
Building your own blog network to boost your rankings and profits

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Building your own blog network to boost your rankings and profits

I've talked about blog networks in the past but I haven't heard about many people setting up their own.  Sure, people sell PBN backlinks to dozens or hundreds of customers each month, but is that actually a good network to be on?  Probably not because it's saturated with hundreds of outbound links towards hundreds of different websites.  This isn't the greatest thing to be associated with, but if you had your own PBN then it would work out for your benefit.

A PBN takes time to build and nurture, it won't happen overnight even if you know what you're doing, and this is because you need to produce a minimum of 50 articles per blog and that's not something you can do in one night or even a week if you have 10 blogs to manage.  Some blog networks have 100s of blogs to manage, but these are usually lower quality ones that have paid postings, so you should focus on just a few to start with and build it up over time.

Building your own PBN isn't difficult, it's just time-consuming
If you're building your own network you will likely want to have a unique design on each blog.  If you're using WordPress and a premium theme, you likely can't use the same theme on every blog because they're locked to the domain you purchased it for.  So you'll want to build each blog so it looks unique from the previous and the next.  If you can put up multiple blogs in the same niche, build them in a way so they can't be seen as the same thing, you will be able to profit more than anyone in your industry since you now have multiple chances to rank for the same keywords and funnel traffic to your main website Building your own blog network to boost your rankings and profits 

Think smart and buy a WordPress theme that can be used multiple times
What you need to do is find something like ElegantThemes where they allow you to use their themes on unlimited domains, which will reduce your need to purchase a bunch of themes for your network, which is a really nice thing Building your own blog network to boost your rankings and profits

You can pay a yearly fee of $89.99 or a one time fee of $249 which will get you all of their themes, present ones, and future as well, and you will also get unlimited support along with access to all of their plugins.  It's actually a great deal if you think about how much a premium theme on ThemeForest cost (they're normally around $60 to $70 each).

By purchasing this type of theme setup you will not have to worry about the designs in your blog network Building your own blog network to boost your rankings and profits

Purchase domains that can be branded and fit your niche
Your domain needs to be brandable and easily fit within your niche.  Having a keyword within your domain doesn't always help nowadays with rankings, but it will help you get remembered easier, so try to get your main keyword in the domain Building your own blog network to boost your rankings and profits  If you want to get known in a quicker amount of time, you will need your domains that can be branded much easier.  A longer domain name isn't what you're trying to get, because no one wants to type in a 6-word domain, so try to limit it to 2 or maybe 3 words that fit your niche and you should be good Building your own blog network to boost your rankings and profits

Be sure to have social profiles for each of these blogs
Yes, this is where a lot of time comes into play since you have to manage multiple social media pages for each of your blogs.  If you have a profile on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter for each of your blogs that could be 40 different profiles if you have 10 blogs in your network.

You will need to automate as much of your social sharing as you can, which isn't difficult for most platforms since you can schedule your posts, but even with scheduling, it could get overwhelming.  One trick you can do is bring someone on to help you manage everything and give them the opportunity to post their own content a couple times a month.  Most people will avoid this type of deal but some people out there will see the benefit and help you out Building your own blog network to boost your rankings and profits

In conclusion
Having your own PBN allows you to control everything that goes on it.  You don't have to worry about garbage posts going up on your network because you're the one building it.  You will enjoy the fact you're able to make money in affiliate marketing since you're now pushing certain links towards companies that pay well.  In the end, you will be building a business that pays you each month to just sit and post content to your blogs Building your own blog network to boost your rankings and profits

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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It's going to be a long road and that may be the reason why people shy away from building their own blog network. But I can never doubt the benefits of this since you are able to manage and control everything that goes within it. It's time-consuming and people nowadays and it seems like there's a thin line that separates this from being difficult if it requires time and effort and seems to apply to the seasoned bloggers. But I can grasp and picture how it's going to be profitable. This will be listed as one of my long-term goals.

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Besides the hard work on building your network, there's the time factor. It usually requires long hours, dedicated to it, without any guarantee. So, not everybody can afford to spend that time, without getting any payment or similar. As you say, that sounds better as a long term goal, you can improve it slowly, until you finally have the result.

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I definitely think that ensuring your domain isn't too long and easily summarizes what your business does is helpful. I know personally when I'm dealing with new businesses that an easy to remember, catchy name that isn't too long is what makes me remember them (and then gives me more likelihood of checking out their website later!)

