
What's your alternative to Google search engine?

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What's your alternative to Google search engine?

Google seems to be the most popular and used search engine in the world today because anytime someone needs to get information about something, the first thing they say would be let me Google it, but I'm absolutely sure Google wasn't the first search engine that came into existence.

What's the first search engine that you made use of and which one can be your alternative to Google? 


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I used to use firefox and yahoo before, but I can't remember when was the last time I used those search engine. Right now, since google is the fastest I used google constantly.

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Well, it seems that Mozilla Firefox is starting to gain more fans. They've released a new version called Firefox Quantum. It could be part of why Google decided update Chrome. They're very particular with getting ahead of possible competition.

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I used Firefox before and it was fine but I would rather choose Google chrome because I am more comfortable to use it and for me it is friendly user as well.

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I used to have a yahoo email account. Back in the days where Yahoo is the leading search engine because it offers so many great services such as yahoo mail and yahoo messenger. The yahoo web page before usually have news and articles on it which make that search engine fun to use.

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Me too. I used to use yahoo a long time ago but I still cannot remember clearly the last time i used it. Google is my everything and if it crashes then I get inconvenienced. I have used bing as well in the past but not that frequently.

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I agree with you. Yahoo is also my first search engine. I also have a yahoo mail account.

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I was also using Yahoo Search in the olden times before Google snatched my consciousness. But sometimes I still use other search engines when I couldn’t find a relevant link from the search list of Google. Yahoo Search or Bing are my alternative search engines and they still do a good job in relation to the search list that they provide the searcher. Maybe it’s just that Google has been a habit for me.

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I think it was more than 10 years ago since I last used yahoo. It's not that I don't like yahoo but since I started using Google, I gradually stopped using yahoo until it's like I forgot that there's other search engine aside from Google. And currently I don't have any active email on yahoo.

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Me too. I don't hate Yahoo. But as with anything, we prefer using the best browser available. And for most of us, it's Google. It simply has outdone most web browsers as of now. Businesses prefer using it as well.

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Same with me. I think I have my yahoo account 10 years ago also. I am still using my yahoo account until today.

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I totally have forgotten my first yahoomail account which I have used for so many years. Gmail made me forget it. hehehe. I actually tried to recover it so I could use it again and see the messages I received since I stopped using it but I couldn't because I'm not using the number anymore that I used to register it.

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Honestly, I can't remember the last time I used Yahoo and as an alternative search engines but today I'm contented at using Google since they serve their users very well. And for me Google is the most reliable search engine among others. I might consider other search engines if unfortunately Google encountered problems, though I highly doubt on it, but for now there's no reason for me to use other than Google. It gives me fast response and a lot of available information for my question and that's enough for me.

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Same here. It's probably the speed and reliability we've come to love about it. We just need to type words and we'll get accurate results. I've noticed that using other search engines yields ambiguous links. You'd have to scroll down to find the one you're looking.

Whereas Google always has the correct sites immediately in the first page.

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Yahoo used to act as the search engine that people loved using. Now we have bing and many others. They still serve what Google would have done. It is unfortunate that we adore and frequently use Google

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I was never accustomed to using Bing ever since it was launched, even till date, I can't really remember any reasonable work I used Bing for.

But as for Yahoo, it was very useful for me back then, even when I was still making use of cyber cafe for my online tasks since I never had a laptop or desktop computer then.

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I rarely use any other search engine besides google. When I do, it's usually Yahoo search.

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Only two google engine is popular here. Google and Yahoo is the best search engines and the most popular among others also.

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I forgot when I used other search besides Google. Yahoo rarely used.

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Honestly it’s hard for me to remember what I used (if anything) before google. Google is such a leader in the field of online searching that they don’t really have a comparable peer in my opinion. There’s a reason why we say “I’ll google it!” instead of “I’ll search it!” — Google are unparalleled.

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What alternative? (O.o) There is no alternative. Google search engine is thee search engine.

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I used to see Yahoo a lot. It was the automatic landing page for most browsers. I wonder why that changed. It could be because Google had surpassed it in so many levels. Such as being the pioneer internet giant it has now become.

So I'm probably not going to use Yahoo that much. Even Google's current design looks so much better compared to it.

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I dont have alternative . I stick to Google because for me it is the best web search engine. I am enjoying its service and no need to transfer to other engine.

