
Influencer marketing has faded a bit, but it's still powerful, so use it!

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Influencer marketing has faded a bit, but it's still powerful, so use it!

If you haven't noticed, a lot of the influencer marketing material you find online has faded a bit, but that doesn't mean it's a dead marketing tactic.  In fact, influencer marketing is just as strong as it was before, and you can even get in now to save more money since the initial craze has slowed down.

If you don't know what influencer marketing is, it's a way to pay someone to promote your website or blog in a way that makes it look great.  You give someone a few bucks or a ton of money, and they will publish a post on their social profiles with you in the spotlight.  The amount you pay for the post really depends on how many followers the person has and how much they actually want.  This is the reason you need to shop around, because there is no real industry average to figure out a price for your post, so it's at the sole discretion of the influencer to figure out the price they want to charge per post.

Just 6 months ago you could hire someone to do influencer marketing for you and it would cost $300 a post.  Since the craze has died down a bit, those same influencers aren't getting as many requests, so their prices are more negotiable.  They will still come at you with a high price tag, but they are more winning to negotiate with you if you come back with less than half of what they were asking.

Finding the right influencers to work with takes time
You won't always have to search for the right influencers, but normally you'll have to take a bit of time to sift through the masses to find the perfect people for your business.  I normally check the highest followed influencers and send out a message to them to see what their costs are, which tend to be too high, so I'll always go through the micro-influencers while waiting for the big accounts to respond. 

Micro-influencers are the same as the big influencers, they just have fewer followers, and this means they tend to be cheaper.  I love working with micro-influencers because they don't usually post as often, they treat you better, and they're more willing to cut you deals, unlike the bigger accounts.

After you have a list of influencers you want to work with you just need to contact them.  Don't be shy, they don't bite unless you ask them to lol.  Don't tell them how much you want to pay for a post, let them tell you their price, then counter if you think the price is too high.  Also, don't be afraid to tell them "No thanks, I'll just stick with my current list of influencers who are accepting the price I'm willing to pay" and the influencer will likely stop talking to you... until they need some money Influencer marketing has faded a bit, but it  I've noticed a lot of influencers get an itch that can't be scratched unless they accept your bid that is lower than what they are asking.  This benefits you because you're now paying a fair price, and the influencer doesn't really lose any money because it's just a post on social media, so everyone wins!

You won't get rich with just one promotion from a single influencer
Think of influencer marketing just like email marketing, you need to stick with it if you want to be successful.  Did you know the average person takes 6 emails before they decide to purchase from you?  The same goes for influencer marketing and you'll have to continually work with influencers to get the word out about your business.  You could work with 6 different influencers at the same time and actually speed up the process, but it will cost you 6x the amount compared to slow playing it and letting 1 influence post at a time.

The beauty of overlapping your influencer posts is that people tend to follow the same influencers, which means your posts will get seen more on a daily basis by the same people.  This means you will speed up the process a bit and people will begin to see you as a trusted source Influencer marketing has faded a bit, but it

Your promotions need to be of high quality
You can't open up MS paint and make an image to post to Instagram, it just doesn't work like that, so be sure you have good images to push around the internet if you do plan on using any sort of influencer marketing.  It's not difficult to do, you can actually use stock photos and a free image editor to add text to it, then send it to your influencer for posting.

It doesn't matter what niche or platform you're targeting, no one wants to see a garbage looking image come across their newsfeed, and most influencers will turn you away because you'll just hurt their appearance.  You can ask the influencer to create your image, which will likely cost a little extra, but there are some people out there that will do this as a courtesy since you're working with them anyway Influencer marketing has faded a bit, but it

Think of what YOU would click on, then replicate it
So many people out there are trying to push a service or product and get caught up in the marketing side of it.  Everyone forgets about what they are clicking on themselves and they just push what they think others want to see.  To be successful with influencer marketing you need to think of what you're clicking on when visiting Facebook, Instagram, or any other platform you love.  Replicate the triggers other people are using to get you to click through and you will have a successful campaign every single time Influencer marketing has faded a bit, but it

In conclusion
Influencer marketing isn't dead, it's not even slowing down, it's just not talked about as much because they hype had died down a bit.  People are still making plenty of money with influencer marketing, even more so now since the competition has dwindled, so I don't see why this isn't a marketing play in someone's arsenal.  Yes, you have to be strategic when picking your influencers, but that's common practice with anything business related.  One of the best things is that you can now negotiate easier with big influencers than you could 6 months ago due to the hype having died down Influencer marketing has faded a bit, but it

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Tommy Carey


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Since the coming of influence marketing, targeted markets have gotten a clue of what it is all about, so taking out time to ensure that the promotion that you are running is of high quality is definitely a great way to make things work out. Moreover, no one would be ready to visit a site after reading some weak posts that have got less information about how a particular site is working.

