
What's your experience with speech typing?

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What's your experience with speech typing?

Have you ever tried using audio or speech to write your articles, posts or comments when carrying out any of your online work? For those who aren't familiar with what I'm trying to say here, there are some keyboards online that are available on both Google Play Store and Apple Store which have speech feature enabled.

You can just as easily download such keypads/keyboard and set it as your default keyboard. Long press the microphone icon below the alphabet keys and the feature to use speech to write instead of typing. 

This feels good but you can't remove the pronunciations errors that would limit the efficiency of using the speech feature instead of typing as you will still end up coming back to correct the wrong words. 


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This is a new feature that I have not come across. It is true there will be numerous errors. Pronunciation varies with locality. The way an African pronounces is different from Asians and Americans. Also, even Africans will pronounce differently depending on their native languages.

The app is a great idea though. Technology is developing with the coming of every new day.

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I have not experienced speech typing yet. But I have seen a YouTube about it. Its 100 percent accurate. This is high technology already for me. Thanks for those who invented this.

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Seriously, I had my doubts it's going to be possible to have such software technology in typing with voice instead of actually typing using fingers. The day I was shown how it works, I was taken aback.

But just like you mentioned, "... Pronunciation varies with locality. The way an African pronounces is different from Asians and Americans..." it makes errors to be very constant when using the software.

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I have never tried speech to text. I have Asian diction and I am not sure whether the speech to text program actually understands my diction.This is one primary reason why I have not taken interest in speech to text. Another reason is I am not a great speaker. I write well, but I don't speak well.

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I can relate to you. I am from Asia and I have the feeling that speech text can only easily understand the accent or diction of Americans. My accent does not sound like that. If you will hear me speaking, you can easily tell that I am not a native English speaker.

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Diction is not only the problem if you want to use speech to text program, you also must be able to speak pronunciations. You should know when to use rising tone, when to use falling tone, when to short pause, when to long pause so that the program uses correct punctuation. Further you should also have an ability to speak your thoughts. If you cannot speak well, you cannot benefit from such programs.

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I think that I have proved that even if you are a native English speaker and you speak perfect English. In my case I have had elocution lessons. Even talk to the others how to speak. You will not get a perfect. Outcome. . Voice to text does work within this site. But it. It's not helping me. At all because obviously I would not usually. Write with such ridiculous grammar. Probably. What I've written is slightly better than someone from a foreign language. But it doesn't alter the fact that I've still got the problem that I'm going to have to use my hands to get rid of the. I have a real vested interest in this whole thing because I have a paraplegic father. So I have always been very interested in anything which will help someone with a disability.

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Pronunciation is a problem. I have heard people who speak English as if they are speaking their mother tongue. Some letters miss in their language and cannot pronounce them when they find them. I have had people say 'pat' when they mean 'bad' and 'talk' instead of 'dog' just to name a few.

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I just proved. In my post below. That using voice. To text technology. Does involve the use two fingers. Because here. Verbatim. So to speak. Is my reply to your post. . If I were to edit it. I would have to use my hands. This is the voice type adding for Google Chrome. And as you can see. It is not very helpful. Due to the fact I have to keep. Taking a breath and every time I take a breath it puts in a.

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This is a breakthrough I believe. You are not going to write anymore. The computer is the one writing your words.

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When you say there will be numerous errors caused by the pronunciation differences then it is already clear that we cannot use that feature for serious writing. I have tried my smart phone for that function and I was really amused at first. But to think that the errors are so many I guess it is not practical for a writer to use the speech typing app. It is only good for novelty because you can feel like having a secretary who types your dictations.

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Yes, I have seen this feature been used and also demos of this on youtube. a person speaks whatever he thinks and the software will listen and convert the speech into text. I am not sure how useful it will be for me. I don't think I will be able to speak out about the full stops, the punctuation marks while I am talking about the topic. But I guess it is certainly worth trying if it saves your time and also your effort to type everything on the keypad.

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Seriously, it's a very interesting application update by Google and some other keyboards that are used on smartphone. I'm not sure if it's available on laptops because I'm yet to check it using laptops. With the issue of punctuations, if the developers can find a way to have a work around on it, I'm sure it's going to make it more user friendly.

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There are software that can help you type as you speak. The software support many languages. The one that I know is called Dragon NaturallySpeaking. However, I have not tried this software. In order to use a software that coverts speech to text, you need to be a great speaker, you should not only speak in correct diction but also use punctuation as you speak. I lack this ability.