Agree completely with no one wanting to type in a ridiculously long URL either!

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I think the main problem with building your own blog network is that fact that you will be doing all the work. I don't think anyone has the time to manage 10 blogs even if they get some help from other bloggers. From what I've read, it takes almost all of the time of a person to just manage 1 blog. I don't see how anyone can build a network of blogs on their own.

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Focusing on one blog at a particular time is definitely a good way to go about it. I have seen situations where people are looking for ways that they can have more than one blog, but you get to see that it is a tiring process. The rule should be for focus on one and when you have a strong foundation, you can go to the other one.

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True. More than one blog can be exhausting, especially if you are a newbie on it. It takes a lot of time, to give your followers something they can feel related to, or something to share and comment about it. Also, keep in mind, you have to be updating it constantly, giving them new and fresh content, paying attention also on what's trending, and following all the posts and comments they make.

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Definitely right. You cant able manage more than one blog. One is kinda tiring. All you must have is time management for you to update your blog regularly. For some people they have more than one blog and they did it perfectly good although there are some hassle to it. As long as you love your job you can do anything for it.

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My cousins started with just one blog about gaming, then after getting a lot of followers, they led them to another platforms where they opened more blogs. Eventually they got annoyed and overwhelmed with them, so they had to let the followers be clear about when they could find updated information, and that is about twice in a week, so that way they can attend all of the blogs. That's really kind of messy for me.

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I love the fact that they remembered to go back to their audiwnce and enquire when it would be great for them to be updateed. In many i stances we tend to amke decisions in buaimess without proper consultation with the stakeholders leading to our failure.

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Well, the weird part of all this, is that they started a blog, just for fun. It eventually escalated to this bunch of blogs, with kids following and inquiring, and they now have to put dedication and effort like in a regular job. They have full conscience, that they need to keep feedbacking with their followers, otherwise they will feel unattended and not taken in consideration.

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That is how actually the best businesses are started. An idea that you are passionate about and feel that someone needs to fill the gap in the society. After evaluating it for some time one decides "why not me?" Then later on even when you did not know that it would pull so many people you realize that you have to make it your everyday engagement.

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Yeah I agree. If you want to build your own blog network then it's better if you seek out the help of other people. Connect with other people and become partners. There are just some jobs that no one man can accomplish.

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As I commented before, that is really messy, at least for me. My cousins can solve that issue because they're two, so they can take turns or split the job, but just one of them wouldn't be able to check on all those blogs every single day.

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At least they have worked out a great system and have an advantage of being two. It is as much simpler for them to do it even with numeerous challenges being abound.

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Exactly. They took a chance, and it worked out, so they can't just stop getting advantage on it, and if the way of keeping it, is by taking turns or splitting the job, it really worth it. So far, they're keeping up, but they have decided to stop opening new blogs of forums, because that can turns against them.

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I am thinking of putting up my own blog and my plans are always revised because of the workload that I might not be able to handle. That is only 1 blog that I am talking about and my mind is already overwhelmed. What more if my plan is to have 10 blogs to handle. I don’t think it is a nice work to have that many blogs even if you have a troop of writers to help you with the requirements for writing contents.

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Having a social media account for your blog is always a nice way to connect the blog to the people that are looking for ways to visit your blog. I have seen blogs that got new visitors to the site all through social media and that is really good for them as you get people to share information on your blog.

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You are very correct with the assertion on making use of social media to advertise and promote your new blog. As long as you have lots of content that would be very useful to anyone who visit your blog through social media, they are most likely to come back again for more and probably bring more people to visit your blog as well and it's how traffic would start growing on your blog.

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Yeah. You can have the links on your social media pages for everything that you have each day in your blog with an enticing and inviting caption. People will just click to know what they can learn and from that you get more audience.

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Knowing the widespread use of social media and its influence, definitely, it's a way to route or connect people to blogs. The challenge comes in managing all these profile accounts, it can wear you thin.

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What's annoying though is some people using link shorteners that have a timer and an ad you have to view before you get to the actual website. Makes my blood boil when I encounter them. I get that you have to generate revenue through these link shortners but there are link shortners that don't have a timer that you could use. I don't think the blog owner was thinking about the viewer experience when he set up the links.

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Blogging is one of the most lucrative ways to make money online as long as you are very willing to work for it. Starting and building a new blog isn't the hardest part but dedicating time and effort always by adding fresh high quality content on your blog on daily basis matters a lot in order to help it get the ranking you desire from Google. Avoid using free tool to build your blog.

