
Turning local customers into loyal ones will boost your success

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Turning local customers into loyal ones will boost your success

Everyone wants to make money online, but they tend to forget about the local customer who will more than likely turn into a brand ambassador or part of your free marketing team. Yup, you can literally get people to push your business without even asking them. You just need to have a good quality product or service and target local clientele in order to be a hometown hero in their eyes Turning local customers into loyal ones will boost your success

You can definitely do this with people all over the world, but a hometown brand ambassador is easier to create than one across the world, and that's why I've written up this discussion!

Loyal customers will spread your business name
Everyone wants to get a customer to come back and purchase from them time and time again, but loyal customers are the ones you should be treated well because they will push your business without you even asking.

A loyal customer is one that loved your product or service and purchased multiple times. They are the ones who will recommend you whenever they come across a stranger asking for help. I actually do this all the time with the user Sajeewa when someone needs a logo designed, NameCheap when someone needs hosting, and when someone is interested in a chat system. I'm a loyal customer because of the high-quality product and support they've given me, and I'm not even a local customer for them Turning local customers into loyal ones will boost your success Imagine how many people they could turn into loyal marketers of their own brand and services if they targeted local businesses Turning local customers into loyal ones will boost your success

People want to purchase from a business near them
It's no surprise that people want to purchase from a company that is close to them. This is because they can go in to see what the business is all about and get an idea of their personality. You could sell a digital service or a physical product, if you're inviting people to your store you'll increase your brand awareness and people will actually spread the word about you if they enjoyed their visit. Think of all the museums, stores, movie theaters, etc. that get shared online without a second thought. You could be one of those shares if you just let people come to see what you're all about, purchase locally, and gain their trust enough to share your business!

A loyal customer base can be your marketing team
If you don't have an affiliate system, you should start thinking about one, because you can turn a lot of your loyal customers into a marketing team. Figure out how much you can give away as a commission, invite your loyal customers to join your affiliate marketing team, and they will more than likely sign up.

The more loyal a person is to your business, the more likely they will share a product or service of yours, and if they're getting a commission from you then they will be more willing to share more often.

In conclusion
If you're bringing in local customers and making sure they have the best time possible, you will turn them into loyal customers and they will likely help you with your marketing. They will share your website or products on social platforms or even by word of mouth with friends and family. You'd actually be amazed at how much a loyal customer can help you out with sales and not ask for anything in return. If you do want to bring more of them on board as a marketing team you should think of an affiliate program that gives them a small commission with each sale they help generate.

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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Great points, I couldn't agree more to this. Turning local customers into loyal ones will definitely boost your business' success. Satisfied customers tends to give more possible customers to your business by referrals and giving positive feedbacks. In this way, your business will mark an image and a good impression to your potential customers.

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I couldn't agree any more. People are loyal to businesses that treat them right. That's one of the factors when choosing a bank for example or a grocery store you frequent over others. I guess the general idea is that people want to support businesses that is not only close to them but could do business with them for a long time. It's a give and take relationship in a way.

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I got the loyal customer only for the matter of social media marketing for my last 7 years of social media marketing life. I have some fix client who comes to me several times for the last few years for getting real and active profile based and social media profile based social media signal for several platforms. I have one big loving client who loves me as a friend and who refer me some times big big contract. I am happy by getting some loyal clients for my social media marketing business. ON SEOClerk also I have one loyal client who comes to me every time for article re write.


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I tend to trust business that locals do support because I believe that if the locals dont like the brand, why would i patronize or venture in that business if the people near them dont actually support it. It gives me the impression that there is something wrong in that business that their own locals dont support it.

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That line about the big loving client is an actual example of gaining a foothold on your customers by using your charm in cultivating a friendly relation. It is a nice feeling when you see that your customers are acting like friends and not just an ordinary customer. The personal touch that you give in your service can make a mark that customers will not be just customers. I have experienced that so I’d say keep up the good work.

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Having said that 'Loyal customers will spread your business name' is absolutely true. Loyal customers can't be gained in just a blink of the eyes and not be seen in all transactions and dealings. Basically, these loyal customers have seen how great the products and services are given by the company where he/she purchased an item. Word of mouth by loyal customers is indeed a big help in a company's success journey.

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It's just like opening a new department-store in your area of residence, you are definitely expected to work with the locals living in the area because they are your first choice customers and once you have secured their loyalty with offering them quality products, they are certainly going to keep patronizing your business for the foreseeable future and it's all to your profit making.

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That is indeed true. Locals are potential customers and with great products and services, and providing some discounts as part of your sales campaign, I think that will absolutely work. They won't just patronizing your company, but their loyalty with you will be utmost.

