
Avoid getting your account restricted from posting

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Avoid getting your account restricted from posting

I'm not sure if most people have experienced getting their account restricted from posting and adding content in all the Clerks sites but if you haven't, this is a fair reminder for you to prevent it from happening on both short term and long term basis.

Don't reply excessively in one thread, keep it it at least to the minimum of two replies to other members comments after posting your own comment. It's better to play safe and be safe. 

Best regards, 


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I am not sure if my account is restricted in the other forums. But what I experience is that Forums will disappear in my active sites without getting notifications. I know that if the forum is disabled, they will send me an email. But this case is different and I wonder what happened to the site or the forum just removed me without informing me.

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If I understand what you are trying to say, it's that some sites which you subscribed to would automatically disappear from your subscription dashboard without any notification?

I believe once any site is disabled, you will definitely get a mail notification on the email or Gmail address which you used to subscribe to the site. Sometimes these mails are sent to your spam folder, so check for it there if you don't see it in your inbox.

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You are right! They just will disappear without notifications. In some forums, I receive an email if they are disabled. But for some forums, this will just disappear in my active sites. There is a case where my email says that it is a new day and I can make a new post again but when I check my account, that forum is not on my list.

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Are you warned before restriction or it just happens? There are times when I find myself posting excessively.

What happens to some sites which just become inactive? They are not disabled but are inactive?

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I did not receive any warning or notification. It just happened. There is also a site where I received a notification that someone sends me a request but when I check my postloop account, the forum is not on my active sites. There is also a case where my email says that it is a new day and I can make a new post again but the forum is not there too. I am not sure if I can tell the name of the forums that are missing.

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Thanks for your reminder. I hope that my account will not be restricted in posting. Its a great joy for me to see my posts being read and replied also.

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I see what you are saying. But sometimes the forums don't have new topics to post in. When you try to start a new thread they don't approve this thread or it takes forever to approve. They are some forums I don't post in because of this. However they are some forums that can remove you because you don't post comments that are long enough. You also have to read the terms and conditions. Sometimes all you have to see is if those forums are still active, they just may not be active.

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When you make a thread and noticed that it is taking time to be approved, I believe that the best thing that you are going to do is to ensure that you reach out to the support team of such forum to know the reason for the delay. It maybe that it skipped their mind or any other thing might be the issue. So, it is better you make a contact with them on that.

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Thanks for your advice. I never tried contacting the support when my thread is not being approved. I think the topic does not meet their qualifications. That is why I just ignore it and focus on making new comments.

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I understand exactly what you mean by not getting your new thread or content approved but just like @Barida suggested, once you have written and submitted a new content and it wasn't approved after 24 hours, you should just as easily contact support and remind them of the situation. Once any support staff reaches out to you, the thread would be evaluated and approved.

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I am grateful for your advice. I'll make sure that I'll put that in mind and always think of taking the safe side upon posting on "Clerk" sites.

But I hope that multiple new threads should be posted in a day, I have posted threads, but I don't think it was accepted or it's on the line of long topics that are awaiting for approval.

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The Clerks communities are the main default sites in the platform and getting cut off from posting on them is like getting cut off from a life machine. It's never a good feeling at all, so it's better to thread with caution and avoid getting in trouble.

You can post multiple threads on daily basis as long as you have good topics written but if they aren't approved, contact support and inform them. The threads would be approved in the next 24 hours.

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Thanks for the heads up and I'll surely keep this in mind. Better to religiously follow the rules than be sorry. Once again, thank you! All the best!

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I agree with you. We will just follow the rules and regulations and everything will be alright. We will avoid the things that will violate the rules.

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Being on the safer side is always good. I will also keep this in mind. Although sometimes, the replies are worth replying.

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Hello Martins
Have a wonderful day.

Thank you very much for giving this knowledge. It was not acknowledge to me that here have a rules about posting restriction process. But this is not a fare policy to reply continuously one thread. The thread which had been created by me there I can publish the reply but the thread which had not published by me- their I can reply the thread once. But if some body reply me on there- than I can reply that person on the same thread. I have done that policy on here several times. I didn't got any trouble. Hopefully it will not make any trouble if I follow the thread reply policy on this way. But also thanks for make the caution. I will be careful.


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I was told one time by support representative that it's alright to reply on comments that are posted on the thread which you wrote as long as you have something useful to add as a reply. This goes within the rules of forum posting but once it's another writer's content, you are only afforded 2 replies.

