
Someone using Multiple accounts is it allowed in SeoClerk?

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Someone using Multiple accounts is it allowed in SeoClerk?

Hello, First of all hope you all are great i want to ask is Multiple accounts allowed in SeoClerk? actually i want 2nd account to make services in different category i don't want mess up everything in 1 account. Currently on this account i'm providing hosting stuff i want to sell WHMCS license and few other softwares which i don't want on this if possible.

I saw someone using multiple accounts so isn't forbidden i think.

if multiple accounts not allowed then unfortunately i have to add services on this account then buyer will be confused that this seller is host provider or license seller.



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To be sure if someone can have multiple accounts, your best answer would be to read Terms of services here:

People may have different needs to have multiple accounts, but it's easier to work with a single account and accumulate consistency, authority and influence. Plus it's easier to maintain all income, affiliates and expenses with one account. But just go trough Terms to check out if someone's account should be reported as clone, or not

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I came to this thread looking for answer, however, I found your answer very convincing. I do not have any plans to create a second account. I also believe that we can do everything from one account. In fact it is easier to operate one account than multiple accounts. Moving to and fro from accounts to accounts can be really frustrating.
I have seen sellers selling diverse products and services from one single account and they are doing pretty well.

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I see that both of us were wondering the same thing. I don't like having multiple accounts. I find it very confusing. The only time multiple accounts has actually worked out well for me was setting up multiple Twitter accounts. If I try with other activities I confuse myself. (O.o) Someone using Multiple accounts is it allowed in SeoClerk?

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I also have multiple twitter acocunts. I have accounts for my websites and blogs. I have pages for my webites on facebook and I manages these pages from the same acocunt. If twitter, had this option, creating secondary accounts from the same accounts, I would have never created multiple twitter accounts. My point is as long as you can do diverse things from a single account, there is no need for another account.

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And this is an excellent point too! It is the point I was trying to make. But I guess I flubbed it! Someone using Multiple accounts is it allowed in SeoClerk? I have 1 Facebook account with my one profile and multiple pages. I went back and forth with whether or not to convert my profile into a page. In the end, I kept it as a profile. I reasoned that I'm not a public figure or celebrity so I don't need to have a page for my name. Also, for Tumblr? I have one account with several blogs. It's very easy to manage. But for Twitter, I would like to have created one account and manage multiple Twitter accounts but it's not allowed.

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I have an account on tumblr, however, I do not use tumblr much. I have multiple pinterest accounts, each account for each website. Since I have multiple accounts on numerosu social sites, it si rteally difficult to remain active on each of these account. Most of my twitter and Pinterest accounts do not have much following and activity. Having one social media account per website is a good idea because you can separate the niche, however, if you cannot remain active, you don't gain much. That's what happening to me.

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I can't imagine having multiple Pinterest accounts. That would drive me nuts! I have found that joining Pinterest Group Boards and creating my own Group Boards helps get followers. It's easy to create a Group Board. You can take a board that you already have and just change it to a Group Board and then invite like-minded people to join and share their pins.

As for increasing my Twitter following? My strategy is simple. I beg! No really. I do beg. I share a tweet showing my current followers and then say I want to have a certain number of followers by a certain date. I did that with my Twitter shopping account and gained about 500 followers. Of course, it could be that it's the holiday season and people are following my shopping account for gift ideas. Might be a coincidence in the timing. I'm happy either way.

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I had the same thought and question. I actually don't understand why most people make multiple accounts here in SEO when they can actually make use of one. However, I do respect people who does this especially those who want to protect their identity by making fake accounts, I for one did that in the past and uses my fake accounts only if it's needed like on social media.

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I agree with you. I will never think of having another account as it may be tiresome. I don't want to add my workload by creating another account. The best way is to focus on your account and utilize it as much as possible.

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I agree with you. One needs to read the term of service. Its there that you will know if its okay to have multiple accounts.

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Long ago sellers were able to have multiple accounts however it seems the Terms of Service has since been updated.

Excerpt from the Terms of Service:
37. Seller Accounts
Sellers may only register for one account per person and may not register as a company or group collaboration. Ionicware has the sole discretion in granting or denying any accounts.
I take it the creator of this discussion has not actually thoroughly read the Terms of service. I would find it highly advisable to read through the Terms of Service as most of the questions whether you can do something or not is most likely defined in the Terms of Service.

Always make sure to read the Terms of Service before accessing any website.

