using your phone may be hard.

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I use Google most of the time and I create mail filters. Certain mail that comes from certain parties go to a specific folder and I read them later. Some go straight to the trash can. The filters work great and help me keep my incoming mail messages organized.

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That's a lot of emails to go through. There is a way and I see it has already been answered. Also, you might want to squeeze checking emails in your daily schedule as it will save you a lot of time in the future in trying to delete everything or mark everything as read.

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