
You must know when to pause your marketing if you want to stay successful

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You must know when to pause your marketing if you want to stay successful

When you start becoming too successful it's easy to think you need to boost up your marketing because it's what profitable companies do.  In reality, this is when you need to pull back the reigns and start thinking about how you can handle all of this success and increase in traffic.  If you get overwhelmed, you will start missing orders and not respond to sales calls or emails quick enough, and that means you will begin to get negative reviews online.  You're actually getting too successful for your current setup and you need to slow down before you destroy your company.

You can actually be too successful when it comes to business and it's sad that a lot of companies actually seal their own fate by not slowing down when they need to.  You need to think of business as a roller coaster, the high points in the ride are when you're making more money and about to burst at the seams and the low points are when you pull back on marketing in order to reconfigure the inner workings of your business and be able to send out all the orders and respond to everyone that sends in an email.  If you're working 16+ hour days and you don't want to bring someone on board to help, it's your own fault and you deserve to fail, but you'll likely cave in and have someone help when you get overwhelmed by emails and sales. 

If you're growing too quickly you should slow down your marketing
Everyone wants to be successful online but they never think that being too successful is actually a negative thing.  Well, it can be if you don't know how to handle an increase in sales or emails. 

If you need to slow down your marketing, don't worry about the drop in sales, you are essentially just setting up for a bigger boost in sales and now you will be able to handle everything as it comes in.

Your PPC campaigns can be throttled back for a few weeks
When it comes to marketing a lot of businesses are using PPC campaigns to bring in traffic.  It doesn't matter what platform you're using, you can send thousands of people per day to your website, and this means you might get too big for your current setup. 

All you have to do is pause or reduce your daily ad spend in order to throttle back on the PPC advertising.  This will reduce your traffic, and your sales, but you will be able to handle everything much easier without getting any negative reviews.

Overloading yourself with work will burn you out
Many of us wish we had to work 12+ hours a day fulfilling orders until we actually have to sit down and do it for weeks on end.  You'd be amazed at how quickly you can get burnt out by just doing data entry online and sending out products, it's pretty grueling.  I actually ran into this about 6 years ago when I was running a business all by myself, I was working 12 hour days doing work nonstop, and I got burnt out pretty quick since I didn't really get any time off like a normal job allows.  I started to slack off, negative reviews started coming in, and I eventually sold the business to someone who had a team in place that could handle all of the work that was burning me out.  I wish I didn't sell that business because it was doing well, but I'm also glad I did because I don't know how much longer I could have done it on my own.

You might need to bring on some help if you don't pause
If you start getting overwhelmed too much after working countless hours each day, you might need to start building your own team.  Many businesses do it, and I wish I had the time to build my own back in the day when I got burnt out on a business, and it's one of the best ways to keep a business healthy.  If you can find the right people who will help you out when you're getting too much coming in, you will be able to take a day off here and there to regain your sanity lol.

You need some "ME" time every week in order to regroup and it doesn't really matter what you do.  You can go fishing, camping, to see a movie, or just sleep all day!  Whatever it is you want to do, you can go do it and no one will be able to call you since that's a rule when you're working 6+ days a week lol.  If your team is good enough they will be able to handle any problem that comes their way without having to text or email you once.

In conclusion
Being too successful at marketing isn't always a bad thing, but it can get overwhelming if you don't have the right team or setup in place to handle an increase in traffic and sales.  If you're normally doing 10 sales a day and start getting 200, you're likely going to get overwhelmed and see a lot of negative reviews coming out due to you falling behind on orders.  Instead, slow down your marketing and bring on a team of credible people to help out as you tweak your setup and routine for better performance.  If you do this you will be more successful and turn those 200 orders into 500 soon enough You must know when to pause your marketing if you want to stay successful

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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Having a team in place to assist us when things start getting bigger with sales and popularity is a good way that we can be able to make everything work fine. Moreover, when we are having increased sales, it is time to reduce the times that we spend marketing and focus on building a relationship with those clients and customers that we already have with us.

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There is no doubt that having a team to run a business with is better than running it all on a sole basis. Most people actually to run their business alone because they simply can't afford to leave their business to leave their business in the hand of another person. But if you can get the the team that you can put faith in with your business, it's a great idea.

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I agree, a wise businessman should think ahead specially when it comes to sales. A team to help you to run the business is an effective improvement to create a consistent way of servicing. Allowing your business to be efficient as it grows.

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Not everything is done in haste. Remember that what is easy to get is also easy loose. A pause in business is important to "perfect" your present business. For example, if you are in a product based business, you product will not always be perfect. You should also learn to listen on what the customers may say about your product and use it to improve it. This is better than to haste on making a new product because you saw a success on your business.

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In everything we do in life that is business related must have a time for rest because for starters you are not a robot and as such you are expected to take a rest when you push yourself too much. If the business is a one man business, you should try and take things easy and prevent getting yourself too burnt out because no one can step in for you when you break down.

