
How To Boost Motivation For Blogging?

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How To Boost Motivation For Blogging?

There are many people who start blogs hoping that one day it would be a relatively popular blog that will earn them some money but but they give up too soon. Maybe they start looking at their traffic stats too soon. 

To be honest it can be demoralizing to see that your 45 or so articles haven't been read by anyone. 

So how do you motivate yourself to keep going even if initially it appears like you  aren't making any progress?


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It is definitely hard to accept things like that when you're too determined to write like articles or any form of blogs but your works don't get any decent reads. You feel like you deserve more reads for your effort and knowledge, but still not enough. Yeah, it can make you want to give up. But I guess you shouldn't give up easily. Try to look on another way. Try to understand what's the problem on your writing style. Maybe there are some techniques that you must consider. Try different approach, don't just settle to what you're used to. More importantly, be informed to what are trends nowadays.

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Exactly. Giving up shouldn't be an option not only for aspiring bloggers but for everyone. Looking at the bright side everytime should be the option and your advice is right, setlling for mediocrity is also one of the factors why a lot of people fail (but not all).

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Dont give up on something that you know you have a potential. Writing a blog is not as easy as we thought but if we persevere to do that by motivating ourselves then we could be succeed to it.

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True. Boogging is definitely hard at first but when you get used to it and research more about it, you will definitely get the hook of it. However, if someone feels that they really don't have a potential, I do believe that they shouldn't push themselves too hard to the things they aren't very good with. Instead, they should look for the things that they are more capable of and have more potential for them to develop it.

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Yeah some people think that it is what they wanted but when they try it already they have realized that this is not for them instead. It is better to try something new and something that close in out heart, something that has passion on it.

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Exactly. I am actually guilty about these because I am also the type of person that is very unsure about what I really want to do and so I always end up doing the things I thought I'm good at but not really. It's really important that we always evaluate ourselves before making decisions even the simpler ones like opening a blog because our decisions will either make us or break us.

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It's okay to be mediocre. What's not okay is to stop when you've already gone far since you started. Blogging tends to show our breaking points. It's during these times that we find out how resilient we truly are.

So don't be let down by negative feelings. You can gain much needed readers through quality content and consistent effort.

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I respect your opinion sir. However, I do believe that it's not okay to settle for mediocrity especially if you know/someone knows that their skills aren't that good or the articles they're writing aren't good enough for people to give their attention to it. For me, it's always better to improve my skills and craft so that my readers could also feel my improvements.
And yes, it's really not good to stop especially if you're almost there where you want to see yourself. Blogging is definitely hard and the best way to survive is to be strong and never surrender. And yes, anyone should neglect negative feelings because it will definitely hinder their productivity.

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I agree. What I meant was that pushing yourself to be better when you're not ready isn't going to help. Improvement should come naturally. It can never be forced.

All of us needs time and experience in order to gradually improve our craft. There are no experts and professionals made in just a short period of time. The best kind of growth is rooted in one's willingness to be mediocre for the time being.

Eventually, you'll exceed your current limits. Sometimes it happens so subtly that you won't notice it until you compare your previous works with your current output.

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That's definitely right, improvements should come naturally and should be done in a proper and healthy pace. I apologize for misunderstanding your thoughts sir.

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Exactly, and sometimes there's nothing wrong about your writing. You just don't put enough effort to spread your blog in other social media platforms.

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Should you create a blog and wait for your target audience to find it, a long wait it might have to be before they start seeing it in search engines.

When creating a blog you need to identify who it is you are targeting and where it is they hang out. If you know where to find them, go out there and tell them your blog exists and that it has lots of articles they will probably like. That would be a step in the right direction.

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I like how you put it. It's true that many of us simply underestimate our own writing. Part of blogging is knowing how to reach our target audience. It involves sharing links and a bunch of technical stuff. Succeeding in that aspect will elevate our blog's presence.

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If you have published 50 articles and you do not have readers on your articles, you should sit calm and start analyzing what's wrong with your blogging. Why you did not get any traffic?
If you do not have traffic on your blog, it indicates that you have not optimized your contents for search engines and you have not marketed your blogs through social media and email marketing.