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The first search engine I used was Yahoo! I still remember the look of its homepage way back 20 years ago with ad placements and banners all over the place.

My alternative to Google as a search engine would be YouTube. I don't find Bing or the Yahoo! of today helpful when it comes to search queries. It usually falls short with what I'm utterly looking for at the time.

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I used to use Yahoo when I had Yahoomail. However, I began using Yahoo less when I had my first gmail. I began using Google more and more, then one day I stopped using all of the search engines and only began using Google. I have not checked yahoo since a long time. I also lost my yahoo mail.

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I can relate to that, my friend. I guess we can both agree that Google as a search engine surely filled the gaps Yahoo! lacks as a service. IMHO, its best to have mail accounts on both platforms for two reasons. One because at least you get familiar with the others out there, and two, to at least have variety.

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I do not have any alternate search engines. However, sometimes I check the same keywords across various search engine like Bing. Yahoo, Duck Duck, Baido etc. I do this for two reasons. If I do not find what I am looking for on Google I check it through other search engines. I check the same content on other search engines to see the rankings on the same search terms.

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No no sorry, what I mean was to have mail accounts on different mail providers to at least have redundancy and variety. You get to be familiar with various platforms as well.

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My mistake. If you are using email service from the same search engine, for instance google search and gmail, Google will follow you and send you the ads related your google search history, This is one of the drawbacks of using the same email and search engine.

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Exactly, that is why I suggest to using other email providers such as Yahoo! Outlook or AOL to at least have variety.

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It depends. If from a advertising and marketing perspective, I might say Bing. particularly with the new offers regarding Mozilla, Bing now could be the default engine for many folks that wouldn't first visit to carry out a search, so it is your great chance to cash in in the marketplace percentage. In case you are asking from a user angle, I might say DuckDuckGo. It has acquired an amazing amount of funding and attention these days. DuckDuckGo does not track your search records.

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Honestly, there is no better alternative to google search engine. but if I have to name some alternatives to google search engine then there are some which can be utilized as an alternative to Google. One of them is yahoo search engine which is nowhere close to google but does do its job. another one I have started using recently is Microsoft edge and I must say it looked promising. nevertheless, I still think that there is no real alternative to Google for now

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To be honest, i don't even test other search engines then Google for many years. But if for some reason i would need to use an alternative then i would go back to my old favorite Yahoo. I remember Yahoo as a major search engine and huge link directory before Google even existed. After Google come up and started pushing it's online presence and developing new twist of search era, Yahoo become more as news website, but it's seach engine is still very informative if you search for anything, just not as popular as Google

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I don't use yahoo these days, however, yahoo was my first search engine. I was using so many Yahoo services like yahoo search, yahoo answers, yahoo chat, yahoo mail and yahoo news. I stopped using Yahoo search because I found that Google was fast the displayed relevant search results. I also stopped using yahoo mail, because it delivered more spam than other free email providers. Yahoo was also prone to hacking.

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I also remember the days when yahoo search engine was quite popular. It looks like nowadays its popularity has died out and many and more people rely on google.

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Well, I guess there is nothing better than the google search engine, tho if I will really choose the second option if the google is down, I guess I would choose because it's the second search engine that I used back when I was a kid.

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I think my alternative to Google search engine before was the Mozilla Firefox because it works fine for me also which makes it comfortable for me to work on y online sites. It is a great choice for me because I can do great things other than a search engine. But if there is a Google then I would make it as my first priority due to some reasons otherwise I will opt to Mozilla Firefox.

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I think the first search engine I used was altavista but since it mostly didn't return relevant search results, I started using other search engines with "askjeeves" being my favorite.

I can't quite recall when I first used Google but I suppose it's when I started using Firefox as my browser and since it had Google as the default search engine I used it again and again any time I was seeking any information.

My alternative to Google is Bing. It's much better than it used to be a few years back.

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I started with Yahoo and then moved to Google. I also started using Google when I started using firefox. Before Google, I also used Bing. However, between Bing and yahoo, I used yahoo more. Once I started using Google, it was like not turning back. However, once in a while I try search engines as well, especially when I have to check the position of my websites in different search engines.

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I think my first search engine was Yahoo before I moved to google. I still use my yahoo emails up til now and they're still working fine. I think that Google is doing a great job and will remain the top search engine until a better search engine challenges it.

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Does anyone actually like Bing? I used it once or twice but never actually seemed to get the relevant search results coming up - I’d constantly have to scroll to get to something useful. Never seem to have that problem with Google!