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Very true, when we want to venture in business, you should consider it as one of your child. If we think of it, having a child is really tiring and stressful but it is very rewarding. When rearing a child, we work 24/7 but that does not mean that we dont rest. Also in business, we take care of our business like our very own child, we value it, we take care of it even if there are times that it causes us stress but all the effort is worth. We also need to give our time to our business but it doesn't mean that we will not PAUSE. We can pause because how can we give our best when we dont take care of ourselves.

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I like the analogy that you used since I am a mother myself and I know exactly what you mean. Business needs nurturing but it's not all bed of roses. There are challenges and can sometimes push us to our limit. We also have to take a break. Our well-being and our welfare also matter in order for us to give our best and achieve better results.

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This reminds me of an office mate who got sick of hypertension because he would be working in the office and afterwards he would attend classes in school. The hectic daily schedule had taken its toll on his health and it’s really sad because he was not even 30 years old. Our body is not a machine that can work 24/7 because it gets tired. When the fatigue sets in and you continue working then that means you are abusing your body and the side effect may be scary.

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The discussion reminded me of an old phrase. Slow and steady wins a race. In a certain old fable, a hare lost a race with a turtle. The turtle despite being slow compared to the hare won the race. This applies to every sector, including marketing.
If you are doing aggressive marketing, it might even be considered spamming.

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There is time when aggressive marketing is needed but it shouldn't be made a steady drill because it's most likely going to throw off your business customers off balance with thinking that there is a deal behind the aggressive marketing approach or strategy. When you push it too much, take your foot off the gas and continue again.

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If you are launching your product, service, or business for the first time, aggressive marketing always help. By reminding the potential constantly about your product/services, you will be able to attract them. However, once your product is established, aggressive marketing can be detrimental sometimes because people will be bored seeing your promotional campaign.

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I know that there's a long way to go before I can be burdened about this but it's good that as early as now you have already given a heads up on the risks of being successful. I understand that you are referring to something that's overwhelming and not gradual. In this case, anyone might be caught flatfooted and may bring more harm than good if not handled wisely. I appreciate that even how driven you are with attaining your goals, you value time management and your well-being. Sucess is something but it's not everything. There are still aspects of life that are priceless. Taking some time off also gives way to better performance and greater achievements. We should know when to pause and ask for help and not take on everything on our shoulders

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I agree. You should slow down your marketing strategies but don't stop. Just focus on your sales once you hit the target and just keep some of your great marketing strategies in case you need it. You should always have something new to advertise your business to attract more customers.

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That's the thing that we can see in most companies as they always look at ways that they improve sales and get to the point where they could be able to sell more and not keep advertising. This is one aspect we should learn for it is better to keep hold of clients instead of having to find more while losing the old ones.

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Yeah, we should always do that, if the old customers are loyal and keeps coming back we should be loyal to them also. Actually there was a department store in our local area where they will give a big discount to the customer who can provide the old coupon or receipt, and should be 1 years ago or more than 1 year. This one is a great idea.

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Most of the time people stop marketing when they find out that they don't have enough resources to serve people. And that means you have to pause the marketing. And you have to get the resources there. Lot of times we continue to do the marketing and continue to bring new people. But our current resources can't handle that and that is usually the problem. You can see that definitely affects the success for most of the people. I hope that in near future we can learn from all of this experience.

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Yeah, we see a lot of businesses who just open a lot of branches in several locations and then eventually close them down and go bankrupt because they don't think of how to sustain their growth and aggressive expansion. Always maintain your workload to a manageable degree and only expand when the company is ready to do so.

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Being able to get to the point where you can be able to sustain the business is one thing that we should try as much as to do when we are into any business. I have come to realize that the real figures are the profits that we should make more instead of having to market more and not make more profits.

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Yeah, sometimes too much marketing is just eating up your money and are just expenses without any return of investment. Know which ads are working and if you don't really need to market, then don't.

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This is absolutely right. Having a team that will help you handle the boost of sales increase is one of the best advice you can do because you basically can't do it all by your self. When reaching the peak of your sales, it is best to slow down your marketing but do not stop. While slowing down your marketing campaign ads, make sure your team will be able to assist all the orders impromptu with care while giving the best shopping experience for your customers.

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The overloading yourself with work scenario is something I think a lot of us have probably faced! I used to think working more equaled working harder, but it's not really the case at all! Hours put in don't necessarily equate to products being sold, it's all about strategy!

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Too much of everything is not good, if not for anything you are going to be getting yourself all burnt out and it's not going to be food for you. Rest is very important because when you break down, and if your business is solely run by you, it's going to mean that your business will pause till you are back up on your feet. This has happened to me few times, so I would always look out for my health even though I'm looking at making money.

