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When you start becoming too successful it's easy to think you need to boost up your marketing because it's what profitable companies do. In reality, this is when you need to pull back the reigns and start thinking about how you can handle all of this success and increase in traffic. If you get overwhelmed, you will start missing orders and not respond to sales calls or emails quick enough, and that means you will begin to get negative reviews online. You're actually getting too successful for your current setup and you need to slow down before you destroy your company.
You can actually be too successful when it comes to business and it's sad that a lot of companies actually seal their own fate by not slowing down when they need to. You need to think of business as a roller coaster, the high points in the ride are when you're making more money and about to burst at the seams and the low points are when you pull back on marketing in order to reconfigure the inner workings of your business and be able to send out all the orders and respond to everyone that sends in an email. If you're working 16+ hour days and you don't want to bring someone on board to help, it's your own fault and you deserve to fail, but you'll likely cave in and have someone help when you get overwhelmed by emails and sales.
If you're growing too quickly you should slow down your marketing
Everyone wants to be successful online but they never think that being too successful is actually a negative thing. Well, it can be if you don't know how to handle an increase in sales or emails.
If you need to slow down your marketing, don't worry about the drop in sales, you are essentially just setting up for a bigger boost in sales and now you will be able to handle everything as it comes in.
Your PPC campaigns can be throttled back for a few weeks
When it comes to marketing a lot of businesses are using PPC campaigns to bring in traffic. It doesn't matter what platform you're using, you can send thousands of people per day to your website, and this means you might get too big for your current setup.
All you have to do is pause or reduce your daily ad spend in order to throttle back on the PPC advertising. This will reduce your traffic, and your sales, but you will be able to handle everything much easier without getting any negative reviews.
Overloading yourself with work will burn you out
Many of us wish we had to work 12+ hours a day fulfilling orders until we actually have to sit down and do it for weeks on end. You'd be amazed at how quickly you can get burnt out by just doing data entry online and sending out products, it's pretty grueling. I actually ran into this about 6 years ago when I was running a business all by myself, I was working 12 hour days doing work nonstop, and I got burnt out pretty quick since I didn't really get any time off like a normal job allows. I started to slack off, negative reviews started coming in, and I eventually sold the business to someone who had a team in place that could handle all of the work that was burning me out. I wish I didn't sell that business because it was doing well, but I'm also glad I did because I don't know how much longer I could have done it on my own.
You might need to bring on some help if you don't pause
If you start getting overwhelmed too much after working countless hours each day, you might need to start building your own team. Many businesses do it, and I wish I had the time to build my own back in the day when I got burnt out on a business, and it's one of the best ways to keep a business healthy. If you can find the right people who will help you out when you're getting too much coming in, you will be able to take a day off here and there to regain your sanity lol.
You need some "ME" time every week in order to regroup and it doesn't really matter what you do. You can go fishing, camping, to see a movie, or just sleep all day! Whatever it is you want to do, you can go do it and no one will be able to call you since that's a rule when you're working 6+ days a week lol. If your team is good enough they will be able to handle any problem that comes their way without having to text or email you once.
In conclusion
Being too successful at marketing isn't always a bad thing, but it can get overwhelming if you don't have the right team or setup in place to handle an increase in traffic and sales. If you're normally doing 10 sales a day and start getting 200, you're likely going to get overwhelmed and see a lot of negative reviews coming out due to you falling behind on orders. Instead, slow down your marketing and bring on a team of credible people to help out as you tweak your setup and routine for better performance. If you do this you will be more successful and turn those 200 orders into 500 soon enough
Remember to follow me!
Tommy Carey
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