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The first time that I made use of Bing, it did not give me the required results as the websites that kept popping up wasn't what I expected as well. However, it was okay making use of it back then as I later found what I was looking for when I made use of Yahoo. Nowadays, Google has taken over everything.

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overcast or also known as the duckduckgo is one more good place where you can search. I have noticed that some of the time such search engine have better results for the content. That's way more filtered and also unlike google they have no ads. And they offer more details in the search page. And they also have better response for the search engine results. So it looks like a good option as well.

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I like Firefox and Microsft Edge as Web browsers. I find Microsoft edge really fast. In fact it dose not get acknowledged enough in my opinion. In fact sometimes its faster then google. I think the problem is the search results. The biggest problem is that it is powered by Bing. As sad as it is to say, Bing does not have the same search results as Google. However the interface is better and I like the fact that it has MSN news. So i can keep informed whenever I open my Web browser.

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The topic is about the search engine. Not the browsers. You either use google, or bing or duckduckgo or yahoo or other search engines. If we ignore google what is your favorite search engine apart from that? Like do you use Bing?

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Before I used Google daily as I do right now, I used to use Yahoo!'s search engine alongside it. Friends and family are all using Yahoo! that's why I was using it too. But when I found out Google's search engine was far better, I switched to it. There was also a time when I used Bing's search engine but the search results are different from Google's so I switched back to Google.

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Before few years ago, yahoo was the tip search engine that I was making use of and one of the reasons is because they are on top of the market then. However, since the coming of Google, everything has changed as I can't even remember the last time that I checked my yahoo site and the email accounts as well.

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It's really sad. I remember how Yahoo was always shown in commercials and being used by many people. Now it's not even that common anymore. Google just took a lot of its previous users. We all stopped using it after we started using Chrome.

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I also used Yahoo before but that was a long time ago. If I don't google, I would use Internet Explorer. I think this is the best option for me aside from Google Chrome. My laptop runs Windows 10 and I know that it has Microsoft Edge. But honestly, I don't use this browser. I preferred to do my research using IE.

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Bing can be the alternative search engine as well because it's like google you can search and find every information in there.

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Yes, it seems that others are still using Bing. I remember someone saying that their translation feature is more accurate. It's funny because Google Translate can often be inaccurate in wording different languages to English.

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It's honestly been quite a few years since i've used any other search engine besides Google. DuckDuckGo was a main i used. It's really more for privacy rather then a full blown search engine. But none the less it has & serves the same purpose as google,bing and Yahoo. To answer a head question, WebCrawler (1994) Is The Oldest Search Engine According to the most used search engine "Google".

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I use two browsers. I have Firefox on Yahoo homepage because I like to read the news. To be exact, glancing on the headlines of news articles. If I find something that sparks my attention, I'd click it. I do have a Flipboard feed that I read on Chrome, but that doesn't have news about my country. So I use Yahoo to exclusively read news about my country, and on the side, use the search bar since I'm lazy to switch to Chrome. On my primary browser, I just default to Chrome's page.

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My other search engine is Mozilla Fox, it's also fast and is known worldwide. Unlike internet explorer, it's very slow and is known for being a joke when it comes to social media. I think the quality of Mozilla Fox is closed to Google Chrome.

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I agree. Internet Explorer was very slow to respond. As far as I could remember, it takes a moment to load a certain page unlike google chrome that loads the page faster. It also crashes sometimes and I hate it when it does.

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"other search engine" is mozilla firefox? Mozilla Firefox is a browser not a search engine, however you have options to search the search engines in the search tab..

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When I was exposed in to the internet ten years ago, I remember using Yahoo search first because Yahoo Mail was far more popular compared to Google at that time. However, if I remember it clearly, after two or three years, Google instantly became more popular and better and it became easier to use compared to Yahoo.

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The first search engine I used is Yahoo. Before I start using Google, I've been with Yahoo for, I guess, for a year. I can say that its a good alternative from Google as it shows up some news about he ates happenings keeping me updated with my surroundings. But sometimes, it makes my search or homepage slow when responding as it requires a lot of loading. That's why I switched to Google. I find it more comfortable and user friendly.

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Yahoo was also the first search engine that I used back when I was in College. I think it was good although, I don't use it anymore since I love Google Chrome. I remember that Yahoo was helpful for my research and homework. That was the time when Friendster was famous and Facebook was not yet invented.