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I am familiar with this feature and I tried it before using MS word. But I would say that it is not 100% reliable. It is useful but there is still a need to double check the words since some words were typed incorrectly.

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I agree with you on this about it's reliability not being 100% because there will always be mistakes with the words spoken and how it's written.

This problem is most likely attributed to pronunciation and the country language default setting of the application. So, there will always be errors.

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I have tried speech typing in google docs. The problem I encountered is sometimes the words I speak cannot be recognized and it writes the wrong word so I have to delete it and speak it again.

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This is absolutely true, in as much as the application is an interesting one, but as a result of the repeated attempts of wrongly written words probably as a result of pronunciations, it takes longer to use speech typing. It's actually why most times, I prefer using my hands to type instead of using speech.

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Yes, I agree with you. There are times that it's annoying me too. It may take time as you just have to rewrite it because the words that appear on the screen are not the words that you uttered. That's why, most of them time, if I am not in a hurry, I prefer typing on keyboard to ensure that I search with accurate words.

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I'm not a native american speaker so I think the software can hardly recognize some of the worlds that I've spoken. I still prefer using keyboards in typing because I'm satisfied with my typing speed.

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My experience with the speech to text is really good, especially the google, I used it whenever I want to set an alarm as I will just say that alarm for 5 minutes and the google will set my alarm for me. You can also use it to play music and send a text message to your contacts.

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I have not tried to make use of it while setting alarm anyways. I think if it can do much more than this, then it is a feature that I should be taking good notice of as it is one way to make more things happen as well.

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Google Docs offer this feature in their app. Word doesn't. I find it better than typing actually. It's really accurate and you get to focus more on the thought you want to convey. With traditional typing, you can only compose your thoughts as fast as you can type them. It eliminates the step of typing and you're going to proof read your work anyway even if you typed it so it's also time saving.

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Let's be more realistic, you definitely have to proofread your work whether it's typed with hands or used Google speech typing feature.

The only difference between both of them is that there will be more errors with the Google speech typing compared to traditional typing with hands.

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I was not aware that Google Docs has speech to text feature. The benefits of using speech to text is you can write pretty past. The drawback is you need to speak well. Generally speaking, when we speak, we don't speak grammatically correct. For example, we use contractions, we do not complete the sentence, we do not speak punctuation etc. Therefore, editing will take a lot of time.

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You'll read over your work regardless if you typed it or not. Not unless you're a lazy writer and once over your work before publishing. Editing the work by speech typing takes less time than with typing. It really saves a lot of time.

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Google Docs also has a handy feature where you can upload an audio file like an interview you recorded using your phone. It will automatically write it as it plays it back for you. Some people abuse this feature when working transcription jobs on the internet.

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That's something new for me. I did not know about this feature on Google Docs. That's because I do not use Google Docs much, I use Microsoft Word. If Google Docs can read audio file and convert to text, I will have to check out this feature. I have a lot of podcasts that I want to convert to text for research purpose.

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I highly recommend Google Docs. It's free but needs an internet connection if you want to sync over the cloud. What sucks is that when you save your work into a doc file, often than not, when you open it on MS Word it's broken. I wish they'd fix it or just adopt the doc file format altogether. Not everyone wants to pirate MS Office and not all computers are preinstalled with MS Word. That's why I use Google Docs.

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Thanks for the tip. I have never used Google Docs to write my articles, however, I have tied submitted online forms on Google Docs. Since my experience, is limited with Google Docs, I did not know Google Doc is available only online.

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I only tried speech typing when searching for something on google, whenI I want to search something that requires me to write lengthy lines. But, I honestly, I haven't thought of doing that on Google Docs. Why didn't I thought about that? That's a great idea that I missed! Anyway, does it catch your words accurately?

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For me it doesn’t really. I mean, it gets enough of it right...but I think if you’ve got any deviation from a standard American accent then it doesn’t pick up everything as well as it could. I’m curious to hear other people’s experiences with it.

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I only make use of it when I am trying to make some research on the Google Search box. One thing that I have noticed is that you have to really be on top of your game as regards getting to pronounce the words correctly as well.

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I haven't really used speech typing for Google searches. I guess it's because I don't have a Google Home or Alexa for me to get used to it. I just find it embarrassing telling your phone to search something for you, specially in public.

