
3 tricks to boost foot traffic to your physical business

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3 tricks to boost foot traffic to your physical business

Many discussions here on SEOclerks talk about how you can help your website or increase traffic and sales, but not many help the people who are in search of help for their physical businesses.  Well, if you have a business that does the majority of your sales offline, this discussion is for you!  I've never owned my own offline business that ran out of a physical location, but I've worked with hundreds of companies just like that and know little tricks to get more foot traffic in your stores 3 tricks to boost foot traffic to your physical business

Many physical businesses out there worry about how they're going to capture their next sale, and they tend to push money into the wrong types of advertising, even if those types of adverts tend to work for other businesses.  You need to know what to do before you get in a crunch time position and worry about how you're going to keep the doors open, so keep reading through this discussion and hopefully, it helps you gain a few additional sales 3 tricks to boost foot traffic to your physical business

GEO targeted advertising
When you get into advertising, especially PPC campaigns, you will want to focus on a certain mileage around your store and not the entire world.  If you aren't setting up a specific area of where you want to target, you'll likely be targeting the entire world, and most small businesses don't ship overseas and that will just be a problem if you do get a sale in China or Korea lol 3 tricks to boost foot traffic to your physical business  Another problem you'll run into, if you're not GEO targeting your ads, is you'll waste a lot of money on clicks that likely will never purchase from you online or ever walk near your store.

What you need to do is set up an ad that targets your specific town so you know who exactly is looking at it.  You can set up an age range and gender to target people specifically if you sell something niche specific if you sell something food related I would suggest just targeting people over 18 since they will likely have money compared to a 10-year-old on their iPads lol 3 tricks to boost foot traffic to your physical business

Yes, this is a way to generate traffic to your website, but you will be showing them where they can go the next time they're out.  Since you're close to them, they will likely remember you if they come across your business, and they will stop by to see what you're all about 3 tricks to boost foot traffic to your physical business

Google My Business
If your business isn't listed in Google's own directory, you're already missing out on a lot of potential foot traffic.  Google likes to have a thorough database of all the businesses out there, and that's why Google My Business came about, so go over there and list your business if it isn't already.

Be sure to optimize your listing as much as possible, don't just put "Clothing Store" if you sell kids clothes, because people will pass you over for the next listing that shows "Kids Clothing Store" and you're just losing a sale there.  Be sure to have your address, phone number, email, and high-quality pictures uploaded for everyone to see where they're going and what to expect when they get there.  This method works very well for food establishments because no one can ever agree on where to eat so they'll go online to check for "bar and grills" or "restaurants" and since you're located down the street you will be shown first by Google.

The more popular your location, the more likely you'll get people into your store, and if you're not in a busy area then don't worry because you'll likely show up within the top 5 listings and people can still find you 3 tricks to boost foot traffic to your physical business

Beacon Advertising
This is an up and coming type of advertising that not many people are doing right now, mainly because there isn't a lot of information out there about it, but if you get in early it could pay out a lot. 

Essentially, this type of advertising comes in the form of a push notification to someone's smartphone.  The beacon is a small plastic device placed within a business or a certain area and sends out your message to anyone with blue tooth activated on their phone.  One of the problems with this is a person has to have a certain app downloaded in order to get the notification.  There are businesses starting to launch that allow you to pay per push notification and you can use beacon advertising without actually owning any of the software or hardware.  You just log into your dashboard, set up what you want your push to send out, fund your account, and watch the traffic walk in 3 tricks to boost foot traffic to your physical business

In conclusion
Getting traffic through your doors isn't much different than gaining some traffic to your website.  You just need to know what to do, approach any campaign with caution, evaluate everything possible, then execute everything flawlessly if you want to be as successful as possible.  You can screw up along the way, it will just slow you down a little bit, but hopefully, you're not wasting thousands of dollars before you realize something isn't a good way to generate foot traffic 3 tricks to boost foot traffic to your physical business

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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Advertisement and publicity are what your new business requires to get the traffic and popularity it needs to take a great step in turning in lots of sales and profits for you in the process. If people don't know about your products and services, there is no way for them to purchase what they don't know. Google is the biggest search engine in the world today, so getting one's business listed on Google will pull lots of traffic to the business.

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I agree, expanding your reach makes your business more profitable. Being seen is advantage specially when your physical business is in a remote location.

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Exactly! There is no way your business is going to be know by a few people and you expect it to boom and expand over the night and make you a huge profit. It's possible at all not even if you make use of black hat tricks. The only way to ensure that your business gets the traffic you need and equally generate the profits you desire is my expanding your business reach through advertising.

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Proper advertising is a great tool towards insuring your business gets noticed. One is supposed to seek all possible tools to let people know and appreciate your business.

