
Send PPC traffic to dedicated landing pages and not your homepage

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Send PPC traffic to dedicated landing pages and not your homepage

Everyone has likely tried to run a PPC campaign and has had a good or bad experience with it.  If you made some additional sales, you're likely one of the people who did it right, and you had a good experience with it.  If you're one of the people who didn't make any money after your campaign was over, you likely did something wrong, and one of the main problems is sending people to your homepage and not a dedicated landing page.

It doesn't matter if you're using Adwords, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, BuySellAds, etc.  You have to send people to specific landing pages in order to increase your conversions.  You may have sent people to your homepage or service page, but that won't convert as high as a dedicated landing page, and that's what the entire discussion is all about Send PPC traffic to dedicated landing pages and not your homepage

Each ad campaign you run should have its own landing page
If you're using AdWords, facebook, yahoo, bing, or buysellads websites to send you the traffic you will need to set up dedicated landing pages for each ad you have up and running.  These pages don't have to be extremely detailed, they just need to be dedicated to the platform or website you're getting traffic from.

Think about it, how often have you clicked an ad that claimed something and you were just directed to the homepage and thought "Hmmm, where is the content I thought I was going to land on?" because you likely do it more than you think.  The companies who are doing it right are sending you to pages that explain what their ads are all about, and they are dedicated to that traffic stream in order to improve their conversions. 

If you are running an ad on Facebook as well as through Adwords, you will need at least 2 dedicated landing pages.  You will send your Facebook traffic to one page and your Adwords traffic to another.  This is because you can improve your tracking, greet people properly through branded landing pages, and increase your conversions because of it.

Duplicate and edit your landing pages for new sources
A lot of people are thinking "I have 10 ads out there sending me traffic!?!?!" and that's not a problem at all, you still need to make 1 unique landing page in order for this to work, but you'll have to duplicate it a few times until you have 1 page for each traffic stream you have.

You can easily duplicate your landing page and rebrand it for each traffic stream.  You just have to change some logos, some text, and change anything else needed in order to show people they're landing on the exact page you're talking about within the ad.  If you can do this, and I know you can, you will increase your conversions a great deal.

People will more likely buy if they're greeted appropriately
A huge conversion trick with this is to not just write up a landing page that is branded for the platform they found you on, but you need to greet them appropriately so they feel welcomed.  If you have people coming from Facebook, you need to say "Thank you for leaving Facebook for a little bit to check out our website!" and they will see you're happy they're taking some time off of their favorite social network to check you out Send PPC traffic to dedicated landing pages and not your homepage  You'd be amazed how often people love to see something like this, mainly because it shows how humble you are and you're actually grateful for them checking you out.  This little trick alone will increase your conversions and sales through all of your ads out there Send PPC traffic to dedicated landing pages and not your homepage

Offer some sort of discount code
One of the best tricks to use on these dedicated landing pages is to give people a discount for leaving Facebook for a little while, clicking through from Google or Yahoo or Bing, and they will usually bookmark or buy right then and there to get the deal Send PPC traffic to dedicated landing pages and not your homepage 

People all over the world love discounts, and they will jump on this opportunity because they don't know if it's a time-sensitive one, so be ready for some additional sales lol.

In conclusion
Using a dedicated landing page is one of the oldest tricks in the book when it comes to converting people into paying customers.  They're landing on a special page that greets them and gives them a special promotion code or coupon code, and they will enjoy your website right away because of this.  If you plan on doing everything I've written about, you'll be happy you did after the traffic starts to flow in, because you could generate an additional 20% in revenue.  Some people say they've seen spikes of 50% more revenue from using dedicated landing pages for their ad campaigns, and I hope you are one of those people after you implement this little strategy Send PPC traffic to dedicated landing pages and not your homepage

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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So true about offering discounts! You're right - enjoying some discount is a universally loved thing, and I think it can definitely attract and help retain business.

I've definitely had my fair share of those moments too where I've bought something because I didn't know how long the sale or deal was going to last for!!

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The discount is one of the greatest attraction to people. Whenever I would go to a store with ongoing sale, I never fail to notice the rich customers. Those wealthy people who can afford to buy the whole store is braving the crowd just to buy something that is on a 50% discount. Maybe that is the reason why people flock to a store when there is a sale just because of the discount.

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I do think a special landing page may give an advantage in getting more sales since it gives a special vibe to customers. Also promos and deals in your landing page would attract more conversions.

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That's right. When you use the PPC it should be in the service or product you offer once you click it and not on the home page. People should be amazed immediately and will keep scrolling if they found the offers instead of using your search bar or whatever just to know everything about your website.

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I always agree with your content. Using a dedicated or good quality landing page is a scheme that will lead to paying customers. A landing page is a page that your viewers will first encounter when they click your ads. So, it should have the content that your customers are expecting to see. Being able to create an optimized landing page is important to conversions and can be a power of your PPC campaigns.

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You need a dedicated following of people to make this work in my opinion. Affiliate links like Amazon only give you a small percentage of revenue when someone clicks your link. You only get a big commission if someone pushes through and buys the product you linked.

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PPC and landing pages is one of those things which are not easy to get. I have seen many clients who are working harder on those things. And for some reason this simply does not work. I hope that there are more AB testing tools that can help with that. I don't see much value in using the shop stores etc for PPC testing. I think dedicated landing page is what is needed to get people to convert.

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Offering discounts and coupon codes is an effective strategy. People like discounts. We all like the idea of paying less and will come to a business that will give us discount. This strategy will give you regular customers because of the discount and promo codes that you are offering.

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The trick of offering discounts have been one effective way to getting the best out of your business and it's definitely going to get lots of potential customers or clients to patronize your business. Customers always love to get discounts when buying any new products or even old ones, so with offering discounts and coupons, they will always look forward to buying from you.

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you can add your PPC campaign to your home page and link your home page to other pages of your site in this way link juice will pass from your home page to other pages

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I agree that most people click on discounts. It's definitely strategic to use this tactic. I also have the experience of clicking on something and landing on the homepage. Doing this can really frustrate the readers. It's important that they are routed to the landing page after clicking the link and strategically use it for ad campaigns.

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Before I came to this forum, the landing page was not on my consciousness. All the while I thought that the backlink that you will spread is the home page of your website. But then I was surprised to read about the landing page. Now I understand that when you write a new blog and you promote it to another website, you should be including the link of that web page. Therefore that will be the landing page.

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I have recently gone back into PPC advertising. I am not finding the successes that I thought I would have. The advertising market is too expensive for individuals with a tight budget. I feel the fortune 500 companies have basically driven up bid prices for keywords so much so that little businesses can not even get their ad out there. Yes, surely you could target other keywords but with my own experience, you do not really get the sales volume, nor the exact audience you want and sometimes you may get lucky. I have spent over $500 this month on ads and got ZERO profit in return, and yes there is landing pages, and everything that would a marketer would need. I am targeting a specific audience, and the product (which i am not going to disclose) is a great product. So no idea where I went wrong, I am getting clicks, and impressions just absolutely no sales.

Maybe perhaps search engine marketing is a dead horse now? Maybe I should go back to social marketing? I do not know but $500 is a great loss, and it only took a week to lose. Thankfully I had the campaign set to pause at a specific time otherwise it probably would have kept going and I'd probably be bankrupt.. lol

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if PPC campaign generates the leads it's good if not then not bad please go on the Google policies in 2019 google have almost given 250 factors to optimize your campaign for more detail visit this........

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you can add your PPC campaign to your home page and link your home page to other pages of your site in this way link juice will pass from your home page to other pages

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