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Building blog networks has advantages as well as disadvantages. The advantages including having multiple revenue source. If you have adsense, you can use the same adsense across multiple blogs. If you have blog networks, you can also sell backlinkin service (because you have many blogs). The disadvantage include being penalized by search engine for creating link wheel and private blog network.

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I agree with you because building your own network means widening and ensuring that the people will surely view your blogs for more income. Making multiple blogs isn't easy because it need a unique concept that will get the interest of the viewers also you must maintain the momentum of your video to earn more viewers that kind of task isn't easy. That's why you made a clever idea that other bloggers may implement in their own system of blogging. Thank you for your idea.

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There are many benefits of building a network of blogs. First of all, you will have multiple blogs to generate revenue. Secondly, you can generate backlinks, thirdly you can promote one blog on another.
You must also be aware the private blog network and link wheel are not very popular with search engines. Therefore, you should be very careful about not being penalized by search engines.

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A minimum of 50 blog posts per blog?! I definitely see how this can be incredibly time consuming, particularly if your aim is to post quality, thoughtful content. If you’re trying to manage something like 10 blogs with that kind of content, I definitely don’t see how that’s possible for one person to do alone, especially in a reasonable amount of time.

At that point I think it would be pretty necessary to hire writers. To reach that minimum, you’d have to write 1million words—assuming you’re writing 2,000 words per post—which is enough content for 10 adult novels.

So, novels or blog network, take your pick!

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I remember I was part of one blog network. And there seems to be one google update that got the blog network dumped. After that I have not seen any good blog network coming out. Because google was really intelligent in covering up the tracks. And it was harder for the blog networks to work around those algorithm changes. So I think based on that it can be both profitable and harder to maintain. So it's kind of hit and miss.

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I understand that when you create blogs or blog networks, you do not do it for visitors alone but you also need to consider how it works the search engine, Google. This is one thing that beginners should be aware of, the certain guidelines because you might end up being penalized or as you said dumped. It's really not that easy from what I can see. One has to be prepared for this.

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I don't think reliance on the google is not a good thing. In fact many people are now fetching the traffic from the Facebook. And that means some of the time those profits can be handled differently in that case. I have learned from the experience that rankings often have changes in region and the language. So I think it's fair to change the traffic sources now.

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Do you mean to say that a blog network is a network of my own blogs? I thought a blog network is a group of blogs by different bloggers like a club. I don’t think it is easy to have many blogs all by yourself unless you have virtual assistants to handle the operation for you. You also need a fleet of writers to come up with blogs that are different in writing styles so no one will suspect that it is just one person writing all those blogs. But in fairness to you, I guess it is a good idea if it can be done because the readers of the first blog can also be captured by the other blogs.

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It can be both of the same or one or the other. I'm also confused by the definition of blog network so I just acknowledge both meanings. That's why in my earlier post, I was pointing out it would be hard for a single person to manage multiple blogs to form a blog network. Partnering with the right people is the key. This is similar to a web of article writers for an online publication.

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Creating blog network from what I gathered so far will really require time or money. It can't manned by one person alone as the number of blogs that need to be created is overwhelming. It will then be necessary to hire writers to get the job done. Also, I am now aware that you need to be informed as well on the guidelines or you may be penalized by the search engines, This is another thing that we need to consider as well in managing a blog network.

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You can earn good money when someone lands on your website, because the traffic on that website is the one who will make you earn money. And also the ads on your website when the people click on it you can earn a money.

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Even Youtube videos now auto registers your view on a page it's tagged in as a view even if you don't click play. It's something a lot of bloggers are using. They just need to modify a line of text for it to work and I think it's genius.

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Hi,I am Maxwell, a blogger trying to get in the affiliate marketing. I want to spice up my earning from adsense to affiliate marketing level. But i have questions int he beginning. Searching and reading articles over articles n after a while on google i was led here and thought i might just try asking my question here that who knows be answered.I've been searching for plugins and especially some free good ones but i could not find any. but others are not that good to my need as well. I need some like Coupon, daily deal and cashback etc. but there is no platform that is providing all that under one roof except this site that came up on my search 'Revglue' but i have no idea so i need suggestion.I'll address you to the list revglue [.] com/free-wordpress-plugins you might be able to suggest me something.Thank You

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