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Yes this is very true. But we should also consider that we should be selective of the infuencer that will bring our business' name. Viewers and consumers now are also very keen on whom they will trust, who are the influencer that are just for the money and who are the influencer they can relate too. Using influencers as a marketing strategy is a very volatile move. Today, the behavior of these influencers are under a microscope of everyone.

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Yes. One mistake from them may drag down your business. An influencer somehow becomes a face of your business specially those people that are very well-known in the industry, Clients now are very keen on people whom they can trust, they always choose those people that they can relate. As for me, this is an added plus if the influencer is someone I can relate. It is always best for me if the person is someone who is approachable and honest. Customers seem to know those influencers who works only for money and we don't believe those types of people.

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Indeed influencer marketing is a big thing back then. But now, more people are aware of this kind of marketing is the reason why this is fading. A lot of influencers tend to manipulate their reviews and opinions on products just for the bucks and sometimes resulting to people being somewhat fooled. Sometimes eventhough the products or service is not good, influencers may give good reviews because they are paid for exposing it to their fans.

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I agree, some influences are all in just for the money not knowing that their credentials are being tarnished. The name social media influencer's are also affected by these actions that's why it's fading. But fortunately there is still reliable influencer's out there and you just have to make sure that they picked the right one for them.

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Yes, influencer marketing is the old way to market product but it is not dead. I still find it a great strategy to make your product known to the public. It maybe faded because of the many fake things now in the internet. It is hard to believe things now because we can grasp anything now. And, many people can be bought buy money if the price is right.

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These all are useful points but the #2 made me really think seriously. It is very true that you won't get rich with a promotional campaign from a single influencer. The success of influencer marketing depends on the the capability of the influencer. Having a lot of fan following does not mean the campaign will become a success, even though this is one indicator of success. The influencer should have a lot of fan following, however, his following should also be responsive.

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Yeah, its all about range and integration. The more the reach the more clients it brings. Some influencer's have great integration with different platforms that's why they are very effective in promotion and advertisements.

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Reach is very
important while doing marketing. In order to drive sales, you need to reach your customer base. Influencer marketing will surely help you, however, one influencer marketer might not be enough to get the desire ales result. If you are working on multiple niches, you need influencer marketers for every niche.

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I was talking to one freelancer yesterday and the influencer was our topic. The followers of the influencer are not really prospects but can be considered leads that may turn into a prospect later. Instead of focusing on 1 influencer it would be better if you get 2 or 3 influencers in order to have more chances of getting good response from the followers of those 3 inlfluencers.

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I think that influencer marketing is really an effective and cost efficient way of getting your company, brand, products on the map. Sometimes a good influencer can boost your site in a big way, and that means more profit for you.

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Exactly! Influencers are very good marketing tool especially when you use the right influencer that will best suit your business niche appropriately, then it will definitely impact your business in a positive way and it can only lead to increased sales and more awareness for your business products and services. It's also important to know that there are bad publicity, so care must be taken to know how you go about it.

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Lot of influencers did bad practices and ended up making the wrong choice for the industry. You can see that these days any random person can be influencer by buying the leads. And that is not a good sign for the brands. You have to see the genuine person for this to work out. I know one thing for sure that in order to handle this sort of business you have to work on the small things and get attention of people. All of this without shady tactics and it can convert for any brand.

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This is exactly what I was looking to say when I pointed out that there are bad publicity which comes the use of influencers for one's products promotion and advertisements. There are some people that pose as influencers but are really bad in the business, and when they get to do anything for your business, it's never going to go well. So, take time and research on the best influencer to use for your business.

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Yes a lot of brands had to face issues because their instagram model turned out to be in some controversy. So most of those brands end up making the choices in that case. That they get custom images made and also pay for not showing the post. So they go local with the content. And that works out. Still influencers need to be used properly and with some planning.

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No marketing tactic is truly dead, as long as you have the resources and that type of marketing is the most applicable for your situation and is readily available, you can make it work.

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I have to agree that influencer marketing is and will still be effective today and in the future because it's been existing for hundreds of years although it was only used online a couple of decades ago, but it's part and parcel of marketing techniques.

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Influence marketing is all the rage right now. I can't believe its a thing, but it is. Literally anyone you talk to about online marketing advises influencer marketing as a strategy for online marketing. I agree that its is fading, thank God. I also agree that it is still powerful. For sure you have to be careful how you carry it out. You need to choose the right influencer. They have to have an audience that it directly relevant to your goods and services.

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This is all true. Influencer marketing is a powerful tool in publishing your brands and products online. Meanwhile, 'Finding the right influencers to work with takes time.' Each company should focus primarily in finding the best influencer that may help the company's brand and products. Either micro-influencer or big influencer is just the same, maybe a couple of follower differences however, still, pros and cons are there no matter what and who you choose.