Offering high quality goods and services will boost your business too. One is expected to know the target customers and deliver the best

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Google my business program is also good. Lot of people are showing the shop images, map address and the phone. Along with open and closing hours on google. So that seems like a good approach to me. I am sure in near future things would be surely be changing. And google continues to improve the way things are going. I guess we learn from the experience in that context if we focus on localization.

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Yes, I totally agree. My uncle's business improved a lot by Googling it. Over here, addresses and locations tend to be confusing, so once people found the place by Internet, that was a complete difference. Also, you can add another features on Google, reviews, opinions and suggestions, so that helps too.

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Google local is the name of that feature. They allow you to add address and the other things on the address. And you can see that some of the other features can be available based on the schema implementation on the website. That way they can update the latest content from the website to the page.

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Love that you included tips for people who have face to face businesses rather than online. Even though I run my work through online sources, plenty of my friends have “bricks and mortar” businesses, so I’ll be sure to send this link to them!

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It is pretty nice that you are learning a whole lot from this forum as everything that I learn here, I try as much as I could to include them in the business that I always desire to run through which is pretty good for me.

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I always think that educating yourself about ways you can improve and create a better business is important - even if your business is running well I think there's always ways you can do things better! I try and continually improve myself and I think that's the key for a successful business (and life!)

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Some of us have physical businesses that we are doing and being a part of this great forum have made us become. My customer relationship, my accounts management as well as staff interactions have improved for the better.

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"Brick and mortar" businesses as @amelia88 has put it are essential for us as freelancers I believe. If you can have someone running your offline hustle it can assist to add more income. Plus there are times when online things may not be as satisfactory as one may desire.

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Google my business is a platform that lots of businesses are already taking over which is really great when we are looking at getting our physical businesses known to a larger set of people. You can only get this kind of thing done when we get to that level where you are doing everything that looks pretty good with your marketing section.

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Who doesn't know about Google in the world today? Everyone who makes use of the internet definitely knows about Google and equally makes use of the search engine. So, when it comes to taking advantage of the search engine, it's very important to get your business to key in with Google because it will get lots of people to know about your business.

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It's very important to do targeted advertising by location because it saves you money and it ensures that those who see your ad will actually get to visit your store, so you know if the ad is working or not.

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There's also a service being sold here which was used initially in political campaigns but now it's being used for marketing and advertising purposes it's called text blasting or text to all. This service uses a mobile phone to send text messages to all mobile phones in a certain area. The setup is a bit expensive but for businesses it's well worth it.

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Giving additional discount for those customers who will visited your physical store will help you a lot also to get more customer, like what the other business does. I saw an online business and advertise about their factory sales for the 1st 100 customers who will inquire and go to their physical store.

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It's the first time that i have heard about Beacon Advertising and i'm happy to know about it. I think this one is really good for my business and i cant wait to do a research about it. Thank for the information. Cheers...

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Google my business is really good. This is a good way of adding traffic to your business. When me and my friends get together we always want to try new things such as restaurants. We always use Google to search places near our area that we haven't tried. There's always something new. Recently, there's this place that we don't existed before this has become our new hangout.

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Wow, this beacon advertising looks great. This is new to me and I am amazed by the modernity of the digital technology. However, isn’t it like a pop up advertisement that is annoying? Anyway, if I don’t have the app on my phone then I wouldn’t be disturbed even if the user is just beside me. Fair enough. At least there is a sort of safeguard for the peace of the person you are intending to spam with that beacon advertising.

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I can relate to your experience on pop up advertisement. Yes, it is a bit annoying to me too. But if we have the business, we have no choice but to do that approach in promoting the business and to gain more potential customers or clients. It may seem annoying to the users but it is actually helpful to the business owners. But I believe not all users are annoyed with pop advertisements.

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These are very practical and timely tips for the offline or physical businesses out there. There always has to be a target with advertising. It should only be aimed at potential customers because the whole point is for sales to come in. And I do agree that location can be searched on Google because people including myself search physical stores or locations via google. There's so much that the physical or offline stores can benefit from if they employ these measures.

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This is just the first time that I have heard of beacon advertising. Maybe the reason why it is not regular is that not every one leaves their bluetooth turned on. Also push notification is really annoying. Most of the people I know, the first time they set up their mobile phones, blocking push notification is one of the first thing they tick off their phones.
Anyways, i like your first two points but the beacon advertising may seem promising, I dont really think that it could do much.

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Have unique and eye-catching advertisements, with the help of that, lots of customers can go to your business and look at the kinds of stuff that you are going to buy because you can catch their attention by the use of that good advertisements, and also have some promos and discounts written on your advertisement.

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