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With my accent I feel like it actually gets a lot of words wrong - so it ends up often being more trouble than benefit. It makes me laugh sometimes if I do use speech to text and then read over it...some parts of what’s been transcribed make absolutely no sense!

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To be honest I have never paid attention to that stat. I have used the dragon naturally speaking. And it seems like a good app. You can see that some of the time speech typing and writing can be harder. And in such case it helps to have a good experience making use of the speech to text apps. It works for some of the sites. And if you consider the usage for the text editor it can be good enough.

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I've tried using several speech to text apps and it's quite hard to use because you need to pronounce each word very clearly. It won't work correctly if your voice is not loud and clear enough. And it has a lot of glitches, spelling and grammar mistakes. Hopefully they could perfect it soon.

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It definitely requires you to really enunciate words, otherwise it doesn't pick them up properly. It also seems to mess some things up with my accent and getting words wrong.

Honestly, for the most part I just prefer typing since I proof read as I go rather than having to go back and double check a ton of stuff for errors.

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Wow this is great news which is new to me but definitely very awesome. It is information that can actually be celebrated by people that are lazy in typing but have content that can be published. It is an amazing invention and it is things like this that keep us being lazy in the world and ages to come.

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Yes, I'm also familiar with that feature. In fact, I have tried one before but, I already feel like not want to use it as an alternative tool for your work. I agree, the words that it produced are not all accurate. You have to correct it and I don't actually like doing that, correcting errors when I can type it manually in the first place. It saves more time, and I don't get annoyed. Although I know that you feel somehow amazed and ease but there's still some inaccurate output.

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I only use this type of feature whenever I feel too tired to type, and those are times when I want to search something on Google but wants to say it anyway instead of typing. Whenever I do that I just say "Ok Google" or sometimes press the microphone symbol on the side. However, I am not aware that some writers use this feature for writing (if they really do). It's fascinating tho because I have never come accross such an idea. However, with all the disadvantages you've listed I might just ignore the idea.

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I have never tried speech typing but then I believe that it is a great way to make our work more convenient and easier. I am yet to explore on such new feature which is I think would become a new trend as time pass by. It would be really a big help for work and business related purposes because they will not anymore type with their own hands which is really great to have.

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I tried speech typing in google and I found it very effective because it trains your mind and ears to focus. It requires so much attention when you do this.

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It definitely makes me articulate my words a lot more when I use the speech to text feature, so I guess that's a helpful mumbling!

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I did experiment with Google's native app before, and the results were okay. However, it seems it can only manage short phrases pronounced slowly, and once you get to sentences, it usually makes mistakes. I'll try it again next time since it has been a while and perhaps the service has already been improved.

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It's counter productive, might as well type it in. It would be faster and more efficient that way. I really think that voice to text apps needs a lot more improvement before it can really be used effectively. For now it's just a novelty which no one really uses.

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I have not try speech typing before. English is not my first language, and I actually feel more comfortable writing than speaking, hence I'd prefer to just type the articles or any writings. Moreover, I think it would be easier for me to review my own writing as I type, sometimes I might have some typo but I would notice it if I have typed it. I think it might be easier for me to miss some mistakes if I'd use the speech to text feature. Moreover, I am not sure if the program is able to recognize my English speaking well, since I am not native English speaker. I have tried to Google voice search that comes with the Andriod phone, just to test it out, and I don't feel comfortable using it yet. Perhaps it takes some time for me to pick up this new technology and skill.

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I've always wanted to try this one since I saw a lot of online job that requires this. However I don't think I can since I am not that good with the grammar and typing.

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My experience in speech writing is really good, especially when I'm doing multi-tasking, like for example I want to set an alarm on my phone. I can say something to it to set an alarm for me.

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My experience to use speeches writing is when I speak, the typing word is wrong so need to erase it. Instead of become effecient in your work, youll slowing only.

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I for my part didn't attempt to write an article through speech to type however I know some of people use this. In this modern era, a lot of people rely upon Google docs to do their work, then why not using the Google docs voice typing for converting our speech to textual content. It has many voice commands which helps you to change the way you talk while using this software. Apart from that, you can add bullet points, format text and bold text using the techniques supplied by them. In order to use speech to text tool, you just need to navigate to the tools alternative and then select voice typing from there.

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Please note that I used speech to text to try to write this post and after a while had to reply to my own post to continue. This may seem repetetive or unedited as my point is to show the plus and minus of the various voice to text programs I used. Repetition, grammar, lack of it, wrong words or muddle are left to show this. I am English, speak Oxford English and have a genuine temporary need for a voice to text program following minor surgery behind my ear.