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I definitely think the success of influencer marketing depends heavily on having the right fit for the right business. I've seen some influencers promoting products that you know they'd never in a million years buy if they were paying for it with their own dollars, and that to me just seems so fake -- it turns me right off a company. So the biggest thing I'd say is find the right fit, and don't just think that because an influencer is well known that they'll make a good impact for your business.

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I agree, there are influencers that are very good in advertising a certain product type like electronics and multimedia. Finding the right one is really the wisest thing to do because what ever writing or review the influencers does, the content really what drives people.

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@fishbate that's right - imagine if an influencer who was all about electronics and media was being paid to promote a makeup company, for instance. It just sounded fake!

One big one from recently was a campaign I saw when the singer/TV/Movie star Mandy Moore was promoting Garnier box hair dye. I know that in no way she would be dying her own hair with box hair color at home!! It felt so fake and forced.

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I definitely agree. The influencer also has to be an authority in a particular niche and hence, should know what the product or service is about. Customers are wise enough to know whether you are just going with popularity or the high following of the influencer.

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Social media has gotten to the point where you need influencers to market your products. It's more effective than any other types of advertising out there. People want to follow these influencers more than the brand itself. The trust between the viewers and influencers are a powerful tool in advertising. I myself would rather buy a product endorsed by someone I idolize than a product with no advertisement at all.

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You know what I think is crazy - people like Kylie Jenner and the rest of the Kardashian family get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars per Instagram post since it really is essentially like advertising. I would love to get paid a fraction of that to be an influencer!

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It's crazy to think before the boom of social media that influencers weren't prevalent in the advertising industry. Just think if you were one of those who jumped into the Instagram, Facebook, & Youtube scene when it was just starting, you could be swimming in cash right now. Luck is something good to have.

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Yeah, it shows the importance of always being on the lookout for the next big thing I guess! I've watched YouTube for as long as I can remember but never ventured into making my own videos although I guess part of me wonders what could have been if I did.

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Influencer maketing can make people buy something they really never needed. Sometimes it may jeopardise the reputation of the influencer.

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You always give us strategic and clever ways of going about the business. And this time with the powerful use of influencers. You really have a way of how to maximize the benefit through a more cost-effective way and right timing. You can turn things to your favor without doing unethical or cunning measures. Thanks for sharing your perspective and best practices.

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I wouldn't say that influencer marketing has faded because from the looks of things in the business sector, influencers are still very much used to achieve business products and services promotion on a large scale. It's only ineffective when you didn't use the proper strategies with it.

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One thing that I've noticed is that these days anyone and everyone seems to think they're an influencer if they've got an Instagram following over a certain amount. I think it's made businesses wary of using influencers, especially since so many of these "so-called" influencers are constantly asking businesses for freebies to "promote".

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Exactly! This is a mistake most people seeking popularity using social media accounts like Instagram or Facebook of Twitter to gain. It just doesn't work like that because you must have a brand that people would look up to and from there you will pick up the portfolio of an influener.

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I was amazed by the term influencer particularly in Instagram. They were like overnight sensations that suddenly caught the public attention. But you are right that their popularity is now fading because it was just a craze or a short trend and people will later understand who they are following and if they are worth to follow. Anyway, like you I am not saying that influencers are dead and they are still effective somehow in endorsing your business.

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Yes people are becoming rich with the instagram posts. And reaching more audience. I think there are many women and men who made career by posting images. And they seem to be doing a lot of ads too. So it is possible that in near future things would be lot different. I think this is one good industry into which people can invest. And that means there is definitely some hops for the marketing and making money.

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I agree on this. As a consumer, I usually check out first the comments of the influencers about a certain product and I admit, they could make me buy and use that certain product. What I am saying is that, they are really good in promoting products. They are also great, working as an investment for your business. It might seem that they are now dimishing but some people, like me, would like to check on other people's reviews before getting onto that product.

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I agree influencer's are still in demand as of now. They are one of the best asset of a company to be gain more profit and customers. I think that this will always be use by a company as one of their tactics.

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Based in my observations, yes It do fades slowly but we can still use this kind of marketting. We must innovative if we want to enter into the influencer marketting because many people get used to it because of the people who readily see and hears it in the past years. Therefore, we must improvise ideas that we may be able to sync to our target so that it will still work effectively.

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"Think of what YOU would click on, then replicate it".

He is right on this on. Its not about getting in to any kind of group then expect in returned, we have to joined to groups that we know we are enjoying to answer with and you can relate with their topics. If you join to a platform that you really enjoy, many people still will see your comments to your group and their attention and like too. So click to what you only like the most.

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