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That's true. Many blogs tend to neglect that part. Despite having good content, they don't get to share it with relevant readers. Being open and easily accessible requires proper optimization. Especially, for Google's algorithm.

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You have published high quality contents does not mean your contents will easily generate traffic and revenue. If you write for print, your job ends once your article is published. However, as an online writer and blogger, you are also SEO expert and internet marketer. You need to work hard to get traffic from search engines and social media.

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I completely agree with that. There must be something lacking from what you're doing. Make sure to never give up as it is never the end of the road. Always go back to where you took your path and review the things that lacks something or that needs to be changed. Success in blogging doesn't come to you overnight, take the little steps even though there are times that it could be frustrating.

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It's really nice of you to share that. Many of us lose motivation because we feel that we're not good enough. Incremental improvement is very real. It's often neglected because we focus too much on other people's success.

We have to realize that they started from scratch. Much of the effort and struggle is lost behind the facade of easy accomplishments.

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So true. Blogging is something that's directly linked to giving up. Because no one can possibly maintain it if they're not determined enough to keep going. It's usually a combination between technical issues like search engines along with your content's quality.

So not only do you need to have good writing, you also need to be knowledgeable about online traffic. Both are necessary to getting their in terms of success.

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When you start to blog you should already have the realization that readers may not be reading your blogs. That means you have to do the marketing that your blog will need in order to get readers. There is a saying that if the mountain will not come to Mohammed then Mohammed will come to the mountain. In the case of the blog, if the readers will not come to the blog then the blogger will come to the readers by way of marketing.

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I Like that..!

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I was once an aspiring blogger but immediately quit because I am not that knowledgeable about blogging at the time where my passion were still burning. However, with my current endeavours, I decided to never give up anymore and I also did my best to know the things I am not knowledgeable with so that I won't repeat the same decision again. There's actually a french quote which reads "Lavie En Rose" (sorry for my spelling) which means to Look at the Brighter Side, and that is what I always do now.

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If you decided to start a blog to get rich, it is your fault because blogging is not become rich scheme. If you started blogging as a fun and though you would make some money along the way, you have the right approach and mindset to do so. In order to become successful with blogging you need skills like writing, SEO and marketing.

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That's so nice of you. I'm also familiar with that saying. There's actually a song with that title. Looking at the brighter is a conscious effort. The moment we start to apply it in our lives, that's when we reach a healthy mindset.

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One of the major problems in the blogging world is people begin to expect money on the day 2. They publish post, have some ads and expect to see revenue the very next day. You can of course make money on day 2, however, do you have skills to do so? I see most of the bloggers without any skills. Well, they do have skills, however, not enough to actually make money from blogs.

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I guess blogging is not just about good writing skill if we want to have others to read our blog posts, it also involves web design and marketing as blogging can be treated as a business and we are actually the business owner. So, we can't just focus on the quality of the contents, but also need to learn more about marketing if the blog design itself is good enough. I think having a plan to spend time in writing and marketing is important.

I remember when I started my blog, there wasn't any readers until I started visiting other blogs and leaving comments. Slowly the number of readers and visitors grew. We should also consider the ways of promoting our blog posts, especially sharing them in social media sites. I believe slowly we will see better results and we will be motivated. It'd be good if we have some friends to support us in blogging and also give us some feedback whenever we published a blog post. That's a way of motivating too. We have to always remember Rome wasn't built in a day, there are always ways to build things.

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In order to start as a blogger, you need a writing skills. However, blogging is more than the writing skills. You need web design skills (at least wordpress skills), SEO skills, and Internet Marketing Skills. Blogging is a culmination of various skills. You can of course outsource for the work that you cannot do by yourself, however, it is not possible to pay people every time you want some thing to be fixed. Therefore, if you want to become successful with blogging, you also need to learn various things.

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I know that writing for blogs is not as easy as we think of, but whenever we are experiencing some disappointment or problems on our blogs we must not give up because that is life we sometimes fail or gain success in an instant. I feel motivated for my blogs because I am having a positive outlook in life that I can overcome any trials if I will just believe in my self.