Now let's experiment. Now let's experiment.It's very interesting that you have asked this question. a few months ago I was signed off to rest my left arm completely due to a problem in my neck full stop I therefore investigated speech to type full stop currently I've had a problem which means typing isn't that easy it's all temporary but obviously speech to type has been of great relevance to me full stop I'm writing it using this post and have to say that the most frustrating thing is being English and using the words. Ironically I just did it and got one. if you can remember to use the Right word for the punctuation it helps but as you can see the process at least on Google Docs is not perfect.

I tried to use some software which would work with Ubuntu and that was just too complicated. there are also other online places you could go to write and probably most of them are about as difficult as Google Docs speech to text function. to demonstrate how effective they are I've left this post as is.

whether there is anything more effective out there I'm not sure at least for open source. there's a lot of difficulty with punctuation which makes it difficult for a writer but if you are stuck these things certainly have their place and I am definitely going to be using the Google Docs function quite a bit today as I also have a course to finish. you'll be able to see from this post that there is a lot lacking in terms of the grammar full stop and it's very frustrating being English and tending to say. When you should be saying. Once I've posted this I will put the results using Google Docs but then tidying things up with language tool

Here is the result.

It's very interesting that you have asked this question. A few months ago I was signed off to rest my left arm completely due to a problem in my neck. I therefore investigated speech to type. Currently I've had a problem which means typing isn't that easy it's all temporary but obviously speech to type has been of great relevance to me. I'm writing it using this post and have to say that the most frustrating thing is being English and using the words. Ironically I just did it and got one. If you can remember to use the Right word for the punctuation it helps but as you can see the process at least on Google Docs is not perfect.

I tried to use some software which would work with Ubuntu and that was just too complicated. There are other online places you could go to write and probably most of them are about as difficult as Google Docs speech to text function. To demonstrate how effective they are I've left this post as is.

Whether there is anything more effective out there I'm not sure at least for open source. There's a lot of difficulty with punctuation which makes it difficult for a writer but if you are stuck these things certainly have their place, and I am definitely going to be using the Google Docs function quite a bit today as I also have a course to finish. You'll be able to see from this post that there is a lot lacking in terms of the grammar. And it's very frustrating being English and tending to say “Full stop.” When you should be saying “period” Once I've posted this I will put the results using Google Docs but then tidying things up with language tool.

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This is a continuation. Of my. Experiment with voice to text. And the one I am currently using. Is a Google Chrome add-on. It seems to do better with the. But. I'm not sure if it's got all that much advantage over Google Chrome except the time actually Now talking. Straight into the. Reply Box on this site. The most frustrating thing is it keeps on putting in full stops where I don't need them. . So much for voice type. I can't get the capitals. And everytime I stop I get. A. When if I want to take a breath. Which is going to get very frustrating. However if you were going to speak very very fast and you just wanted to do a basic. Then I suppose it has its advantages. But really. I think I need something which actually can sense where the end of the sentences. And also can understand where the scent. Words end of sentence is. M. Voice type. Seems to be the only one which were. But it is not very helpful. As it doesn't always hear my voice right and we have all these ridiculous. I think overall I'm going to go with Google. Docs and voice type there. However. Online voice to text where you can copy and paste.
oving on. I am now on click to dictate. If I have no arms.
Moving on. I am now on click to dictate.

Actually this is where I found that speechnotes is best done online. Now we seem to have a better experience because it seems to understand where and where not I want to. In all, this seems the best but I'm wondering if you could really write a whole book using voice text. The advertisement says that you can dictate in any website, so perhaps I'm doing something wrong with my Chrome add-on. I wonder which is the best of all of these? My main thought at the minute is that I may well use the online version of speech notes for the essays I have to write this afternoon for my course full stop I just wondering if glad grammarly will play in playing playing playing and my experiment just then tells me this is not so. However, I think I might write on the online version of speech notes and then transfer it to Google Doc to tidy it up.

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I think it was my second smart phone when I tried that speech typing. It was lots of fun because I was amazed that my phone could write what I was dictating. The feeling was that I have a secretary or a clerk who was typing for me. But aside from the consumption of battery power, there was also the issue of the spelling because most of the words were spelled wrong. It may be due to the pronunciation. It is far easier to type when you write especially if you are good in typing like me.

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