
Evolution Of WordPress For Marketing Purposes

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Evolution Of WordPress For Marketing Purposes

I am using WordPress for many years by now and i would never look for other supplemental CMS. Lately many of you probably noticed that  Gutenberg will be included in WordPress from next big update and many of WordPress users having negative thoughts about it because most of us are experienced with current editing and posting system, so i am not sure if this is a good move by WordPress developers. gutenberg should be just offered as an additional plugin if someone wants it. BTW there is too many bad (1 star) reviews on Gutenberg so far, so i am not sure about it's future....

But there is some great great thing which could come up as viral marketing feature in future Evolution Of WordPress For Marketing Purposes

After reading "How you look at online marketing will begin to change soon" and it's subtopic "Live Video Streaming" (By Tommy Carey) something popped up in my mind to share with you and i BET it could come very popular way of marketing soon.

Yes, i believe live video streaming is a great way to engage more views and improve sales, much more then any other way. And when we speaking of WordPress, you probably know that many plugins are made to import live streams to WordPress, which is great Evolution Of WordPress For Marketing Purposes

BUT.... Evolution Of WordPress For Marketing Purposes)))

There is something much better then importing live streams to blog!!! Lately i  have seen websites and plugins which offer you to publish your WordPress video posts as live streaming, even on multiple social networks at once, and i thought WOW, this could be soon better then owning your own TV station Evolution Of WordPress For Marketing Purposes)) I see much of opportunity with that kind of live streaming and i bet many other social media influencers will do. It would be easier then speaking to people over live videos and you could have imported videos from YouTube and other video sharing websites to your WordPress, then mix them or show them in live stream one after another, while you can run some advertisings between each video post. Etc.. etc... This is a really great marketing idea and i am going to look more into this.

What's your thoughts about this two matters?


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Advertisers can utilize focused on keywords and expressions in the content to drive web index perceivability. What's more, this value content on your site is important to your intended interest group. This esteem assembles backlinks, interfaces back to the site through social offers and different notices. WordPress is a perfect for content marketing. It began as a blogging apparatus so content showcasing is in its blood. It has been refined throughout the years to make it one of the easy to use for making and altering site content.

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There are lot of websites like WordPress were you can build your own website like drag and drop, but Word Press is on3 of the best in terms of advertisements. So yeah it's a good thing.

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Many of the blog owners are making use of the word press services and this is something that you should really think of as well. The features on their site is one of the best when you get to understand it better at the end of the day.

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I think having a chance to publish your videos and have it seen by many people is a big opportunity to gain more traffic. For me, Wordpress can give you big oppotunities to grow. In the years of their run, I have seen people who successfully reached their peak with help of it. As you said that they are on their to video live streaming and I think it is a great way to advertise more of your business and products since it would much be easier for the people to understand by watching it than reading an article.

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Publishing videos has never augered well with me. I want to know exactly what the audience needs and a better way to edit them. Video making is the best earner ever.

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Two years ago, I tried WordPress just for the sole purpose of writing what's on my mind. I honestly didn't think what other great things it can do for me. Later, I found out it has more to offer. With it's evolution, I think, I will still continue on using WordPress in the future.

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Exactly! When it comes to blogs, WordPress is the best software for the website set up. It's features are best suited for running a blog.

It's not that forums can't be used for WordPress as well but blogs are more suited for the software. My blog was set up using WordPress, I wanted to use Xenfore but found out WordPress is the best for blogs.

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I was introduced to wordpress as a free blogging platform in 2012. I was already publishing on writing sites and decided to have my own blog. However, I was unable to generate traffic on my wordpress blog. Therefore, I closed my wordpress blog. Then I launched my self hosted blog in 2015 and used wordpress as a content management system. Later, I self learned about wordpress and began working as a wordpress designer.

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As a wordpress designer, you are definitely going to make a whole lot of money as well since you will be getting jobs from people that want to have new websites as well. With the experience that you have got, teaching people will work as smooth as well.

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The best thing about wordpress is you can use it the way you wnat. You can use wordpress as a blog, as a business website, as a forum, as an ecommerce site, even as a social networking site. The conyent management system is so easy to work that one day I believe will have no more jobs to work as everyone will start doing on their own. watch one youtube video and you will build your own wordpress site.

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I hate software companies that do these. They keep pushing things or features that used to be optional. They should just let the users install these additional or third-party features themselves. I think they should stick to the saying - don't fix what isn't broken.

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I do agree with you on this, sometimes it gets annoying when these features are upgraded even without any notification but simply because the company feels it's due to upgrade.

What I would suggest for such companies is to always try any carry out some sort of survey for all their software users to choose whether they need an upgrade or not.

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Right? Users are sure to participate in these surveys if their favorite features or functions are at stake. They should at least have a voice when it comes to removal or a change in the current functions of the software since they are the users and they are the one who are spending time with the software or application for daily use.

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Video marketing techniques is common today. It is the new way to easily introduce your product or service to the market. They say people are more likely to like a product that has a well video presentation. I think it is a game changer in the digital marketing.

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WordPress has been among the best software bloggers uses for running their site and with its plug-in, makes using the site easier especially when it comes to video uploads and marketing. I have seen so many blogs set up using WordPress and they all look great. If you have any interest in creating a website using WordPress, you can use the link below and get it done in few seconds.

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I hear that about 65 percent of the total websites we have today are powered by wordpress. You can build any kind of websites from wordpress and the best thing is you don't need programing skills. You can customize the theme, plugins and widgets to create an amazing website. Not only the wordpress content management system is open source, a lot of plugins and themes are available for free.

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Publish your video post as a live stream. I think that would be great for marketers because the ads you include in the video can't be skipped.

This is something bloggers should take advantage of. Even if your video is already on youtube, as long as there is an audience that will watch the video it would be like killing two birds with one stone. While on youtube people may not be interested in buying a product you are promoting, there is a high likelihood that the target audience of your blog just might because they already are interested in what you are trying to sell.

In any case, you could edit the video you post on your blog and sell an ad spot to interested parties just as they do on TV!

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It is a good help for small marketers to have a bigger audience and more clients. It will also improve the efficiency of orders and other things.

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I have to agree with video streaming because live video is now getting popular in social media. Even the podcasts which are actually live streaming are also in fashion now and I know of some podcasters who take pains in doing the podcast at unholy hours. However you should have an audience when you do live streaming because it will be useless when no one is watching you.

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