
I need 1 million views on youtube

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I need 1 million views on youtube

Hello guys i need 1 million views on youtube for 2 weeks and i pay for this service 500$


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If you looking for YouTube views, then SEOClerks is best place to get it. However, you can't arrange that here in community discussions. You need to search marketplace for suitable supplier / seller, or other option is to submit "Want to buy" then you will receive offers and you will be able to accept any of them, or even few.

If you searching marketplace for YT views then don't forget to use search filters to get better idea which service to choose. You can filter them by best reviews, seller levels, price etc... Here is link for you to start

Good luck

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It looks like this is an old discussion that by now you already know the score on selling service for Youtube views. Due to the numerous complaints of the purchased views that vanish later on, this site decided to ban such service that also applies to Facebook likes and Twitter followers. The traffic was effected by the bots and that means it is not legit and can be erased when discovered by the admin.

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That's a lot good luck with that. I maybe cynical but can you really get those views by buying them. I think it is always better to get your traffic in an organic manner. If you buy them they really wont convert. They are many courses on Youtube you can take that will help you get views. Those are a lot of views is it worth all that money that you will spend to get them? Just a thought I look to long term tactics to grow my business.

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I believe that when one is looking for quick viewing on his or her YouTube channel and all willing to pay for it may be out of necessity and urgency of such work. I agree that building and generating organic traffic takes longer time than when you are paying for it. So, it would be as a result of the need for the views to be immediate is the reason why some people pay for such views.

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I think so too. I'm just more in favor authentic traffic rather than bought views. It's because Youtube has a smarter algorithm now and can easily detect stuff like that.

When actual users view, comment, and subscribe to your content, you're more likely to earn from it. Having a dedicated and loyal target audience will mean a lot in the long -term.

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I agree. It would be nice to have an authentic traffic, but the person needs a quick views. So maybe paying for it is the only way to get a million views. We don't really know why but maybe it is needed immediately. So we can't question anyway why this person needs to pay, because we don't know his/her reason. Anyway, it's his own money.
Anyone who knows who can help him?

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I don't think paid views work for youtube. In order to get credit for views, your entire video or at last a large segment of the video must be watched, however, most of the views you get through traffic exchange or bots are between 30-60 seconds. Therefore, youtube does not credit these views. Even if you get credits for views, these are just a number and you will not earn anything from these paid views.

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You're probably right. It's not easy to trick Youtube nowadays. It's much more aware of such tactics and has developed preventive measures against it.

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Bit traffic might work for your blogs because when your page is viewed, it will be recorded. Bot traffic might even show up on google analytics, however, your bounce rate will be very high. However, as far as video is concerned, bot traffic does not work. I think bot traffic used to show up previously, however, these days in order to gain view credit, the video must be actually watched.

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That's nice to know. Even if it did, it's not really as useful as getting authentic traffic to your account. It's like what I learned from other successful Youtubers.

It's not about the number of views or viewers. It's about connecting with your target audience on a personal level and giving value to their time for watching your content.

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You earn on youtube in two ways, one from the clicks generated by the viewer one from the ad impression. Ad impression means the viewer will watch ads while watching video. However, in order to gain from ad impression, your videos must be watched. The 30 second bot traffic does not give you an ad impression.

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Now that's useful information. I also noticed that they're making it more capable of detecting actual human use.

Like with what you said, someone actually has to watch the videos with the ads in order to generate income. This is probably why many are focusing on connecting with their audience instead of simply getting bots that don't work.

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There are also other ways to earn on youtube. You can share affiliate link and make money from affiliate sales. You can also use youtube to drive traffic to your website and monetize the traffic.
Wheather on youtube or on your own website, bot traffic or traffic from traffic exchange or ptc do not work. In order to earn your visitors should engage with ads. These kinds of paid traffic do not interact with ads.

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That's an interesting comment you've made. If that's the case, why doesn't a person just start a blog and embed their videos or share a link to the videos in a blog post?

Also? Wouldn't it help to share your videos via Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, etc.?