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Having an affiliate system by turning your loyal customers as your marketing team is a great idea. I have seen many companies doing this and I believe that it really helped their businesses to succeed. One of the companies I know is giving 10-20% off if a loyal customer referred the company to a new customer and that new customer bought something from the company. The loyal customer will get 10-20% rebate from the entire purchase of the new customer. The rebate can be spent and valid in a year. This is truly amazing!

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This is so true - those loyal customers who provide great word of mouth are definitely the ones you need to cherish and look after...especially since they are almost like free walking advertisements! Repeat business is fantastic, but it's even better when they spread their love of a product or service onto their family and friends. Personal endorsements are huge!

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Word of mouth publicity is the cheapest and practical way of advertisement. This is the most effective way to advertise. Having no budget for advertisement is not a problem you just need to provide a quality service.

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Absolutely! Quality service plus quality products with great discount offer is definitely a great deal for a new customer. Giving them such a good first time shopping experience will make them patronize your company and utmost loyalty. These customer who are truly satisfied with your company can be your marketing team for free. 'Word of mouth' is indeed the most practical way of advertisement especially for start-up businesses.

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Having a host of loyal customers around you is one of the ways that you can get things working out for you as long as you are looking at making things happen. I have come to realize that there are needs for us to be able to make things work better when we are looking at the relationship that we create with the people that buy our products.

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You have a very good point about working hard to improve customer - seller relationships because it's the only way to ensure that they feel comfortable dealing and buying from you. Personally, if I'm in a sore relationship with a seller, I wouldn't trust him to buy what I'm going to eat for the fear of getting sold bad or low quality items.

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That's the bigger picture that I am trying to show. You can't be able to really say that everything is always going to work out with all the customers that you come across, but the ability to relate well with a bigger number of them will always keep the business working pretty okay.

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Word of mouth and testimonials are definitely great promotions. If they are truly satisfied they will keep coming back to purchase again or if not they can bring in referrals to help out a friend or a relative. Turning them into loyal customers take more than the satisfaction of the services or products but good customer experience. These are both essential for the business to thrive.

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This your assertion is 100% true, it's very easy to get influenced by a real product user you know into purchasing the same product. Some people and myself included don't always believe advertisement completely because sometimes advertisements are misleading and wouldn't offer exactly what the advert says. But when someone you know tells you that he or she have already used the product, it's definitely going to push you to buy the product also.

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By gaining a lot of loyal customers, your business can build a strong foundation. Loyal customers will always recommend your business to anyone they know. They are the great proof of the good service or products that your business provides. Making your customers feel valued will encourage them to be loyal. And this loyalty can generate more sales for your business.

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Exactly! From my understanding and observations with how new business grows, it's the local business customers that always patronize their business products and services are the ones that lays the business foundation just like you pointed out. There is no new business when it's opened that gets customers from far distant places but it's the local business customers that helps to refer other buyers to patronize the new business. Advertising gets you new customers as well but referring customers from older customers seems to works and convince them to buy without any doubt.

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I think its always great to work with the locals as a means of promoting a local business. Once they identify with it as the local trusted brand their uptake of goods and services will always be high.

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Gaining loyal customers builds strong foundation of the business. At the same time they are proof that you've been doing good business. They're in direct relationship to determine or assess the success of the business. was deemed important to put this in priority.

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Most people love to make their purchases from stores that are close within their proximity in case there is a situation of returning the items for one reason or another. So, when they purchase from local stores closer to them, it cuts transportation expenses for them. So, when you offer better quality services and products to them, whether online or offline, you can easily secure their loyalty and increase your business sales.

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The best advertisements are REFERRALS from returning and loyal customers. Local customers are one proof that the products and service that you offer is really good. How could foreign market would trust you if they can see that your own community doesn't like your products and services.
For those who are aspiring to have a business in and out their community, I recommend this article. It gives out good points that are practical amd would really help your business.

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“It's no surprise that people want to purchase from a company that is close to them.”

In this day and age of sites like Amazon and eBay, most people would assume that shipping things online is all the rage. However, the truth is that brick-and-mortar stores are just as popular as they always were, especially in certain regions.

Many people still function under the mentality that they want to see and feel what they’re buying before they actually purchase it. This is especially true for older generations.

This is just one of many reasons why having a local, brick-and-mortar shop can be invaluable no matter what sort of product or service you’re providing.

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It's also a great indicator if the business is good when a lot of the locals are loyal to your brand. It will definitely earn you a lot more potential customers especially from those not familiar to where your company operates who tend to rely on what the local populace trust.