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Well, it is always good that we heed to instructions such as this even when our accounts have not experienced any form of restrictions. The last time that I got a warning was because of short replies and since then, I have taken time to ensure that I make replies that have longer words in them.

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One or two lines replies is of no good to any forum or blog. It adds no value to the site and it's basically considered as a spamming the site.

It's very annoying when I see writer's who are so lazy to write at least from 6 lines upwards when they are replying posts. I wonder if they don't have much to say or too lazy to write?

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Duly noted. I did wonder though. Could there ever be an occasion where an interactive conversation is of benefit? For example, if there were explanation and clarification that might be beneficial to all users, or is this something to do with benefitting the way the board is seen by search engines? I probably sound nuts, but I am here to learn about SEO. I can see the point though, that you would want a broad spread of replies and not everything focused on one post.

One thing I would like to say is that this is a most interesting board, which is why I keep coming back. I am enjoying reading and learning a lot.

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SEOClerks is very important and helpful with information about anything that has to be with online business especially when it concerns using Google to rank one's site. There are great writers on SEO related topics who feed the platform with high quality content on how to get the best out one's online business when using SEO.

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Another method is to not post the same thing over and over again, especially via your inbox, your account will automatically be restricted if you do that. A lot of the time sellers will copy/paste the same thing for their buyers, and then their account will be restricted and you won't be able to do anything when that happens so it's best to use the "status feature", and send an email to your followers.

I hope ionicware includes a feature when sellers would need to say the same thing over and again. For instance, like in the programming category, you can sell software. There is no option to alert previous buyers of new software updates so the seller will have to copy/paste the same thing over again to their previous buyers.

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That's a very good suggestion you just made now about ionicware making provision of reposting sales in order to make things easier for sellers.

But at the moment, since there is no such feature yet, it's better to use only the "status feature" and be safe than sorry.

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Well, I guess the reason for putting your account on restrictions is when you violated some rules of this forum, so for you to get rid of that, I would suggest you to read the terms and policies first before posting.

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I agree, reading T&C should be the first thing to do when entering a certain platform. I experienced getting kicked out because I didn't read and understand the restrictions. Good thing they brought me back and I promised to never do the same thing again.

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That was right. The site would not restricted your accounts if you dont have any violations. I have no idea that we are allowed only for 2 comments per thread. Now I know about it and I will put that in my mind so that I will not violate their rules.

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Thank you for posting this reminder. Sometimes I become impulsive as to reply on a comment that is interesting to me. But in fairness to me, I see to it that I have a maximum of 2 comments in one discussion otherwise it will look like spamming already.

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I agree. Sometimes I also find myself enjoying on a thread that seems to be interesting. I almost got caught off on replying and replying on the same thread. Good thing that we have concerned someone to remind us to avoid violating their rules.

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Exactly @Corzhens! This was what I was informed about how it looks like when one replies excessively in any content he or she isn't the publisher. I was told point blank that it's exactly the same thing as spamming the site.

So, in order to avoid getting thrown off under or off the bus, it's better to keep the replies at minimum of 2 when it's not your own published content.

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I post on four ionicware forums SEOclerk, superiorthan, listingdock and pixelclerks. I post when I have something to say or add new view to the existing comment. I was not aware that we might get restricted to posting if we post regularly on the same topics. Thanks for the reminder. I do not want to get restricted, therefore, I take a lot of care while posting.

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I experience this once, good thing they brought me back to the site. I didn't know that replying to a certain thread is minimum. I think I just lost myself because I enjoyed replying to the comments of other people. Thanks for these information and tip, I already learned my mistake and the site already went back to my active sites.

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Honestly, I have been restricted to two forums already or shall I call it banned? The first forum gave me the reasons of my account's removal from their site and that's because they need high quality of English grammar or maybe how should you construct your sentences. I understand and I respect their decision. It makes me feel disappointed to myself because it seems like I'm not a good writer but it's OK... I still understand. I take it as a constructive rejection which determines me to improve my English.

The second one is they actually didn't give any message to me why I have been banned from their site. But I swear that I followed all their rules. Anyway, I respect their decision too for removing me. Rejection is part of improvement, right?

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Thank your for the reminder sir Martin. I almost did the restricted things before but luckily I was able to read the guidelines beforehand and so I was reminded not to do it. However, I sometimes become too excited and want to reply to other comments because I don't want to be rude or something similar. But, again, a rule is a rule and so I must obey it and I hope that others will do the same as well.