Just twirling my hair and thinking. Hhhmmm?? I need 1 million views on youtube

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uploading a video, sharing on various social media platforms help you to generate genuine views. One of the best ways to generate views for your video is by creating a Facebook page, building followers and sharing your videos.
As long as the video content is good, you will always have someone to watch the video.
Another better way to earn videos is creating a lot of videos. Having 10 vides is always better than havng 1 video.

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I think that's the only best way to get a viewers, create your own gang, something like that, and even you have that it's not guarantee that they will watch your videos, like the owner of one forum site that he needs to pay the members for watching his videos and make a good comment about it.

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Social media sharing does not guarantee you traffic. It is just a way to attract visitors. In order to gain traffic, your content must be useful and interesting. Nobody will check your video or blog post unless it sounds interesting. You can use SEO to gain visibility, though.

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You're right. I guess everything's pretty much open nowadays. So sharing lots of content will help increase your social media presence.

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Problem with that method is that there is no striaght forward measurement for that strategy for that to work. Say if you want 10,000 views which is small number. does your method gurantees the views in specific time period? I think not. Because its not easy with youtube.

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Yes, it's not really useful. It'll just cost you money. So I believe they should find better ways to get views and subscribers there.

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It's difficult to get a million views in Youtube if your content is not quality, and even if you pay for it, what purpose does it serve? If you're doing it for ad revenue, I don't think paying for views will have a good return of investment for you, and if you're looking for your channel to go big, a video with 1 million views but with poor quality will not do the trick.

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That's true. More people are now realizing that quality content is a must in order to earn money from Youtube. It's the thing with this type of content. It should always be focused on quality and not quantity.

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Yeah, it's more important to have good quality videos released at consistent intervals, compared to pumping out a lot of videos after you had that 1 good video but then the drop in quality is noticeable.

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Yes, it'll just cause you to lose potential subscribers in no time. I like it when newcomers gradually improve the quality of their videos. It shows their dedication to making something worthwhile.

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I think you can get that kind of service here at SEO Clerks just go to the market place and look for YouTube views. Although $500 won't be enough to get a million views. That's like paying $0.0005 per view and that's a lot zeros.

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This is exactly what I feel about the amount of $500 being able to get him a million views on YouTube. It's going to be very hard because the pay per view is very poor and not appealing. But there is no harm in giving it a trial in my opinion, you may be surprised to see him get such. There is always a possibility in everything.

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If you pay for getting views on youtube, can you get your return of investment? I agree with jaymish2 that you should get aome courses or tactics to get views and subscriptions as well, I think it will be much better than paying for getting views. Well it is just my opinion.

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That’s my curiosity too - what’s the point or purpose of generating views, and is it worth it from the investment standpoint?

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More views more money from the creator of the videos know as the vlogger. They will create money from adsense and other stuffs but clicking likes bottom or subscribe there is not counted only viewing the video does.

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I think monetizing the channel is the plan there. Its a good strategy in my opinion as long as your content is in demand and have good quality, the channel will definitely gain audience by it's own. The investment is a good booster too make the channel go above other channels with the same content in terms of rank.

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I'm also wondering the same thing. Because maybe he will just wasting his money for nothing. I don't know exactly how the possible income for YouTube videos but if he's willing to pay that amount just to watch his video, maybe YouTube videos is good source of income.

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It won't really work. Youtube has continuously evolved in terms of revenue generation. So now it's even tighter in terms of security. You can only earn through legitimate means by earning your audience views.

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Yeah, maybe you're right, and how they count the views also, is that needed to finish the video or just a few secs. and do they need the comment before counting the views?

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I don't think they need comments. It's more about the viewer sticking around long enough to finish watching the advertisements on the channels.

But I've heard that they pay more for long videos now compared to short ones.

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It is not easy to have one million views on Youtube in just two weeks. It also depends on the content of your vlogs. Meanwhile, I strongly agree that you should need to get some courses or tactics in getting more views. It can be new trends that will hit the lead generation who are always active on Youtube.

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This is true as there are people that are dominating the YouTube generation with new vidoes and vlogs that have got new trends which the poster should look at and try to use that in order to improve his likes on YouTube.