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Well, Google is not available, I use either Yahoo or Bing. But, if I'm going to choose, it will always be Google. I feel like Google loads more and fast than the Yahoo and Bing.

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I despise Bing as it is the default search engine of Internet Explorer and Edge. Two of the most unappealing browsers even to be pre-installed in Windows machines. You can't even uninstall the damn things. I remember a time when I used to exclusively use the MSN homepage and search engine but that was just ignorance on my part since I didn't know about Google, Bing etc. I was relatively new to browsing the web then.

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I heard DuckDuckGo is a well-known alternative to Google's search engine. Their searches are mostly sourced from Yahoo! and one useful feature of it is called 'bangs' where you can directly search other sites by starting your query with an exclamation mark. It grades website you visit on their privacy and goes beyond keeping your searches private.

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I have used many search engines in the past, and like Bing and Duckduckgo. However, you will still find me on Google most of the time. The only time I use bing is when I am viewing results of past SEO campaigns and finding where I rank. Most usually Google is the #1 place for me to search.

Bing has never really ranked my websites in their search like Google does, and most of my traffic comes from Google, so I do not necessarily see it as a search engine to use on a daily basis.

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For now I don’t think there’s an alternative. I’ve tried with Bing, small local searches, also DuckDuckGo. It’s just … DuckDuck returns too few results and I’m not used to it, really. Google will be the king of content for a very long time, I believe. Google is really big. With Android and Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Maps, they’ve concreted their position into the monopolistic market even more. “Monopolistic” because there’s currently not a single alternative to Google’s Search, Google Maps and many more. Android is also becoming so much better than compared to 1-2 years ago. I switched from iOS to Android for a variety of reasons. Google is big.
Google was also the first search engine I’ve used when I was a kid. And I’m using the Internet from 1997 onward, very actively.

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I am an addict of Google Chrome. I tried Mozilla Firefox and Opera Mini, but I cannot equate them to Google Chrome. To cut the long story short, I will talk about an alternative the day Google Chrome will not be functioning.

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The first search engine that I used was MSN but I got amused with AskJeeves that I stayed with it for a time until I switched to Yahoo Search and later to Google. What got me with Google is the relevance of the links in the search list. There are more links that are related to what I am searching so it’s not really the speed of searching but the links that are in the search list.

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I recently noticed that there are some sites you'll not see in Google's search results. The reason perhaps is they penalized by Google or they are further down in the SERPs. That's why when occasionally I can't find something using Google and I know that it can be found using another search engine, I will use Bing first then DuckDuck go. This works best especially if you are searching for videos and Google is returning too many youtube links.

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Honestly the first search engine I've used is Mozilla Firefox because it is fint to use also for me but when time pass by i switch to google because this is the search engine that was installed in almost of the computer/ cp i used now. So in terms of alternative search engine i will use back to mozilla.

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Hello there!

Obviously my first search engine is Google, nothing will beat it in terms of strength (for me), but I also use bing search engine, I have it my phone and it does the job quite well (not as good as Google though). Bing's database is smaller obviously, but it's still comfortable for me to use.

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I don't even have an alternative it's just google for me. Other search engines just doesn't provide the same user experience as Google does. Maybe it's because I'm so used to Google that's why others don't work for me. The same goes for email. I prefer Google over anything else.

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I just learned recently that since Google regularly de-indexes sites which don't follow their webmaster guidelines, it is very likely that when looking for something you may not find it simply because that site won't be found by Google or maybe even Bing. This is why everyone should, when they don't find what they are looking for, use some of the lesser known search engines. You'd be surprised that they might get you what you were looking for.

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I've used Bing, Yahoo! and Duckduckgo but I still prefer Google, I get better results, I really like the panel that contains images, information and social links for example, when searching for a musician or a celebrity plus I grew up hearing "Google it" instead of "Search it" so yeah... still Google for me.

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If you are owner of a blog, or YouTube channel, and it doesn't appear in the first search results, then you need to be SEO professional, and this is difficult, and for whom there are tools that help in this greatly, and today I offer you the best SEO tool in the world this year, which is the GUEN RANK tool the tool is paid, but you will reap its fruits early there is a free Plan in the tool, but It's not the best. If you want the paid plan with a 70% discount, get it from the link below. After entering from the link, write the coupon below and you will get the discount. Get the offer from here

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