
Why women are usually better at influencer marketing

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Why women are usually better at influencer marketing

How often have you gone on Instagram or any other social media platform and saw more male influencers than female?  Well, if you're seeing more male influencers then you're likely only stuck in one niche and haven't branched out, because women are dominating this type of marketing industry.  A woman can talk about pretty much anything and make it popular as long as she has a decent following.  Men can't talk about nearly as much as a woman can, and make it popular because we're supposed to be masculine and are sort of typecast lol Why women are usually better at influencer marketing

I'm going to get right into it and discuss why women are better at influencer marketing than men, and those reasons are:

They tend to be more caring than men
Women are the ones who give birth to our children, which means they tend to be more motherly when doing anything, and that tends to come across when they love what they're talking about.  They're more passionate about what they talk about compared to a guy who usually has to fake their emotions. 

Sure, I can publish a video and talk about certain things I love, but it won't come off the same as if a woman talked about the same thing and enjoyed it as much as I did.  Men are raised to be the protectors of their sisters, their mothers, a household, and their property which is one of the main reasons we're not in touch with our emotions as much as a woman.  I know that I was always protective over my sisters when I was growing up, even though I was the youngest, I would protect them even if I knew I was at a disadvantage.  I like to laugh and smile, but I can't put the same emotions and passion into a video review that a woman could, and I'm ok with that Why women are usually better at influencer marketing

Their posts feel like they're more in love with their industry
When a guy posts about their industry or niche, it usually feels like they're just marketing a product or service, unless they truly love what they're doing and don't care if they make money from their posts.  Women, on the other hand, can post about anything and seem more in love with the industry even if they hate it haha Why women are usually better at influencer marketing

Maybe it's just me, but I trust a woman more than I ever would a man, but that's probably because I grew up in a household full of women lol Why women are usually better at influencer marketing

They're prettier than men (sorry, they are lol)
It doesn't matter if you're gay, straight, bi, or an alien you probably think that women are prettier than men in every case.  This carries over into influencer marketing since they're easier on the eyes compared to us men who tend to be dirty and covered in beards haha Why women are usually better at influencer marketing

Now, I'm sure there are some male model types out there trying to contradict my statements about how women are prettier, but you should calm down and understand this is just a discussion about influencer marketing.  You're pretty too, but an attractive woman will likely destroy you in the influencer marketing game, so go prove me wrong and report back here.

People listen to women more online than they do men
Men have dominated the online world for a while now, but women are starting to chisel away at the numbers year after year, and that means they're starting to get noticed more.  Since men have dominated the digital world for years, the few bad apples among us have tainted the videos and anything else we've posted, and that's the main reason women tend to be better at influencer marketing.  We have no reason to not listen to them like we do to men because of the few bad apples, so we watch their videos or read their blogs and just trust them more in the end.

In conclusion
Anyone can be an influencer online, but women truly do take the majority share of popular people online in this industry, and it tends to boil down to their emotions within their content as well as instantly being trusted more than a man.  Men can be really good influencers, but a woman with all the same credentials can do much better than any man in this industry, and I would be extremely shocked if a woman lost to a man in any sort of influencer marketing competition if there was one Why women are usually better at influencer marketing

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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Yes! i agree with you that women are better at influencer marketing. its because women are more friendly and emotional than men. Men are more on achievement or accomplishment oriented. There are men who would just prefer to be alone to get things done.

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I am not sure about friendliness, but I agree on being more emotional. I am a man and a woman approaches me to market a product, I will listen to her. It is not because I am interested in the product, it is because I am interested in the opposite sex (sorry, it is a natural law). If the marketer is a man, I might not listen unless I am actually interested in the product. If the customers are man, women have a great potential to influence the customers.

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That's true. Women are the best in this particular area of marketing.

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Very well said. It is true that women are really good at marketing influencer because they knew how to make it more believable than men.

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Even in the banking sector, mostly it's women who are used for marketing purposes because they are very good in persuading people and companies to open an account with them. It's as if they have a special power for doing the job perfectly.

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That is true. Also in the sales and marketing mostly women are they front liner because they knew what is the capabilities of the women.