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Yeah, I agree. Paying $500 for viewing your video is a little expensive I think, and you don't even know if it's worth and will guarantee that you will get that money back after you get the million views.

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Indeed. $500 is a bit expensive for getting viewers and basically, this never guarantees that you will earn it back. Better focus to the video contents you post. It should be trendy, informative and not boring so it will catch the attention of the target people.

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That's right, and I think by just simple reading articles about to advertise the video will helps him a lot. There're a lot of informative articles, blogs, and ebooks to get a lot of information, and it's less expensive.

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Absolutely! Articles are very helpful in all topics. One just need to make reading a habit. All information are given in articles, name it and they have it!

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And I think I know a website who paying the viewers to watch new uploaded videos. That website will take care and be responsible for you viewers, and it's looks like a lottery, the more you watch their videos, the more ticket for lottery. I think the site is snuckles if not mistaken.

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I know Snuckles. Basically, Snuckles has other sister's websites namely Baymack, Skylom and I forgot the other one. Skylom has a different format but they are all the same in terms of giving complimentary to the players.

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Yeah, that sites. I really don't know how much you going to pay them just to advertise your videos, and if that's really worth.

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I tried searching it on the Internet, however I could not find it. Nevertheless, they have a contact number on the Frequently Asked Question part, maybe the poster can call them on the number posted.

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Well, it's good that you are looking to pay at least $500 to get 1 million views on your YouTube. I'm absolutely sure that you can be able to get such services here on SEO marketplace but I must confess that what you are willing to pay won't be enough to get you a million views on YouTube. I still wish you good luck on your project all the same.

Peace out and Best regards,

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This is just it as the money involved is pretty low. However, if there is going to be a kind of YouTube videos generator, then the freelancer wouldn't mind taking up such offer since it is the work that is going to be done basically by a software and not humans.

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Probably $500 is going to generate a half of the views that you are looking for unless there is a software that is going to build up such views. YouTube views is not that easy to get for as low as $500 which is the reason you need to reconsider the amount so as not to get a service that is not so good for it.

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To get one million views in youtube, you need to have many subscribers and your video will interest the viewer. But of course you can have it all, think positive but you need to study it well and plan it well. You must know your viewers and the content of the video must be attractive to them and most importantly they will enjoy it.

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I think what you could do is to get several service providers specializing in YouTube Views that would help you gain 1 million views in that limited time. I don't think a single service provider can deliver that huge number views in just 2 weeks.

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I agree on you that. He should have an account to adsense as provider. With adsense he could be paid for putting ads in the middle of the videos. More viewing more money.

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Promote Your YouTube Video Now. Get Your Video Seen By Millions! Find Your Target Audience. Get Seen. Get Noticed. Real Views. Real People. Types: Video Promotion, Engagement, Analytics.

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I think it'd be reasonable to get the views through organic means. Like say ask some influencer to share your video on social media. And also find ways for others to promote your work. That way you can definitely get the views on the youtube. And it works out just fine. You can see that some of the time buying views may not be a good idea. As it can lead to bot related views which are not useful.

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That's helpful advice. I've also noticed that most new Youtubers tend to focus on that aspect instead of the more important ones. Like quality and audience engagement. You need to show and prove to your viewers that you value their time as much as they value your hard work.

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I know a lot of channels where the comments are blocked or closed and they focus on the views. And for them it works out. It may not be easy though. Because as you know lot of times there are some of the youtube changes that may not count some views. SO organic method is assuring to be safe for account.

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That's true. I think it would be hard if they blocked comments. I guess those are for exclusive and somewhat polarizing content. Let's just stay on the path of earning viewers one step at a time.

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Yeah. Lot of comments often are out of line. Lot of personal attacks, sarcasm and stuff. People often don;t like the comments in that case. I can tell you that some of the time it may not be that easy to sustain the trolls. But lot of channels are learning from experience and handling the comments.

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I've also heard that major channels have active people on the lookout for such. I think they hire individuals whose job is to remove negative comments. Particularly, those nasty ones.

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Yes youtube has a feature named moderator. And they hire people to do that. And they remove comments which are affecting their brand. Though they don't delete all the comments. But they do delete the ones that are really nasty too much personal etc. I think that's reasonable for brand name cleanup.