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Never give up. Remember that not everything comes easy. In this kind of niche, you will need time, patience, and hard work to reach the success that you want. No matter how many times you fail, you should never lose hope and just improve your work.
I read this content from one of my emails " Thomas Edison attempted and failed at inventing the light bulb over 10,000 times before he succeeded. But instead of giving up after 9,999 times, he continued to try. Because he knew he was one step closer to success every time he tried and learned".

“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.”
Thomas A. Edison

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Never give up. If you give up you will never achieve anything. It took me just about two years to receive the first payment that I had earned by working online. It took me two years to receive payment from ad network on my blog. If I had given up I would not be here.

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Yes it hard to motivate youself to write on your blog when no one else is reading. I stopped my blog years before because there is no traffic. I guess writing about something you are passionate about helps. Something you are comfortable on writing about. You can share links also of your blog to your social media accounts.

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The biggest thing for me was just to write about stuff I was interested about. If you told me to blog about quantum physics, I'd fall asleep. Writing about my passion - travel - is something that most of the time doesn't feel like a chore.

I do think though that if you're still struggling, tell yourself that you'll only write 100 words or something. Usually once I set myself a small goal, I end up being able to continue on from there. Sometimes it's just about getting that fire started!

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My suggestion is to just write what you want to write. Listen to what you really want to write and don't write just for the sake of what your audience wants. Sometimes, it's just getting that one blog post to really start you on a rolling streak of posting.

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In blogging world, without deep reason why you are doing it, it is really hard to motivate yourself. Many suggests that you have to know your BIG WHY. Your reason in blogging is what propels to move forward and continuously produce good content in your blog. Procrastination, writer's block, are the biggest challenges in blogging. Plus the feeling of disappointments when only few reads and shares your content. I think, knowing your end goals like your family, friends, everyone surrounds you, and your readers life will be better because of your blog is a strong factor that will boost your motivation for blogging.

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Money is the best motivation. You should think how many things money can do for you. And how you can manage the health. I have seen that people who go for the money have better motivation. But that does not apply for all. Some just need passion externally that does not involve money. Each of us are different. And it's not easy for sure.

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Money is a great motivation. If you see your blog generating money, you will be motivated to make money. When my blogs were not earning anything, I even did like to publish a new post. Now that my blogs are started generating income, I not only regularly publish posts, but also have active facebook pages, twitter accound and pinterest accounts.

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I think as long as money is what we are chasing for. And money is what we think could solve some of our problem. We can use it as motivation. I think blog is something different. We have to go for the passion too. So passion matters when it comes to earning money.

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What motivates you in blogging depends on your purpose of blogging. If you blog because you want to make money, the money is the great motivation factor. However, if you started to blog because you want to tell your stories, appreciation is a great motivation. If you see readers praising your posts and leaving a great feedback it cam be a great motivation.
What ever reasons you have, the mos important thing s you need passion.

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Yes telling stories to other people is another motivation. And we have to get those things right properly. I have learned from my experience that blogging is not an easy task and some people have to get motivation from passion and money. Or just one of them.

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You can boost your motivation in blogging if you do things that can make you feel motivated. Like for example if you watch some great blogger, of course, you will get intrigued on how they make their blog, and you will mimic them.

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The main focus is not on how to make money. The focus should be on how you can help people and improve their lives. Other people wont be interested in your blog if it does not connect or somehow have improvements in their lives. You can be motivated when you know that your blog will be adding value to other peoples lives and that would be enough to keep you motivated.

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That's the driving force about why I blog. I write about my travel experiences, especially with off the beaten path locations. I like knowing that I'm potentially helping someone's travels be more immersive, or easier to plan. I also love showcasing places that people may never have heard of unless they read my blog.

Doing that kind of stuff means that it doesn't feel like work. It feels like sharing my experiences with my friends.

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I think, everyone who wants to enter the world of blogging should realize that writing a lot of articles doesn't guarantee your success. If they want an avenue where they can share their writing skills, it would be great to be blogging. But, if they want to be bloggers with a mindset that there's an easy money there, then they wouldn't be happy. Success doesn't just go to you swiftly. Work hard for what you want to do and look for avenues where you can help yourself grow as a writer.