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The businesses have understood the power of women when it comes to marketing. Therefore, you can see women being used in the advertising industry to promote products and services for a long time. They are using women not only to promote the products and services used by women but also to promote products and services meant for men. For instance, you can see a woman in an ad about men's grooming products.

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Men are more friendly than girls I think lol. It's not being friendliness but rather woman give that impressions that they are more picky than men. When it come to shopping, woman tends to walk around the malls before buying something unlike men, most tend to buy in a single spot as long that what they are looking is there. But who know's it what is really the first reason why woman fit as an influencer than men.

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I agree with you, women easily connects with other people compared to men.

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It may be the emotional aspect but my guess is the charm of women especially when the prospective clients and the market itself are composed of men in majority. I’m not being sexist but it is just based on my observation. In our office, most of the vendors for big clients are women and more often than not they have the beauty or the nice figure which really can attract the prospective clients.

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They're prettier than men. I agree on this. Both men and women loves to follow pretty women. But I think one also of the reasons why women are better at influencer marketing is because women are more emotional than men. When they post a video or article you could feel a deeper since of emotion attached to their content. By showing their vulnerability, they tend to establish deeper connection with their followers. Men are more masculine, although there are few who are emotional too, most of the time, what men wants to show is the braveness and the courage in succeeding an endeavor. Most men don't want to expose the hidden weaknesses.

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I agree with that. I'm a woman myself and I find women more visually appealing as influencers. There's something in them that gets your eyes fixated on them and when they start to speak and are more convincing than men. They can communicate better. They are a total package I can say.

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It's more of the natural power of woman than what men comes with. They have the ability to command calmness when one is instantly unstable and make them feel at peace. Most times you wonder why babies cries too much when they are with any other person but once it's with their mother, they will be very comfortable. So, it's exactly the same thing with female influencers.

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You cannot compare men and women in terms of looks. Men and women are different genders and they have different standards for a look. However, I agree with the point that both men and women love to follow pretty women. Women are emotional, that's true, however, their ability to do marketing is not because of emotional quotient but because of their persuasive nature.

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I agree with your statement that both men and women love to follow pretty women. I am a woman but I would prefer to talk or approach a beautiful woman than a good looking man. I think this is because I admire how a woman looks and carry herself. They look more attractive and I see a beautiful man as a celebrity.

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I agree, Physical appearance is also one key point why woman standout as an influencer. Men only tend to appreciate woman's beauty unlike woman they more appreciate both sexes.

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Honestly, it is always easier for the ladies to make things work out when they are influencers in the industry. One of the things is that they are always ready to connect and can show some care than some men. The world that we are living in is definitely that of the ladies and it is not surprising to see that they are having influence as well.

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Exactly! You are absolutely correct with that assertion on using women for better and efficient marketing, influencing and promoting of one's business. Have you taken a closer look at so many companies customer care representatives? They are 99% women. So, ask yourself the reason for always putting women on such job? They are better at it.

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I agree with you, and we have this impression that women works meticulously compared to men.

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I agree on this. Women tend to care about their viewers and they talk more than men. Also people enjoy more watching and listening from a woman with good looks. They also attach themselves to this industry and make a good result out of it. Most of the reviews now adays were about beauty products, make ups, clothes or whatnot, and that is one of the reasom why women are likely to be an influencer because they give realistic and true reviews about it when they try using it unless you would like to see a man putting makeup on his face to influence other people. hahaha

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That's a great point. When it comes to getting clients captured and captivated with beauty, women are the best bet to use because they do take care of themselves and using their appearance to hold attention. Unless one is a gay, then the women sense of beauty wouldn't attract him.

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That's right the motherly instinct makes it work for them. They tend to be more sincere and passionate. And I agree that there's a lot of women influencers all throughout different niches except only for the ones wherein men are the better fit. They really appear to know what they're talking about and what they're into hence they are more convincing.

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I am not sure about motherly instinct, however "the sex appeal" surely works. Let me explain, a marketer is a not so good looking woman, will you listen to this woman? In another situation, a beautiful woman approaches will you ignore her?