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Sometimes this will not work. Sad to say, the crab mentality of the people around you will ruin your plan. This is normal for people specially if they know you. Instead of become customer, they surely build their own business similar to your business.

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Target first the possible customer that is near to you. I agree that people like buying to a market near to their place. I think also that it is easier to make them your loyal customer because they are nearer to you it is easier for you to convince them. How can you sell to a person thousands of mile from you if you can not sell to your own neighborhood.

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Loyal customers often have some form of attachment. And they do the work for converting the customers for you. So having some pillar customers can be a good start. And you have to work around with the simple process with which other can promote your business. So having the affiliate and other promotion system setup can be a good choice too. So you just have to find out ways for others to boost your business.

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That's true, one goal of a business is to make the locals their loyal customer. Good rating from from your locals will boost your business to expand more. Local customer can also advertise your service if your service are on good quality.

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Definitely true, Many company succed by having a loyal customer the reason is they are contented to what company give. So the customer recommend it to others and it will spread in time. Influence is a big factor for business and success. And one of the most success company out there have a referral system where the customer also profitting when they recommend it to the others.

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In my opinion the main purpose of any business is to convert they're buyers to loyal customers. All customers whether local, regional or international can help grow your business and can become brand ambassadors. You just have to have a great product and motivational skills.

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I super agree Tommy! When your customers are loyal, they do half of the job for you! I also researched some ways on how we can build customer loyalty. Here's what I found online. I hope this helps enlighten us too! Turning local customers into loyal ones will boost your success


It's tempting to concentrate on making new sales or pursuing bigger accounts. But attention to your existing customers, no matter how small they are, is essential to keeping your business thriving.

The secret to repeat business is following up in a way that has a positive effect on the customer.

Effective follow-up begins immediately after the sale, when you call the customer to say "thank you" and find out if he or she is pleased with your product or service.

Beyond this, there are several effective ways to follow up that ensure your business is always in the customer's mind:

1. Let customers know what you are doing for them. This can be in the form of a newsletter mailed to existing customers, or it can be more informal, such as a phone call. Whatever method you use, the key is to dramatically point out to customers what excellent service you are giving them. If you never mention all the things you’re doing for them, customers may not notice. You are not being cocky when you talk to customers about all the work you have done to please them. Just make a phone call and let them know they don’t have to worry because you handled the paperwork, called the attorney or double-checked the shipment -- one less thing they have to do.

2. Write long-time customers personal, handwritten notes frequently. "I was just sitting at my desk, and your name popped into my head. Are you still having a great time flying all over the country? Let me know if you need another set of luggage. I can stop by with our latest models anytime." Or, if you run into an old customer at an event, follow up with a note: "It was great seeing you at the CDC Christmas party. I will call you early in the new year to schedule a lunch."

3. Keep it personal. Voice mail and email make it easy to communicate, but the personal touch is lost. Don't count these as a legitimate follow-up. If you're having trouble getting through, leave a voice-mail message that you want to talk to the person directly or will stop by his or her office at a designated time.

4. Remember special occasions. Send regular customers birthday cards, anniversary cards, holiday cards -- you name it. Gifts are excellent follow-up tools, too. You don't have to spend a fortune to show you care. Use your creativity to come up with interesting gift ideas that tie into your business, the customer's business or his or her recent purchase.

5. Pass on information. If you read an article, see a new book, or hear about an organization that a customer might be interested in, drop a note or make a quick call to let them know.

6. Consider follow-up calls business development calls. When you talk to or visit established clients or customers, you'll often find they have referrals to give you, which can lead to new business.

With all that your existing customers can do for you, there's simply no reason not to stay in regular contact with them. Use your imagination, and you'll think of plenty of other ideas that can help you develop a lasting relationship.

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Never underestimate the power of a community. Locals are the main source of your business when starting out. The problem with businesses today is that they tend to start big and cater to a large audience rather than focusing on the locals at first and then growing into a big audience as time passes by. Locals are the backbone of the community and if they like your business, they will surely help it grow.

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You are totally right. Entrepreneur nowadays really targeting the bigger markets first than the smaller market near the business. They should really take things moderately, do not hurriedly chase success. Start small first then it will eventually get bigger. Before starting a business it really better to research first and educate yourself.

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I strongly agree. Turning local costumers into your loyal customers is one of the best moves you can do to promote your business. They can be your staunch supporter and marketer. Being in the tourism industry, I noticed that the best promoters are the locals. I think it goes the same to the other fields. Who is best to promote you than those people that know's you best? Whenever there are guests in our hotel, most of them are referred by the locals.