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That's 100% right - at the end of the day a healthy worker is going to be more efficient and productive overall, and you can't really put a price on that!

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Overloading yourself with work will definitely burn you out even if you see the results. In the long run, it will really take its toll on you. Sometimes we are too engrossed with work and lose the work-life balance and this is a sure way to fail. Instead of perfecting your craft or doing better, not taking the time off will wear you out. One of the worst parts of being burned out is losing the motivation and we know how hard it is working without purpose or direction.

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In a world where people want instant gratification, it's hard to know when to stop. Sometimes we would work so hard that we don't realize we are overloading ourselves. In our minds, more work = more success. But we are human and we have limits too. In the long run it's better to have good health with a business than in bad health with a business you wouldn't experience the fruits of your labor.

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Exactly! People look to utilize any second they have into making money with it and it all leads to putting too much pressure on themselves which is not a healthy thing to do. Human beings are not robot, their is an extent to which the human body can go and once it's pushed past that limit, their will be serious consequences. In as much as making money is good, one's good health is also more important than the money.

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Yes, so true. My mother would always tell me this because sometimes I forget to eat. I focused too much in my work that I forget to eat my lunch every day. She would always call me when it's 12 o'clock. Because I get so focused in my work I ended up not eating I got hospitalized for a day. Lucky for me, it wasn't that serious. I learned my lesson.

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Though if I'm being honest, I wish that there are more than 24 hours in a day. In a perfect world, there'd be enough time to work and enough time to sleep. But hey it isn't like that. Sometimes I even wish that I could clone myself so I could improve productivity.

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Oh gosh you hit the nail on the head there - these days everyone is about instant gratification and sometimes you just have to get off that hamster wheel and realize that like you said, we have limits. It would be easy to work ourselves to death in this day and age where for many of us our work is online and we can take it with us wherever we go.

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I like that. We should enjoy at the same time while doing our works. Sometimes the more we chase the success the more we suffocated and can't find better ideas and realize someday that we are just keep running in a circle.

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The company should also know some of the legal holidays or when they will start to advertise again after they hit the market. They don't need to burn their mind for advertising by doing this and they are more aware now in sales.

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I'm my opinion if your business is growing exponentially then get the most of it and continue your marketing. Like they say "don't fix it, if it ain't broken".

I have to agree that a business is like riding a roller coaster and sometimes your up and in the pinnacle of success and sometimes you hot rock bottom. That's why it's best to maximize your income potential when your on top so that when hard times come you won't hit the pavement.

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There have no way to stop traffic or to stop the flow of traffic- after making white hat SEO- On page and off page optimization.White hat SEO- ON page and off page optimization based work will generate traffic for the life time. Except closing the website- there will be no way to stop traffic. This is the main benefit of white hat SEo for getting life time traffic. PPC campaign can be close at any time but continuous traffic with continuous sales is the best successibility by me.


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Now I understand that not all business growths are to be taken advantaged of. Not that you will really slack off but it's important to maintain the business at a manageable level either by employing a team to do the work or to reduce marketing. It's also important that we take note of this and not get caught flatfooted. Growth can pose risks that also need to be addressed or else it will turn to more harm than good.

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"If you're growing too quickly you should slow down your marketing" This one is a good advice in my opinion specially when your business has reached full capacity. It's different when you have many clients but low delivery rates. This will eventually affect customer satisfaction. Slow down a bit then try to improve your system and methods,

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That sudden increase of sales happened to our former retailing business. In just half a year of operation, it was doing good with the big sales until there was the influx of new customers with big orders. We had to scramble for capital to satisfy the order to the extent that we borrowed from lender with usurious interest rate. And you already can guess what happened next.

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It is important to always have control in your marketing. It is possible for your market to hit its success but you should also know how to control it. Knowing where and when to pause is an important step to take good care of your market. It's overwhelming that you have reached your goal but you also deserve to take a break. You could use that break to think more strategies to increase more of your business. You can expand and add more resources so that you can avoid bad reviews. Just take a deep breath and have a break. Anyways, you deserve a pay-off after working hard for the success of your business.

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In life taking break isn't that bad as it sounds like because sometimes we must stepback in order to make a momentum to enable ourselves to make a breakthrough.
There are problems that can't be solved by just seeking the answers, sometimes we must make anew viewpoint of perspective to that we can synthesize a valuable daya that may help us in solbibg it. In business, crisis is inevitable and just like in battle retreating is not a bad idea because by doing this you can save your business and soon prepare for a strikeback.

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Yes I agree that overloading ourselves with work will burn out us because sometimes we need some rest for us to think well and stay productive. We should keep in mind that it is not bad to be workaholic as long you are taking good care for yourself since all that is too much is bad to our health.

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If you know that your marketing is good and booming, you must lessen your marketing advertisements because it will consume more money from you.

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