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I think so too. Generally, women tend to be emotional and are more caring than men, this is their advantage in being an influencer. Women are more transparent and can be easily seen as honest and can be trusted. Personally, when I watch this types of videos I always watch women influencers than men. I like them better than male influencers.

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As a woman, I definitely agree with all your statements. Women are so dominant when it comes to Marketing. They are more friendly and thoughtful than men. They can easily encourage anyone with their sincere and powerful words. An attractive man versus an attractive woman, I am sure that the woman can win the game. Women have something that will make you listen to them whether you like or not. And that's what makes women standout among them.

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That is very well said. Women can do equally as men nowadays. They really step up years from years. Personally I am more of comfortable asking woman when I have to in the grocery and other establishments. When they answer you about your query they would give you exact answer unlike men.

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That is right and I can relate to you. I am also more comfortable asking women than men. Some men are intimidating while women tend to smile right away once you notice them.

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Yes that is true. When you have a transaction with men they would answer you in just few words and thats it while women they would give you a detailed answer.

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I agree with the points explained above, and I want to add few more points. women can easily influence men. That is nature. Women can attract women as well because women see other women as a competitor and in order to prove themselves they are ready to copy other.

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I dont usually base my decision on genders. I know both men and women are good influncers.
The male specify are usually good as influencers because they know how to get the hearts of girls and girls has to power to pursuade. I believe that both are just the same. I know a lot of influencers in youtube that are both men and women.

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Well, there is something that one gender does better than another. There is no denying to this fact. When it comes to marketing, women have more power than men. If this was not the case, why do you see the women model in the products that are exclusive to men?

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I always believe in gender equality. And to answer your question why do you see women model in products that are exclusive to men: then why do you also see men to products exclusive only for women? See? This will would be better if we stop comparing genders and which gender do best. Does having a gender makes a person less of a person?

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I've noticed that when it comes to Female influencers, they often don't rub anyone the wrong way as much as the Male counterparts. Men influencers have to be a certain way for them to be appealing to their audience.

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Women or female individuals who are into influencer marketing knows well the power they hold naturally over men and picking a female influencer is a very good choice because most times businesses are owned by men, so using woman to influence them in dealing with what you are offering will definitely pull lots of people to invest in the business.

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I agree. They know they have the power and they know how to use it well. That's why a lot of jobs like a insurance agent for example, I've seen job flyers looking specifically for women. It was just the other day that a female insurance agent offered me insurance. Let me tell you, she was able to convince me who was skeptical about their offer.

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I'm 100% percent agree with you that women are better in influencing. I think it is also in their nature to be a great influencer. One of the reason is because they are more vocal in their emotions. They express their self more and can easily relate to others that is why their are many teachers that are women. Women are also prettier than man is also a good point. Man can not easily appreciate other man but women can easily appreciate other women.

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The quality of their being more prettier than men mostly is a valid point of influence on why they seem to to be more effective in being an influencer. It's not that there aren't men who are even more cute than lots of women out there but the probability of having more pretty women to cute men is far more greater. People get attracted easily to pretty or cute individuals.

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Women are better influencers when their marketing messages are directed to men, and it's equally vice versa with men message directed to women. Opposite sex influences a lot in anything and not just in influencer business. Take for instance, men feel comfortable being treated by a female doctor or female nurse and female feel comfortable around men doctors. It's simply psychological.

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Honestly? I think it's their face and body. You can only have strong influencer if you have good face and body. Only those women succeed. You can't have fat, ugly person regardless of gender to be a good influencer. It's not that women care. Let's be honest. Women hardly care for the brand they promote. Lot of instagram nude models don't care about brands. They show some green tea with their nudes and so. We tend to assume a lot about women. But if we be honest about how they are selling or marketing it's pretty much easy to figure out.

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I agree that physical beauty would be a great factor to influence others. They will be very appealing. Most especially if you are marketing a beauty product. You can easily convince other people to buy the product you are advertising.

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Yes most of the beautiful influencers are promoting the beauty product. And some of the time you can also see them promoting something different too. But based on what I have seen with the influencer marketing, it'd be serious to see them experimenting with different type of the products out there. It's not hard to find good influencers but less beautiful.