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I'm glad such a feature exists. People don't deserve the hate they're getting. Many envious users are simply venting frustrations and being complacent.

Let's move past negativity and spread positive vibes wherever we go.

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I really don't know how you going to promote your videos to get that million views in just 2 weeks. Wish you a lot of luck, but it's also interesting, I'm curious about your strategy to get that.

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I agree. Though there are websites taking care of this, there is no guarantee that it will be easy to have a million views in just two short weeks. Hopefully, you be able to make it. Good luck!

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I think the snuckles company is one of them. This snuckles willing to pay the viewers by watching newly uploaded videos. It's looks like a lottery, and a ticket every videos, this one is legit, I earned from this, but actually not enough for consuming my data.

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Oh, that's new. I've also seen some sites like that. I guess they're earning lots of money from people's views. I hope we get more creative means of extra income.

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There are absolutely a lot of means to earn extra income on the Internet. Transcribing, proof reading, blogging, freelance content writer and many more. We just need to be resourceful on finding some sites because there are also a lot out there that do not pay, probably a scam. So, we have to be extra cautious on anything we search on the Internet.

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You're right. It's mostly a question of whether we have the necessary skills to qualify. It's not so different compared to offline jobs.

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You will earn maybe a cents a day, but if you're lucky enough to won even just three or four numbers this equivalent to $3 to $4 and if you got the jackpot, maybe a hundred dollars.

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Absolutely. Snuckles and its other sister companies are willing to pay by watching the newly uploaded videos of their clients. It can be a lottery, coins or tickets. It is fun and enjoyable too however I agree that it does not worth consuming your mobile data.

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It's kind of random as well. You won't get a lot of money through it. So maybe you need to look for other source of income. But I guess some users have had success with it already.

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But I think this is effective way to advertise your video. I have a favorite newly uploaded video on snuckles and that was "I feel like a prisoner" a rock song and I saw the potential of that music and now, that video has million views.

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Yes, it's not a very realistic approach. While it is possible to do this, you'll have to plan ahead for a lot of stuff. And even then only time will tell. So don't rush your channel's traffic and let it grow naturally.

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Better to just keep uploading your videos, and wait for the right time, actually by doing this, you are now wasting your time, even you don't have viewers because just one hit video, and I know people will look for your another video and will watch your previous upload.

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Yes, and it's not that important to get big exposure. What you need is the right audience. Because once the hype is over, they'll likely not comeback.

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Well, not very related to those services of paying these and getting that, but I know a guy on YouTube got his 1 million viewers by doing a challenge. He is a photographer, the amazing Jordan Matter, and he promised to his viewers, that once he reached the million, he will do a photo session wearing a leotard and tutu hahaha. And he did!!! It was unbelievably good, funny, challenging, inspiring, and he got what he deserved, more than a million subscribers and fans.

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Now that's how you do it. I think this is a more legitimate way of earning viewers. It shows that you're brave and willing to communicate directly with people. No messing around. Just good old fashioned challenges. Both the audience and the Youtuber get something out of it.

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I know right? Man, that was amazing. I was checking that guy YouTube account, and suddenly he started doing that challenge. He reached 1 million subscribers so fast! Honestly, I do recommend you to check his channel, he also has very inspiring videos, with people that has gone through very hard days.

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I really think that $500 dollars is not enough to pay for a million views in two weeks. It is still better to go for authentic views. Overtime, if you have a good content your views will multiply. But it seems your in a hurry. It might help to increase the payment. Best of luck with this project.

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Me too. Practically everyone is telling aspiring Youtubers to do just that. You should focus on giving stuff that will not only appeal to your audience, it must also be worth their time. That's how you earn their views.

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Wow, that's a large amount of money. Make sure that you use a reputable seller as you don't want to be scammed out of $100. I'm sure there are some sellers here on SEOClerks that will be able to get it done for you. However, I would advise you to try and stay away from buying views for your channel. It never really works out that well for your channel or videos.