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Most of the forum are made and kept up by inadequate people, implying that they might be more disposed to give their companions a chance to escape with disrupting the norms. So what I recommend is get to a great side of the forum admins to abstain from getting prohibited. And if in case you have a warning from the forum admins, admit what your wrong doing and get better.

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I really appreciate your advised. I have not experienced any restriction when it comes to posting. I think I should keep in mind what you have said because if some had experienced it others will follow also. We need to be more careful on what we gonna post to avoid any mess up in the end.

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That is a good reminder for all of us. I hope that people make more new threads. So that others don't have to make the excessive replies in one thread. And that should also work out for many others. Because lack of threads makes people want to comment on other trails. So it needs to be considered and people should make threads to compensate for that time.

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That is right. This is a good reminder for everyone of us who is happily posting and commenting things that we might learn something to it. We should be more attentive to what we are posting and how much we post in here.

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It would be fair if there is a warning first. However, rules about posting repeatedly on the same thread was clearly pointed out before we were accepted in the sites. This thread is just a good reminder.

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I think I had experienced it before wherein my account was restricted to a certain forums, but unfortunately I didn't know the reasons behind it since I was just shocked that the forum owner is not anymore giving me the chance to post to that particular forums. He didn't give me a warning or any other notice so that I can be ready for it. It was just really unfair because I haven't given the chance to know certain issues about that.

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I honestly wasn’t aware of this stipulation so I’ll have to go and re-read the T&C to make sure I’m not breaching anything. Sometimes I do get over enthusiastic and end up conversing with people in forum posts on a topic and I didn’t realize that was something that had the potential to lead to banning.

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Normally, most people that have been on the site for a while now must have forgotten some the rules they read when they joined the site at first.

This has happened to me on several occasions in some forums but I did get reminded to read the rules once again and I had to do so and work within the allowed sphere.

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I have posted to a single thread 3 times in one day. All of those comments were replies to the comments I have made. So far nothing has happened to me. I'm guessing you posted those 3 in quick succession and it triggered a system notification.

Thanks for the warning though. I don't want to be restricted.

I did however post 5 posts yesterday and I haven't been credited points.

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Well I think maybe those particular forum owner that restricted me was the worst forum owner since many members are already having some complaints with him regarding o his forum. I have heard many complaints and I never thought that I would also experienced what other members are experiencing. It really feels bad at some point since I don not do certain things that was illegal or against the forum. But overall I have just forgive him and just move on since we still have a lot of forums to have. I will just be stress if I will think of that forum owner.

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Don't post something unnecessary to make your account banned from posting, because that case usually happens if you violated some ryles regarding on the article that you posted.

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Yes that is right, thanks for the advice and I will surely take a look what you say because every forum subscription is important and I should not waste it. I will try to be more careful now on posting to some threads so that my account would not be restricted.

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I am a newcomer here and that's very good advice to follow. I am still not at that point where I will have an urge to go on posting without knowing how much I have posted. Its always good to count your posts and never overdo anything . I had another problem here . Two of the forums I had subscribed to suddenly became inactive . I don't know wether they will restart again or are they permanently closed.

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I think there are a lot of forums that turns inactive these days which is also one of my problem because it makes my forum subscription becomes limited. I cannot have now those forums that I have before which also results into decline in my earnings. I just hope that they go active for some time so that I can have the opportunity to learn and share my views on certain things.

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Avoid posting that is against the terms and responsibilities of every blogs or forum because if you won't do anything rude or post something rude, your account won't get ban.

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I agree with you, one must stick to the safer side and must not play with taking risks. You don't want the account that you've been working hard for to be put to waste anyway.

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Whenever you are going to the site that is new to you, always read their terms and responsibilities, so you will have an idea on how to get rid of getting ban from their site.

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Thank you for this reminder. I don't know that you can be restricted to reply if you comment more than 3 times in a thread.

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Hello, thanks for the informative thread.

I've read their rules and I strictly try to follow them, as I'm an active user here.
This is a great website I must say, I do enjoy to communicate with people here quite a lot, and I even post my own threads sometimes, so I wouldn't want to get restricted in any way. Avoid getting your account restricted from posting

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Avoid getting your account restricted from posting: Thank you for the making this thread to give an advice to everybody, I will keep it in my mind as a newbie here. I never tried to reply to a comments for now i just make comment on my own a give advices because I am afraid to be block here.

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