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I think they are better influencer than men because they are more charismatic than men lol. Women have that charisma that can attract more customer than men do that's why most advertisement are mostly done by females. Company mostly hire beautiful women cause they can get the attention of audience easily.

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Haha, I wouldn't say that they are more charismatic than we men but because it's in man's nature to listen to woman is what gives them the upper hand when it comes to being better at influencing people on several levels. When it comes to being a mother, they influence their children better, when they are teachers, they influence their students better etc.

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I agree to you that women can easily be hire in a company. Women can easily more attract people. They can persuade other people to buy the product they are selling.

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I agree with that, somehow woman is much more reliable than man. Woman protecting their images more than to man so it's gonna be big disgrace for them if they telling lies, and somehow, it's really hard to say no to woman. LOL

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Women have certain command and add to that the charisma. Their visually appealing factor and their convincing power are great combination in becoming effective influencers.

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I agree so much with this. Women are effective influencer. Knowing the fact that women are one of men's major weakness. They can be more dominating than men in this field.

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Nothing is more scary than a woman who knows how to use her strengths to her advantage. Believe me.

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I think a big part of influencers success comes from being able to connect with people - and a big part of that can be showing emotion, whether you're male or female. I think both genders have successful influencers so I do think it can really depend on the person rather than whether they are male or female.

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Yes, I agree with you. I also don't compare male and female individuals for being a better influencer at marketing. It is just I think that females most trend because of how they attract people especially if they had a qualities of being pretty, skills and talents. But most people now a days admire and look up to people with beautiful physical features. That is only what I am observing today especially in different social media platforms.

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I will easily buy from a pretty woman than from a man. Their attraction goes with influencer marketing.

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I get that you don't want to discriminate between men and women but haven't you noticed that women influencers have this edge over the male influencers? Yes it all depends on their individual abilities when it comes to marketing but still. I still think women are better at influencer marketing.

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I honestly think there's just more of them - I don't know about success, but certainly numbers wise I feel like there's more females out there in the industry. Perhaps that's because they are successful with it, but I guess it ends up being an argument of "what came first, the chicken or the egg".

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I agree because in general, women tend to possess a powerful weapon which is called "charm" that will get our interest in listening in what they are trying to say. They are good at embodying in what they are saying, in short they are good in persuasion in online. Women have a pleasing appeal especially when they talking into something and you will somehow will feel the care deep within that will mael your heart thats's why it's a big yes.

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We have to admit that we live in a chauvinistic world where women are best for their charm and beauty. That’s what a sales guru said for the reason of using promo girls. He even asked if you have heard the term promo boys and surely there’s no such thing. My take on the issue is a balance of the male and female species for the influencer but maybe I have to admit the women have an advantage over the men in terms of popularity.

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Yes, women tend to be objectified a lot as being just "pretty faces and pretty bodies"...I think it's natural as humans to be drawn to people who are seen as being attractive but it's interesting these days that it's a factor in so many things. It may not be "the best person for the job" but the most attractive...and that seems to be the world we live in!

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Yes I definitely agree on this article because we can see in any advertisement that most of the marketer or influencer are women. It is mainly because of its characteristic as being very caring and loving to everyone. Many people are pursuade to buy a certain products if it is being advertised by women based on my experience. That is why in terms of marketing, women do really create an advantage over men.

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People might call that gender bias. I call it true true true! My own personal experience, I find it very easy to hook up with other females online, get business tips and advice, exchange ideas, talk about our husbands and our kids … LOL. Why women are usually better at influencer marketing

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There's definitely an ease of connection when you can chat about familiar things, for sure! I personally find that other moms are also easy to talk to - we usually chat about our kids, their interests, their similarities and any other parenting struggles we might be going through! There's that immediate bonding and connection.

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I would have to agree with this article especially with noted point, 'Women tend to be more caring than men.' Basically it is maternal instinct. Mother's duty is to take care of the family. I think women are more flexible emotionally because they always try to shed understanding.