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That is exactly the point. It is better to focus on the content of the video than buying views for the channel. Getting more trendy and more informative can absolutely catch the eyes of your lead targets.

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I agree. Lots of people notice informative videos. It helps them learn new things while also being entertained. I see it as a nice way of spending time with your target audience.

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Nice point, engaging with the target audience. That is an effective way to get more views on your channel. Many viewers go back and forth to a channel that the social administration is active and engages well with the followers.

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This is how famous Youtubers continue to gain audience and followers. They makes informative content and engage with their watchers. Even a simple comment means a lot for those who tune in for their content.

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I basically agree with that. I saw a lot of Youtubers who are gaining popularity not just because of their informative and entertaining contents but also because they are consistently engaging with their audience. As a viewer, it feels great when the uploader notices and engages with my comment. Feels like my comment is worth reading.

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Yes, it feels like they've given you something nice. It always feels great when your favorite content creator acknowledges your presence. It's our way of being starstruck. Hahaha!

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That is right! Thinking that hundreds or sometimes thousands are commenting on a certain video, and your favorite Youtuber responded to your comment, that is one in a million. Feels like I am walking in the rain!

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I feel the same. It's like you almost won the lottery. And you celebrate by watching more of their content. So it's a win-win situation for both parties.

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Yeah, that's essentially investing $100 on something that will not even help in the long run for the channel as the views are based on how good or watchable the video is, and buying views will only make 1 video trending, and it's quite noticeable when someone buys views when the video is sub-par.

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I don't like it when that happens. It's very embarrassing. I think more aspiring Youtubers should improve their content instead of trying to get more views.

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That's right. Collecting data of trendy videos that can publish is advisable. After making a research of what and which is trendy, then make a video that is worth watching.

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That seems to be thing right now. Youtubers focus on the latest stuff out there. So that they can go with the trends and hypes and get more views.

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Yeah, people should focus more on the aspect of learning and improving their craft along the way. Having this mindset will j increase your view count naturally without even advertising since people will notice the quality of your work. Focusing too much on views right from the start through various methods like clickbaiting, purchasing views, or advertising on other sites to increase traffic would just stagnate your progress.

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That is right. I strongly agree with your statement, 'Focusing too much on views right from the start through various methods like click baiting, purchasing views, or advertising on other sites to increase traffic would just stagnate your progress.' As we say, there is always a room for improvement. Things can be difficult at first and needs a lot of time and effort, but as you go along in the process and be able to make a well-quality video that the target audience will enjoy to watch, it is all worth it.

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Yeah, the problem is that most people nowadays especially younger ones are so used to having everything in an instant, so they also want to get more views instantly that they can't take having few viewers at the very start, causing them to resort to other methods. Everyone should learn the value of hard work and practice even with something like Youtube.

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The best way for newcomers to learn this is through experience. Their mistakes will eventually lead them to the realization of quality over quantity. And this realization will guide their future decisions.

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This is right. Younger ones do not realize how important hard work is because they are too dependent in everything that is instant. Well, we can't basically blame them because they were born in the generation of computers and life is really moving fast. Hopefully, younger ones will be able to learn the true value of hard work in time.

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I agree. But more important than that. They should learn to work smarter. Not just harder. Because it's often that there are better ways to do thing. More efficient methods for maximum results.

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We also get to befriend people in the process. I think most of us like connecting with Youtubers on an emotional level. It's like we know them despite living in different parts of the world.

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Not only will it hinder your progress, it can also damage your reputation. Each new viewer will have to decide whether they find your content worth their time. And by betraying their trust through sub-par content, you're making it less likely for you to succeed.

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Oh yeah, some channels just have a reputation of being purely clickbait, no matter how many times they try to reinvent their content.

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That's true. And it's not even reinvention. More like repackaging and rehashing deceptive content to fool the same people. I hope we get less of this kind of users on Youtube.

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That's the way it's supposed to be. It's not really different from selling something. Here you're selling your video content. But it's for free. And you still earn money if you can generate enough views and genuine interaction.

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I never knew that 1 million views was realizable but I hear that SEOclerks can really assist. So you are in the right place. Is 500$ not something substantial for the views?

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