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Your question is a very good one and a person with great knowledge of SEOclerks will answer it. You are echoing my sentiments too. I would like to know if a person can hold multiple accounts in SEOclerks

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What is the need for? One account is more than enough for you to do everything that you want to do on the platform. Making use of multiple accounts will undermine everything we stand for on the platform. So, let's stick to one account and make use of it judiciously.

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Well answered. One account and one user is the policy. I love it when you say, "..make use of it judiciously." That actually sums it all.

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That's the question I'd be asking too! I don't think there's any logical need for having more than one account - if anything it would just end up being more cumbersome having to log in with two separate usernames and passwords!

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I don't think it is allowed as this is going to jeopardize the good work that is going on the platform. The best thing that you should focus on doing is getting to make use of a single account to get all your services shown to the buyers and allow them decide if it is going to be nice to do business with you. Using one account will help you to remain focused as well on your goal as the seller.

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I don't think there would be many benefits to multiple accounts here in SEOClerk. You would still be posting the same services or products in the marketplace and another account would only make it redundant. You'll only be spamming your services and I don't think that will be healthy for the site if all the services they see are provided by the same person but with a different username.

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I think it is not allowed to use multiple accounts in SEO. They are very strict and has policy that needs to be followed by everyone who has an account.

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I guess it is not allowed, and Seoclerks admins and moderators can find it out as soon as they check it in their databases.

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I don't think using multiple accounts are allowed here. But you better ask the admins if you want to be sure.

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I also don't think that multiple accounts are allowed. You need to read the SEO clerks term and conditions. You also need to talk to a customer representative at SEO clerks and confirm this. You need to get that confirmation in writing. In case you can, and they later penalize you. They are many sites that will close your account if they find that you have multiple accounts. Just be careful and do your research.

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Well on many sites especially the ones that involve selling of services and merchandise multiple accounts are normally revoked and I think it is something you should consider keenly before doing. You should write to the admin explaining your reasons for having such and seek their permission.

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I really don't have any information about Seo Clerks, but I think most sites would ban you if they realise that you also have another account on the site. Personally, I don't understand the logic behind banning someone who has multiple accounts on a site if the intention is to work more and earn more. if there is no difference in the quality of work that you are offering the site then there is no harm in allowing multiple accounts on the site.

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I don't think it is allowed. I am guessing like most of the sites out there this must be against the terms of use and other legal disclaimers. So I am guessing the multiple accounts are never allowed on such marketplace. One should avoid doing that kind of abuse. It's definitely something bad from what I have learned out there.

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As far as I know, multiple accounts are not allowed in this Forum. Your account may be banned by the admin. But to make sure, you can review the terms and conditions or contact their customer support.

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I think it is not allowed here on SEOclerk. However, if it's allowed, I don't think it is very benefitial for one to have multiple accounts. Also, if you want to go with the site well, follow the terms and conditions properly.

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I'm sure they check for I.P. Address when approving marketplace jobs. Having two accounts can potentially be a way for users to scam other users so I don't think it's allowed. To be on the safe side, just don't do it.

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It is not allowed to have multiple accounts in Seoclerk because moderators can detect it and they will ban your account.

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If there's no indication under the Terms of Services, the best thing to do is to send an email, or contact SEO Clerks support and directly ask them to have the best reliable answer. They are the ones who really can say if it's allowed or not. Nevertheless, stick to one account to be safe.

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You don't need to have a multiple accounts, even in real life, because if you have a multiple account, people will get confused on who will they trust because it has multiple accounts, they will think that one of those is fake.

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I think this is not allowed, because if you have multiple accounts here in seoclerks, people may think that the other account is fraud or scam and the other is good.

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I dont think you and anybody create a multiple account. Its either you forgot your password in your second or third account then high chance to get confuse in your clients etcetera. I think this is a common sense, in real life you can compare it to your Girlfriends, I intentionally to add "s" because if the situation comes to know of your first g.f is you having another affair. What will you think the end of this? Lol

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There is no need for multiple accounts. A single account is not only easier to manage, but also easier to grow. All you need is the focus to grow your account. Let it be a brand.

To make it clear, let's take an example of the big brands in the world. Do you think they had multiple brand names and one of them succeeded? All they did is growing their only brand name, and are now earning decently.

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Someone using Multiple accounts is it allowed in SeoClerk. I had a friend who are afraid now on what is the result of his registration in postloop because she has already registered before but she can,'t open it now, maybe she forget her password but she already tried it many times and no good at all so she decided to create a new account again but another problem came the email address that she input was mispelled and she can't recieve a verification thru email to verified her accoun, so no choose but to create another one. For now her post is under observation and she already waiting for her ratings, I do hope there is no problem with that.

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