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I also agree with you. Woman with pleasing personality can actually help make a sale. I experienced some men that were not much interested about the product but when women with pleasing personality tends to offer some products, these men will actually buy it. When you go to malls, you can see models and they're all pretty. It can help make a sale and some will be interested with the product.

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Do you think it comes down to their personality then more so than their gender? I'm curious if it's the fact that the women seemed like better communicators or like they had friendlier personalities that ended up making the sales easier.

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I would have to agree with this article especially with noted point, 'Women tend to be more caring than men.' Basically it is maternal instinct. Mother's duty is to take care of the family. I think women are more flexible emotionally because they always try to shed understanding.

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I do think though it still really does come down to personality - I've known plenty of women who weren't nurturing or motherly at I think maybe it's more an individual thing than whether a person is male or female.

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Women are very flexible not only in the emotional aspect but also in the physical aspect. Just like our mother they can multi task the work in our house everyday. Women are really great influencer.

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I also agree with the noted point, 'Their posts feel like they're more in love with their industry.' This seems 'gender bias' nonetheless, women can share their thoughts and opinions more sincere than men. I don't know maybe it's just me. Excuse me with the other men commentators. Why women are usually better at influencer marketing

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I feel like maybe it's because women (generally speaking) tend to talk about their feelings and emotions more - we're naturally pretty chatty, it's the way we bond with people. So maybe that plays into it.

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I would have to agree with you that women are naturally pretty chatty. We are more talkative than men. We speak everything in our mind freely and basically we have the natural charm indeed. Maybe that adds points, too.

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Because they can influence more than the man, They also have some charming attitude, They can attract lots of clients by their looks, But I am not looking down to a man, It's just my own opinion.

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It's funny you mention looks because as a woman I'd probably be more easily influenced by a good looking man! Maybe female influencers are mainly influencing men?! Who knows!

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I strongly believe with 'opposite attracts!' Basically, I can see only a few male influencers however, they look more interesting for me as a woman. I think it is just, boys meet girls, and girls meet boys, boys like girls and girls like boys. Why women are usually better at influencer marketing

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If that is your opinion @jayjaydimson, then we have the same opinion on this. Why women are usually better at influencer marketing Basically, women have the natural charm in and out. Women know how to attract more clients because they honestly enhanced how to look more beautiful and more interesting while entertaining others.

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The nature of women is that they easily convince or influence. That is why they are used in advertisements. Women also have a way with words that easily make you fall for whatever they are marketing. Where men are concerned, women work better.

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Women are more attractive on screen and more trustworthy than men. Woman speaks more eloquent than men. I guess social media are created for women.

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Because a woman is a charmer than the man and they really good at talking than the man.

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Because woman are created as a sweetheart, to be loved, easy to asked with, has an appealing charisma and more to be noticed by gentlemen. That's why no wonder why women always in front desk like hotels and restaurant so you won't get hesitate or to asked questions about informations you need.

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I think that women are more better influencer because they are more calm and relax compare to man that is easily tempted or get angry for doing some things. Women can easily cope with stress and have the ability to refrain from any unlawful acts.

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Oh yeah, I do notice it too. There are more female influencers endorsing products and services compared to men especially in the field of healthcare and the like. Guess women are more credible compared to us men. Glad I found this thread as it gave me a new idea regarding influencer marketing. Thanks again, sir Tommy! You're the best!

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Women has a way of influencing people. With their words, one can be enticed to buy or get the service that she is marketing. Actually, men are more straightforward and they talk less. Some actually prefer not to complicate things with flowery words that women use. Thus, it makes the women the better influencer. Anyway, that isI just my observation. Both have their own ways of approaching things.

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Because woman is charming, and they can attract more guy because guys are attracted by a woman because of their beauty.

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Most women are "wordy" and detailed which make them a bit better at marketing influencer than men. They also use many persuasive strategies to sell their products. Their high level of intuition and empathy make them better influencers. I do not mean to say that men are not. I guess the degree or intensity as marketing influencers differs.

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Why women are usually better at influencer marketing: Women can easily adapt to her environment. And the people around her. Unlike men, women they can easily touches one's heart. Women know how to influence their clients. But, sad to say not all trust women's capacity to run business.

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