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I think we can get loyal customers if we are offering quality goods and services to them. As what I had observed in my home town, many people are giving more emphasis on quality of the product and services rather on its price. If the customers are really satisfied then they will be the one that will advertise your products to their respective neighbours or relatives. That is why the quality is really important if we want to retain old customers.

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I agree on this! I personally worked in a hotel before as a front desk receptionist and used to handle different guest types. I believe that loyal customers can be gained if you are able to provide good quality of services to them. They can be a big factor in making your establishment grow more and be able to market your business through word of mouth and/or the most trending marketing these days which is social media.

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Local customers should be given priority because I, myself if I look up services or products online, I will search for something near me. There are times that our marketing needs to be narrow down to them because they have more potential of buying or availing of products and services. Especially now that people are becoming more cautious about buying online. If they have the opportunity to check for themselves, face to face, I'm sure they would. It's also important to keep them and turn them into loyal customers by giving them a good customer experience. Because you have them nearby they are likely purchasing your products again or refer them to people they know.

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I had that experience of establishing a relationship with the clients of my retailing business because the customers are the lifeblood of the business. I treat customers as friends and not just buyers. With that kind of treatment, they enjoy talking to me that sometimes they linger in the store just to chat. I don’t know if that is the standard now in retail businesses but that treatment to clients will definitely help in making the customers your loyal buyers.

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Establishing a good and healthy relationship with your neighbours is really a must since it is where we can start up to promote our product and services. They will serve as our local customers that later could promote what we are offering to the market. We just need to give them the satisfaction and the trust they need in order for us to gain their loyalty. As a result, we will become known and popular to other people without even knowing them just because of the satisfaction of trust that they feel with us.

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Having loyal customers have a big impact in a business. I would describe them as people who will be my mouth to promote my product to a wider community. You can also use them as your free promoter. It is hard to obtain loyal customers, but you can get them usually from your local customers. You just have to take good care of them. They could rely good reviews about your product, but they could also destroy the image of your business with just one mistake of yours. So you should better be careful, always know how to treat your customers right so that they will continue in patronizing your products.

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Customer is a life sustaining aspect that prolongs the life of a business. Business is created to assist the customer in having a good service, product etc. That's why it is not surprising that a customer helps the business to get bigger and bigger. Thus, we must give our customers an outstanding servive that will satosfy their ideals and when that comes out a loyal customer is born; that in turn give us a constant purchases of our product that will serve as a concrete foundation of a business.

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I totally agree with you! If you have a customer, no matter if it's their first time or not, you should do your best to exceed their expectations. You should treat them well and give the best options to them that they can say "wow". Be true to your them, be transparent to them but just make sure you know how to deliver bad news to them. You assist them in a manner that it's like it's the last time that will contact you and it's your last chance to give their trust to you again. This is very important especially if it's a first time customer. You want to give them the "wow" factor that they can suggest your business to their friends, relatives, etc. You want to give them a "promoter" score, 10 out of 10. Once you have their trust and loyalty, it will be hard for them to try other products, or if his friends might tell bad something about you, they will defend you and give you high ratings with excellent feedback. Treat all of your customers the best way you could and make sure to satisfy them with your service.

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Local customers are those people that are near to us such as our neighbors and friends out there. These people could be a nice help on our business since they might serve as our marketer to our product and services. We must first get their trust so that they will have the confidence to advertise our business to others.

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Yes! I agree with you. Through their word of mouth your business will be known locally and abroad. You really need to take good care of them. They will help you a lot.

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Yes I agree with that, word of mouth is a very simple and yet a very effective way of advertising a certain product or services. We should make our neighbors feel as if they are very important to us because they can be our witness and judge for our products. They should be given an importance because we really don't know that someday they will be our advertisers.

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Yes I agree with you, Because if you can get the trust of the customer or client, They will be your regular buyer and they can bring your business to the top because you will be known and that customer will tell to the other customer that your product is good so by that your business will grow and grow and be on the top.

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Your customer can become a regular customer if they trust you about the products that you are selling. Make discounts on the customer that are buying bulk orders, by that they will choose you as their regular supplier.

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I am one loyal customer myself of a few stores and brands, and the most significant factor why I always keep coming back is the service. Aside from having quality products in their shelves or line-up, what draws me in the most is if I get excellent customer service and is treated nicely and with respect during business transactions. Even if you have a great store, but have poor people skills, you might not get the results you want. Thanks again sir Tommy for another great article, and stay awesome!

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Turning local costumers into loyal ones will boost your success: Not all local costumers can be a loyal one. The things that you can do to boost your success, treat your costumers well. Provide what they needed, have those employees who are honest and polite on negotiating your costumers.

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