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For me, the simpliest way to boost motivation for blogging is to focus on your interest and passion. In this way, there will be an excitement as you compose your thoughts about something that you love. Blogging with passion and a feeling of fulfillment is what defines motivation. I could simply say, it is a lot motivating to talk from the heart.

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Yeah, I agree with you to some extent. You will only get to see results in the future, if what you are blogging about is something that you feel the passion for. The reason is that you won't be much bothered about current goals of it as well.

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Think of something that you will earn from blogging, don't think on being famous, just be practical, because you can earn a lot of money feom blogging and plant that in your mind.

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I think that a blog takes time to grow. I'm not a big advocate of bought traffic, but maybe you can start with that first to give your blog some popularity. I would recommend that you don't only rely on SEO. Also try other things like social media. Put your blog up on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram e.t.c. Try and advertise it. Also try different channels of getting traffic. You also need to try and found out why its not getting traffic and correct the problem.Could it be your target keywords e.t.c

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Honestly, sometimes, I don't feel bothered about things like this. The only thing that comes to my mind is how to improve on that and one of the ways that we can get that happening is by investing time to go into guest blogging and letting people know the need for all of that.

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how to boost motivation? i think the real question is what is your real attention in writting of blogs? to express yourself? to just share to any one of what your doing in life like funny thoughs, traveling, education etcetera. or just blogging to make a money as a real attention if money is your attention, just give up already. Just be passionate on what your doing, don't solicit the attention of other people. Just blog and blog an blog..????

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Blogging is something you have to be passionate about. Before you can start a blog, you must enjoy writing. Because it involves a lot of that. Especially, editing. So consider how your words will affect potential readers. They need to feel something and connect with what you're saying.

Motivation comes from knowing who you are and what you're trying to accomplish. When you're aware of where you're heading into, you'll be determined to get there.

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You should be passionate about writing. having passion for writing is not enough to become a blogger. You also need writing skills, you must have exceptional talent for churning out very good articles. Apart from writing skills, you also need SEO skills, digital marketing skills as well as website management skills., Blogging involves a lot of different skills.

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Motivation is multifaceted. Doing healthier activities is good.

Just doing activities, while regarding the mental-emotional aspects of human life, is unrealistic, and self-defeating.

'Why?' is missing.

Why do you want to wake up early, and do healthier habits.

Keep asking the whys when an answer comes up, and you can open your awareness so that your motivation has dimension.

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I guess you need to promote your blogs aside from doing SEO work in order to get traffic. It is really demoralizing when you don’t see readers coming in because you feel that your blogs are great and you did it from your heart. But don’t despair. By adding the proper keywords to your blog when you upload it will increase its chances to get readers from search engine much more if you promote your latest blog in social media and make your post a little mysterious so the people in your network will be interested.

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Well creating a blog and making it successful can be a very challenging process which will need a lot of patience and time. Coming up with good quality content which is useful and interesting for the viewers is very crucial. I guess if you consistently put in your effort in not only creating good content but also in marketing and promoting your blog in the Social media platforms, you will definitely be able to attract more traffic and increase your chances to be successful in your venture.

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I like to outline what monthly goals I want to achieve with my blog. This gives me something to strive for and I've found that it helps keep me motivated throughout the month. I also do a monthly post on traffic and whether or not I achieved these goals, so this keeps me accountable too.

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It can be really tough starting up a blog and not having anyone view them or contribute. The only way to continue to be motivated is to get people to comment on your blog. First, start by advertising your blog on your social media pages. Then look for content exchange sites where you can comment on blogs and have people comment on yours in return. Having people read and comment on your blog will provide the motivation you need to carry on. It will take time but if you persist, you will get a following

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Blogging and not have much reader seems to be quiet dissapointing. The same thing goes for writing. What I do is to improve content, reread what I have wrote and make adjustment if needed. Advertise yourself across multiple platforms and try to create content that is relatable.

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